swagger: '2.0' info: title: Harbor API description: These APIs provide services for manipulating Harbor project. version: '' host: localhost schemes: - http - https basePath: /api/ produces: - application/json consumes: - application/json securityDefinitions: basicAuth: type: basic security: - basicAuth: [] paths: /chartrepo/health: get: summary: Check the health of chart repository service. description: Check the health of chart repository service. tags: - Chart Repository responses: '200': description: Health status of chart repository service is returned. schema: type: object properties: healthy: type: boolean '401': $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedChartAPIError' '403': $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenChartAPIError' /chartrepo/{repo}/charts: get: summary: Get all the charts under the specified project description: Get all the charts under the specified project tags: - Chart Repository parameters: - name: repo in: path type: string required: true description: The project name responses: '200': description: Searched for charts of project in Harbor successfully. schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ChartInfoEntry' '401': $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedChartAPIError' '403': $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenChartAPIError' '500': $ref: '#/definitions/InternalChartAPIError' post: summary: Upload a chart file to the specified project. description: 'Upload a chart file to the specified project. With this API, the corresponding provance file can be uploaded together with chart file at once.' tags: - Chart Repository consumes: - multipart/form-data parameters: - name: repo in: path type: string required: true description: The project name - name: chart in: formData type: file required: true description: The chart file - name: prov in: formData type: file required: false description: The provance file responses: '201': description: The specified chart is successfully uploaded. '401': $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedChartAPIError' '403': $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenChartAPIError' '500': $ref: '#/definitions/InternalChartAPIError' '507': $ref: '#/definitions/InsufficientStorageChartAPIError' /chartrepo/{repo}/charts/{name}: get: summary: Get all the versions of the specified chart description: Get all the versions of the specified chart tags: - Chart Repository parameters: - name: repo in: path type: string required: true description: The project name - name: name in: path type: string required: true description: The chart name responses: '200': description: Retrieved all versions of the specified chart schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ChartVersions' '401': $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedChartAPIError' '403': $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenChartAPIError' '404': $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundChartAPIError' '500': $ref: '#/definitions/InternalChartAPIError' delete: summary: Delete all the versions of the specified chart description: Delete all the versions of the specified chart tags: - Chart Repository parameters: - name: repo in: path type: string required: true description: The project name - name: name in: path type: string required: true description: The chart name responses: '200': description: The specified chart entry is successfully deleted. '401': $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedChartAPIError' '403': $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenChartAPIError' '500': $ref: '#/definitions/InternalChartAPIError' /chartrepo/{repo}/charts/{name}/{version}: get: summary: Get the specified chart version description: Get the specified chart version tags: - Chart Repository parameters: - name: repo in: path type: string required: true description: The project name - name: name in: path type: string required: true description: The chart name - name: version in: path type: string required: true description: The chart version responses: '200': description: Successfully retrieved the chart version schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ChartVersionDetails' '401': $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedChartAPIError' '403': $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenChartAPIError' '404': $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundChartAPIError' '500': $ref: '#/definitions/InternalChartAPIError' delete: summary: Delete the specified chart version description: Delete the specified chart version tags: - Chart Repository parameters: - name: repo in: path type: string required: true description: The project name - name: name in: path type: string required: true description: The chart name - name: version in: path type: string required: true description: The chart version responses: '200': description: The specified chart entry is successfully deleted. '401': $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedChartAPIError' '403': $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenChartAPIError' '404': $ref: '#/definitions/NotFoundChartAPIError' '500': $ref: '#/definitions/InternalChartAPIError' /chartrepo/{repo}/prov: post: summary: Upload a provance file to the specified project. description: Upload a provance file to the specified project. The provance file should be targeted for an existing chart file. tags: - Chart Repository consumes: - multipart/form-data parameters: - name: repo in: path type: string required: true description: The project name - name: prov in: formData type: file required: true description: The provance file responses: '201': description: The provance file is successfully uploaded. '401': $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedChartAPIError' '403': $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenChartAPIError' '500': $ref: '#/definitions/InternalChartAPIError' '507': $ref: '#/definitions/InsufficientStorageChartAPIError' /chartrepo/charts: post: summary: Upload a chart file to the defult 'library' project. description: Upload a chart file to the default 'library' project. Uploading together with the prov file at the same time is also supported. tags: - Chart Repository consumes: - multipart/form-data parameters: - name: chart in: formData type: file required: true description: The chart file - name: prov in: formData type: file required: false description: The provance file responses: '201': description: The specified chart is successfully uploaded. '401': $ref: '#/definitions/UnauthorizedChartAPIError' '403': $ref: '#/definitions/ForbiddenChartAPIError' '500': $ref: '#/definitions/InternalChartAPIError' '507': $ref: '#/definitions/InsufficientStorageChartAPIError' definitions: ChartAPIError: description: The error object returned by chart repository API type: object required: - error properties: error: type: string description: The error message returned by the chart API UnauthorizedChartAPIError: description: Unauthorized type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ChartAPIError' ForbiddenChartAPIError: description: Operation is forbidden or quota exceeded type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ChartAPIError' InternalChartAPIError: description: Internal server error occurred type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ChartAPIError' NotFoundChartAPIError: description: Not found type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ChartAPIError' InsufficientStorageChartAPIError: description: Insufficient storage type: object allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ChartAPIError' ChartInfoEntry: type: object description: The object contains basic chart information required: - name - total_versions - created properties: name: type: string description: Name of chart total_versions: type: integer description: Total count of chart versions latest_version: type: string description: latest version of chart created: type: string description: The created time of chart updated: type: string description: The created time of chart icon: type: string description: The icon path of chart home: type: string description: The home website of chart deprecated: type: boolean description: Flag to indicate if the chart is deprecated ChartInfoList: type: array description: The chart list under the project items: $ref: '#/definitions/ChartInfoEntry' ChartVersion: type: object description: A specified chart entry allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ChartMetadata' - type: object properties: created: type: string description: The created time of the chart entry removed: type: boolean description: A flag to indicate if the chart entry is removed digest: type: string description: The digest value of the chart entry urls: type: array description: The urls of the chart entry items: type: string properties: labels: $ref: '#/definitions/Labels' ChartVersions: type: array description: A list of chart entry items: $ref: '#/definitions/ChartVersion' ChartVersionDetails: type: object description: The detailed information of the chart entry properties: metadata: $ref: '#/definitions/ChartVersion' security: $ref: '#/definitions/SecurityReport' dependencies: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Dependency' values: type: object additionalProperties: type: object files: type: object additionalProperties: type: string labels: $ref: '#/definitions/Labels' ChartMetadata: type: object description: The metadata of chart version required: - name - version - engine - icon - apiVersion - appVersion properties: name: type: string description: The name of the chart home: type: string description: The URL to the relevant project page sources: type: array description: The URL to the source code of chart items: type: string version: type: string description: A SemVer 2 version of chart description: type: string description: A one-sentence description of chart keywords: type: array description: A list of string keywords items: type: string engine: type: string description: The name of template engine icon: type: string description: The URL to an icon file apiVersion: type: string description: The API version of this chart appVersion: type: string description: The version of the application enclosed in the chart deprecated: type: boolean description: Whether or not this chart is deprecated Labels: type: array description: A list of label items: $ref: '#/definitions/Label' Label: type: object properties: id: type: integer description: The ID of label. name: type: string description: The name of label. description: type: string description: The description of label. color: type: string description: The color of label. scope: type: string description: 'The scope of label, g for global labels and p for project labels.' project_id: type: integer description: The project ID if the label is a project label. creation_time: type: string description: The creation time of label. update_time: type: string description: The update time of label. deleted: type: boolean description: The label is deleted or not. SecurityReport: type: object description: The security information of the chart properties: signature: $ref: '#/definitions/DigitalSignature' Dependency: type: object description: Another chart the chart depends on required: - name - version properties: name: type: string description: The name of the chart denpendency version: type: string description: The version of the chart dependency repository: type: string description: The URL to the repository DigitalSignature: type: object description: The signature of the chart properties: signed: type: boolean description: A flag to indicate if the chart is signed prov_file: type: string description: The URL of the provance file