/* remove the redundant data from table artifact_blob */ delete from artifact_blob afb where not exists (select digest from blob b where b.digest = afb.digest_af); /* add subject_artifact_digest and subject_artifact_repo */ alter table artifact_accessory add column IF NOT EXISTS subject_artifact_digest varchar(1024); alter table artifact_accessory add column IF NOT EXISTS subject_artifact_repo varchar(1024); DO $$ DECLARE acc RECORD; art RECORD; BEGIN FOR acc IN SELECT * FROM artifact_accessory LOOP SELECT * INTO art from artifact where id = acc.subject_artifact_id; UPDATE artifact_accessory SET subject_artifact_digest=art.digest, subject_artifact_repo=art.repository_name WHERE subject_artifact_id = art.id; END LOOP; END $$; alter table artifact_accessory drop CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS artifact_accessory_subject_artifact_id_fkey; alter table artifact_accessory drop CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS unique_artifact_accessory; DO $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_constraint WHERE conname = 'unique_artifact_accessory') THEN ALTER TABLE artifact_accessory ADD CONSTRAINT unique_artifact_accessory UNIQUE (artifact_id, subject_artifact_digest); END IF; END $$; /* Update the registry and replication policy associated with the chartmuseum */ UPDATE registry SET description = 'Chartmuseum has been deprecated in Harbor v2.8.0, please delete this registry.' WHERE type in ('artifact-hub', 'helm-hub'); WITH filter_objects AS ( SELECT id, jsonb_array_elements(filters::jsonb) AS filter FROM replication_policy WHERE filters IS NOT NULL AND filters != '' AND jsonb_typeof(CAST(filters AS jsonb)) = 'array' ), replication_policy_ids AS ( SELECT rp.id FROM registry r INNER JOIN replication_policy rp ON (rp.dest_registry_id = r.id OR rp.src_registry_id = r.id) WHERE r.type IN ('artifact-hub', 'helm-hub') ) UPDATE replication_policy AS rp SET enabled = false, filters = ( SELECT COALESCE(jsonb_agg(fo.filter)::text, '') FROM filter_objects AS fo WHERE fo.id = rp.id AND NOT(filter ->> 'type' = 'resource' AND filter ->> 'value' = 'chart') ), description = 'Chartmuseum is deprecated in Harbor v2.8.0, because the Source resource filter of this rule is chart(chartmuseum), so please update this rule.' WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM filter_objects WHERE (filter ->> 'type' = 'resource' AND filter ->> 'value' = 'chart') UNION SELECT id FROM replication_policy_ids ); /* Update the role permission and permission policy associated with the chartmuseum */ DELETE FROM role_permission WHERE permission_policy_id IN ( SELECT id FROM permission_policy WHERE resource IN ('helm-chart', 'helm-chart-version' ,'helm-chart-version-label') ); DELETE FROM permission_policy WHERE resource IN ('helm-chart', 'helm-chart-version' ,'helm-chart-version-label'); /* Update the notification policy associated with the chartmuseum */ WITH event_type_objects AS ( SELECT id, jsonb_array_elements(event_types::jsonb) as event_type FROM notification_policy WHERE event_types IS NOT NULL AND event_types != '' AND jsonb_typeof(CAST(event_types AS jsonb)) = 'array' ) UPDATE notification_policy AS np SET event_types = ( SELECT COALESCE(jsonb_agg(eto.event_type), '[]') FROM event_type_objects AS eto WHERE eto.id = np.id AND NOT(event_type @> '"UPLOAD_CHART"'::jsonb OR event_type @> '"DOWNLOAD_CHART"'::jsonb OR event_type @> '"DELETE_CHART"'::jsonb) ) WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM event_type_objects WHERE (event_type @> '"UPLOAD_CHART"'::jsonb OR event_type @> '"DOWNLOAD_CHART"'::jsonb OR event_type @> '"DELETE_CHART"'::jsonb) ); UPDATE notification_policy SET enabled = false, description = 'Chartmuseum is deprecated in Harbor v2.8.0, because this notification policy only has event type about Chartmuseum, so please update or delete this notification policy.' WHERE event_types = '[]'; /* insert the default payload_format for http type webhook target 1. separate the original targets(text) to json array elements(targets_expanded) 2. update the old target to set the payload format if type is 'http' into the targets_updated 3. finally update back to the original table notification_policy */ WITH targets_expanded AS ( SELECT id, jsonb_array_elements(targets::jsonb) AS target FROM notification_policy ), targets_updated AS ( SELECT id, jsonb_agg( CASE WHEN target->>'type' = 'http' AND NOT target ? 'payload_format' THEN target || '{"payload_format":"Default"}'::jsonb ELSE target END ) AS targets FROM targets_expanded GROUP BY id ) UPDATE notification_policy SET targets = targets_updated.targets FROM targets_updated WHERE notification_policy.id = targets_updated.id; /* migrate the webhook job to execution and task as the webhook refactor since v2.8 */ DO $$ DECLARE job_group RECORD; job RECORD; vendor_type varchar; new_status varchar; status_code integer; exec_id integer; extra_attrs json; BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = 'notification_job') THEN FOR job_group IN SELECT DISTINCT policy_id,event_type FROM notification_job WHERE event_type NOT IN ('UPLOAD_CHART', 'DOWNLOAD_CHART', 'DELETE_CHART') LOOP SELECT * INTO job FROM notification_job WHERE policy_id=job_group.policy_id AND event_type=job_group.event_type AND status IN ('stopped', 'finished', 'error') ORDER BY creation_time DESC LIMIT 1; /* continue if no final status job found for this policy */ IF job IS NULL THEN CONTINUE; END IF; /* convert vendor type */ IF job.notify_type = 'http' THEN vendor_type = 'WEBHOOK'; ELSIF job.notify_type = 'slack' THEN vendor_type = 'SLACK'; ELSE vendor_type = 'WEBHOOK'; END IF; /* convert status */ IF job.status = 'stopped' THEN new_status = 'Stopped'; status_code = 3; ELSIF job.status = 'error' THEN new_status = 'Error'; status_code = 3; ELSIF job.status = 'finished' THEN new_status = 'Success'; status_code = 3; ELSE new_status = ''; status_code = 0; END IF; SELECT format('{"event_type": "%s", "payload": %s}', job.event_type, to_json(job.job_detail)::TEXT)::JSON INTO extra_attrs; INSERT INTO execution (vendor_type,vendor_id,status,trigger,extra_attrs,start_time,end_time,update_time) VALUES (vendor_type,job.policy_id,new_status,'EVENT',extra_attrs,job.creation_time,job.update_time,job.update_time) RETURNING id INTO exec_id; INSERT INTO task (execution_id,job_id,status,status_code,run_count,creation_time,start_time,update_time,end_time,vendor_type) VALUES (exec_id,job.job_uuid,new_status,status_code,1,job.creation_time,job.update_time,job.update_time,job.update_time,vendor_type); END LOOP; END IF; END $$; /* drop the old notification_job table */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS notification_job;