*** Settings *** Resource ../../resources/Util.robot *** Variables *** *** Keywords *** Switch To Project Robot Account Switch To Project Tab Overflow Retry Element Click ${project_robot_account_tabpage} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${project_robot_account_create_btn} Create A Robot Account And Return Token [Arguments] ${projectname} ${robot_account_name} ${project_has_image}=${false} Go Into Project ${projectname} has_image=${project_has_image} Switch To Project Robot Account Retry Element Click ${project_robot_account_create_btn} Retry Text Input ${project_robot_account_create_name_input} ${robot_account_name} Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${project_robot_account_create_save_btn} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${project_robot_account_create_save_btn} ${token}= Get Value ${project_robot_account_token_input} [Return] ${token}