# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys import time import subprocess import client import swagger_client import v2_swagger_client try: from urllib import getproxies except ImportError: from urllib.request import getproxies class Server: def __init__(self, endpoint, verify_ssl): self.endpoint = endpoint self.verify_ssl = verify_ssl class Credential: def __init__(self, type, username, password): self.type = type self.username = username self.password = password def get_endpoint(): harbor_server = os.environ.get("HARBOR_HOST", "localhost:8080") return os.environ.get("HARBOR_HOST_SCHEMA", "https")+ "://"+harbor_server+"/api/v2.0" def _create_client(server, credential, debug, api_type="products"): cfg = None if api_type in ('projectv2', 'artifact', 'repository', 'scan'): cfg = v2_swagger_client.Configuration() else: cfg = swagger_client.Configuration() cfg.host = server.endpoint cfg.verify_ssl = server.verify_ssl # support basic auth only for now cfg.username = credential.username cfg.password = credential.password cfg.debug = debug proxies = getproxies() proxy = proxies.get('http', proxies.get('all', None)) if proxy: cfg.proxy = proxy if cfg.username is None and cfg.password is None: # returns {} for auth_settings for anonymous access import types cfg.auth_settings = types.MethodType(lambda self: {}, cfg) return { "chart": client.ChartRepositoryApi(client.ApiClient(cfg)), "products": swagger_client.ProductsApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(cfg)), "projectv2": v2_swagger_client.ProjectApi(v2_swagger_client.ApiClient(cfg)), "artifact": v2_swagger_client.ArtifactApi(v2_swagger_client.ApiClient(cfg)), "repository": v2_swagger_client.RepositoryApi(v2_swagger_client.ApiClient(cfg)), "scan": v2_swagger_client.ScanApi(v2_swagger_client.ApiClient(cfg)), "scanner": swagger_client.ScannersApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(cfg)), }.get(api_type,'Error: Wrong API type') def _assert_status_code(expect_code, return_code): if str(return_code) != str(expect_code): raise Exception(r"HTTPS status code s not as we expected. Expected {}, while actual HTTPS status code is {}.".format(expect_code, return_code)) def _assert_status_body(expect_status_body, returned_status_body): if expect_status_body.strip() != returned_status_body.strip(): raise Exception(r"HTTPS status body s not as we expected. Expected {}, while actual HTTPS status body is {}.".format(expect_status_body, returned_status_body)) def _random_name(prefix): return "%s-%d" % (prefix, int(round(time.time() * 1000))) def _get_id_from_header(header): try: location = header["Location"] return int(location.split("/")[-1]) except Exception: return None def _get_string_from_unicode(udata): result='' for u in udata: tmp = u.encode('utf8') result = result + tmp.strip('\n\r\t') return result def run_command(command): print("Command: ", subprocess.list2cmdline(command)) try: output = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise Exception('Error: Exited with error code: %s. Output:%s'% (e.returncode, e.output)) return output class Base(object): def __init__(self, server=None, credential=None, debug=True, api_type="products"): if server is None: server = Server(endpoint=get_endpoint(), verify_ssl=False) if not isinstance(server.verify_ssl, bool): server.verify_ssl = server.verify_ssl == "True" if credential is None: credential = Credential(type="basic_auth", username="admin", password="Harbor12345") self.server = server self.credential = credential self.debug = debug self.api_type = api_type self.client = _create_client(server, credential, debug, api_type=api_type) def _get_client(self, **kwargs): if len(kwargs) == 0: return self.client server = self.server if "endpoint" in kwargs: server.endpoint = kwargs.get("endpoint") if "verify_ssl" in kwargs: if not isinstance(kwargs.get("verify_ssl"), bool): server.verify_ssl = kwargs.get("verify_ssl") == "True" else: server.verify_ssl = kwargs.get("verify_ssl") credential = Credential( kwargs.get("type", self.credential.type), kwargs.get("username", self.credential.username), kwargs.get("password", self.credential.password), ) return _create_client(server, credential, self.debug, kwargs.get('api_type', self.api_type))