Test 12-03 LDAP Usergroup Delete ======= # Purpose To verify admin user can delete an LDAP group # References: User guide # Environments: * This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available. * An LDAP server is running and available, and enabled memberof overlay feature * LDAP group config parameter are configured. 1. ldap_group_basedn 1. ldap_group_filter 1. ldap_gid 1. ldap_group_scope # Test Steps: 1. Login UI as admin user. 2. In `Administration->User Group` page, Add an LDAP with a valid group DN with group name. 3. In Project Member of library, assign this user group with a developer role to this user group. 4. In `Administration->User Group` page, Delete the user group with a different name. 5. Check Project Member of library, make sure there is no role for this user group. # Expected Outcome: * In step4 the user group is deleted, and all its project member information is removed too. # Possible Problem: None