import { Component, Input, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { AdditionsService } from '../additions.service'; import { ClrDatagridComparatorInterface, ClrDatagridStateInterface, ClrLoadingState, } from '@clr/angular'; import { finalize } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { AdditionLink } from '../../../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/models/addition-link'; import { ProjectService, ScannerVo, ScanningResultService, SystemInfoService, UserPermissionService, USERSTATICPERMISSION, VulnerabilityItem, } from '../../../../../../shared/services'; import { ErrorHandler } from '../../../../../../shared/units/error-handler'; import { getPageSizeFromLocalStorage, PageSizeMapKeys, setPageSizeToLocalStorage, SEVERITY_LEVEL_MAP, } from '../../../../../../shared/units/utils'; import { ResultBarChartComponent } from '../../vulnerability-scanning/result-bar-chart.component'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { Artifact } from '../../../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/models/artifact'; import { SessionService } from '../../../../../../shared/services/session.service'; import { EventService, HarborEvent, } from '../../../../../../services/event-service/event.service'; import { severityText } from '../../../../../left-side-nav/interrogation-services/vulnerability-database/security-hub.interface'; @Component({ selector: 'hbr-artifact-vulnerabilities', templateUrl: './artifact-vulnerabilities.component.html', styleUrls: ['./artifact-vulnerabilities.component.scss'], }) export class ArtifactVulnerabilitiesComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { @Input() vulnerabilitiesLink: AdditionLink; @Input() projectName: string; @Input() projectId: number; @Input() repoName: string; @Input() digest: string; @Input() artifact: Artifact; @Input() scanBtnState: ClrLoadingState = ClrLoadingState.DEFAULT; @Input() hasEnabledScanner: boolean = false; scan_overview: any; scanner: ScannerVo; scanningResults: VulnerabilityItem[] = []; loading: boolean = false; severitySort: ClrDatagridComparatorInterface; cvssSort: ClrDatagridComparatorInterface; hasScanningPermission: boolean = false; onSendingScanCommand: boolean = false; onSendingStopCommand: boolean = false; hasShowLoading: boolean = false; @ViewChild(ResultBarChartComponent) resultBarChartComponent: ResultBarChartComponent; sub: Subscription; hasViewInitWithDelay: boolean = false; currentCVEList: Array<{ cve_id: string }> = []; pageSize: number = getPageSizeFromLocalStorage( PageSizeMapKeys.ARTIFACT_VUL_COMPONENT, 25 ); readonly severityText = severityText; constructor( private errorHandler: ErrorHandler, private additionsService: AdditionsService, private userPermissionService: UserPermissionService, private scanningService: ScanningResultService, private eventService: EventService, private session: SessionService, private projectService: ProjectService, private systemInfoService: SystemInfoService ) { const that = this; this.severitySort = { compare(a: VulnerabilityItem, b: VulnerabilityItem): number { return that.getLevel(a) - that.getLevel(b); }, }; this.cvssSort = { compare(a: VulnerabilityItem, b: VulnerabilityItem): number { if ( a && a.preferred_cvss && a.preferred_cvss.score_v3 && b && b.preferred_cvss && b.preferred_cvss.score_v3 ) { return ( +a.preferred_cvss.score_v3 - +b.preferred_cvss.score_v3 ); } return 0; }, }; } ngOnInit() { this.getVulnerabilities(); this.getScanningPermission(); if (!this.sub) { this.sub = this.eventService.subscribe( HarborEvent.UPDATE_VULNERABILITY_INFO, (artifact: Artifact) => { if (artifact?.digest === this.artifact?.digest) { this.getVulnerabilities(); } } ); } setTimeout(() => { this.hasViewInitWithDelay = true; }, 0); // get system and project CVE allow list this.getCurrentCVEAllowList(); } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.sub) { this.sub.unsubscribe(); this.sub = null; } } getVulnerabilities() { if ( this.vulnerabilitiesLink && !this.vulnerabilitiesLink.absolute && this.vulnerabilitiesLink.href ) { if (!this.hasShowLoading) { this.loading = true; this.hasShowLoading = true; } this.additionsService .getDetailByLink(this.vulnerabilitiesLink.href, true, false) .pipe( finalize(() => { this.loading = false; this.hasShowLoading = false; }) ) .subscribe( res => { this.scan_overview = res; if ( this.scan_overview && Object.values(this.scan_overview)[0] ) { this.scanningResults = (Object.values(this.scan_overview)[0] as any) .vulnerabilities || []; // sort if (this.scanningResults) { this.scanningResults.sort( (a, b) => this.getLevel(b) - this.getLevel(a) ); } this.scanner = ( Object.values(this.scan_overview)[0] as any ).scanner; } }, error => { this.errorHandler.error(error); } ); } } getScanningPermission(): void { const permissions = [ { resource: USERSTATICPERMISSION.REPOSITORY_TAG_SCAN_JOB.KEY, action: USERSTATICPERMISSION.REPOSITORY_TAG_SCAN_JOB.VALUE .CREATE, }, ]; this.userPermissionService .hasProjectPermissions(this.projectId, permissions) .subscribe( (results: Array) => { this.hasScanningPermission = results[0]; // only has label permission }, error => this.errorHandler.error(error) ); } getLevel(v: VulnerabilityItem): number { if (v && v.severity && SEVERITY_LEVEL_MAP[v.severity]) { return SEVERITY_LEVEL_MAP[v.severity]; } return 0; } refresh(): void { this.getVulnerabilities(); } scanNow() { this.onSendingScanCommand = true; this.eventService.publish( HarborEvent.START_SCAN_ARTIFACT, this.repoName + '/' + this.digest ); } submitFinish(e: boolean) { this.onSendingScanCommand = e; } submitStopFinish(e: boolean) { this.onSendingStopCommand = e; } shouldShowBar(): boolean { return ( this.hasViewInitWithDelay && this.resultBarChartComponent && (this.resultBarChartComponent.queued || this.resultBarChartComponent.scanning || this.resultBarChartComponent.error || this.resultBarChartComponent.stopped) ); } hasScanned(): boolean { return ( this.hasViewInitWithDelay && this.resultBarChartComponent && !( this.resultBarChartComponent.completed || this.resultBarChartComponent.error || this.resultBarChartComponent.queued || this.resultBarChartComponent.stopped || this.resultBarChartComponent.scanning ) ); } handleScanOverview(scanOverview: any): any { if (scanOverview) { return Object.values(scanOverview)[0]; } return null; } isSystemAdmin(): boolean { const account = this.session.getCurrentUser(); return account && account.has_admin_role; } getCurrentCVEAllowList() { this.projectService.getProject(this.projectId).subscribe(projectRes => { if ( projectRes && projectRes.cve_allowlist && projectRes.metadata && projectRes.metadata.reuse_sys_cve_allowlist === 'false' ) { // use project CVE allow list this.currentCVEList = projectRes.cve_allowlist['items']; } else { // use system CVE allow list this.systemInfoService .getSystemAllowlist() .subscribe(systemRes => { if ( systemRes && systemRes.items && systemRes.items.length ) { this.currentCVEList = systemRes.items; } }); } }); } isInAllowList(CVEId: string): boolean { if (this.currentCVEList && this.currentCVEList.length) { for (let i = 0; i < this.currentCVEList.length; i++) { if (CVEId === this.currentCVEList[i].cve_id) { return true; } } } return false; } getScannerInfo(scanner: ScannerVo): string { if (scanner) { if ( && scanner.version) { return `${}@${scanner.version}`; } if ( && !scanner.version) { return `${}`; } } return ''; } isRunningState(): boolean { return ( this.hasViewInitWithDelay && this.resultBarChartComponent && (this.resultBarChartComponent.queued || this.resultBarChartComponent.scanning) ); } scanOrStop() { if (this.isRunningState()) { this.stopNow(); } else { this.scanNow(); } } stopNow() { this.onSendingStopCommand = true; this.eventService.publish( HarborEvent.STOP_SCAN_ARTIFACT, this.repoName + '/' + this.digest ); } canScan(): boolean { return ( this.hasEnabledScanner && this.hasScanningPermission && !this.onSendingScanCommand ); } load(state: ClrDatagridStateInterface) { if (state?.page?.size) { setPageSizeToLocalStorage( PageSizeMapKeys.ARTIFACT_VUL_COMPONENT, ); } } }