Test 4-02 - User Views Logs (LDAP Mode) ======= # Purpose: To verify that a non-admin user can views logs when users are managed externally by LDAP or AD (LDAP mode). # References: User guide # Environment: * This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available. * Harbor is set to authenticate against an LDAP or AD server. ( auth_mode is set to **ldap_auth** .) The user data is stored in an LDAP or AD server. * A linux host with Docker CLI installed (Docker client). # Test Steps: 1. On a Docker client host, use `docker login ` command to log in as a non-admin user. 2. Run some `docker push` and `docker pull` commands to push images to the registry and pull from the registry. 3. Log in to the UI as the non-admin user. 4. Delete a few images from the project. 5. View the logs of the project. 6. Try below search criteria to see if the search result is correct: * push only * pull only * pull and push * delete only * all * push and delete * different date ranges * date range and push # Expected Outcome: * All operations in Step 2 & 4 should be logged. * Logs can be viewed in Step 5, check if the time and operations are correct. * Logs can be filtered in Step 6. # Possible Problems: None