#/bin/bash echo " " echo "Please enter the registry service you want to pull the pre-built images from." echo "Enter 1 for Docker Hub." echo "Enter 2 for Daocloud.io (recommended for Chinese users)." echo "or enter other registry URL such as https://my_registry/harbor/ ." read -p "The default is 1 (Docker Hub): " choice cd ../../Deploy template_file="docker-compose.yml.template" yml_file='docker-compose.yml' if test -e $template_file then cp $template_file $yml_file else cp $yml_file $template_file fi platform='' choice=${choice:-1} if [ $choice == '1' ] then platform='prjharbor/' elif [ $choice == '2' ] then platform='daocloud.io/harbor/' else platform=$choice fi version='0.3.0' log='deploy_log:' db='deploy_mysql:' job_service='deploy_jobservice:' ui='deploy_ui:' sed -i -- '/build: .\/log\//c\ image: '$platform$log$version'' $yml_file sed -i -- '/build: .\/db\//c\ image: '$platform$db$version'' $yml_file sed -i -- '/ui:/{n;N;N;d}' $yml_file && sed -i -- '/ui:/a\\ image: '$platform$ui$version'' $yml_file sed -i -- '/jobservice:/{n;N;N;d}' $yml_file && sed -i -- '/jobservice:/a\\ image: '$platform$job_service$version'' $yml_file echo "Succeeded! " echo "Please follow the normal installation process to install Harbor."