# Copyright Project Harbor Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License *** Settings *** Documentation This resource provides helper functions for docker operations Library OperatingSystem Library Process *** Keywords *** Delete All Requests Sleep 3 Run Keyword And Ignore Error Click button //button[contains(., 'Delete all requests')] Verify Request [Arguments] &{property} FOR ${key} IN @{property.keys()} Wait Until Page Contains "${key}":"${property['${key}']}" END Get Latest Webhook Execution ID ${execution_id}= Get Text //clr-dg-row[1]//clr-dg-cell[1]//a [Return] ${execution_id} Verify Webhook Execution [Arguments] ${execution_id} ${vendor_type} ${status} ${event_type} ${payload_data} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //clr-dg-row[.//clr-dg-cell/a[text()=${execution_id}]]//clr-dg-cell[3][contains(.,'${status}')] Wait Until Page Contains Element //clr-dg-row[.//clr-dg-cell/a[text()=${execution_id}]]//clr-dg-cell[2][contains(.,'WEBHOOK')] Wait Until Page Contains Element //clr-dg-row[.//clr-dg-cell/a[text()=${execution_id}]]//clr-dg-cell[4][contains(.,'${event_type}')] Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[.//clr-dg-cell/a[text()=${execution_id}]]//clr-dg-cell[5] FOR ${key} IN @{payload_data.keys()} Wait Until Page Contains "${key}": "${payload_data['${key}']}" END Verify Webhook Execution Log [Arguments] ${execution_id} ${log}=success to run webhook job Retry Link Click //clr-dg-row//clr-dg-cell/a[text()=${execution_id}] Retry Link Click //clr-dg-row[1]//clr-dg-cell[5]//a Switch Window locator=NEW Wait Until Page Contains ${log}