#!/bin/bash export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/harbor-migration if [ -z "$DB_USR" -o -z "$DB_PWD" ]; then echo "DB_USR or DB_PWD not set, exiting..." exit 1 fi source ./alembic.tpl > ./alembic.ini WAITTIME=60 DBCNF="-hlocalhost -u${DB_USR}" #prevent shell to print insecure message export MYSQL_PWD="${DB_PWD}" if [[ $1 = "help" || $1 = "h" || $# = 0 ]]; then echo "Usage:" echo "backup perform database backup" echo "restore perform database restore" echo "up, upgrade perform database schema upgrade" echo "test test database connection" echo "h, help usage help" exit 0 fi if [[ ( $1 = "up" || $1 = "upgrade" ) && ${SKIP_CONFIRM} != "y" ]]; then echo "Please backup before upgrade." read -p "Enter y to continue updating or n to abort:" ans case $ans in [Yy]* ) ;; [Nn]* ) exit 0 ;; * ) echo "illegal answer: $ans. Upgrade abort!!" exit 1 ;; esac fi echo 'Trying to start mysql server...' DBRUN=0 mysqld & for i in $(seq 1 $WAITTIME); do echo "$(/usr/sbin/service mysql status)" if [[ "$(/usr/sbin/service mysql status)" =~ "not running" ]]; then sleep 1 else DBRUN=1 break fi done if [[ $DBRUN -eq 0 ]]; then echo "timeout. Can't run mysql server." if [[ $1 = "test" ]]; then echo "test failed." fi exit 1 fi if [[ $1 = "test" ]]; then echo "test passed." exit 0 fi key="$1" case $key in up|upgrade) VERSION="$2" if [[ -z $VERSION ]]; then VERSION="head" echo "Version is not specified. Default version is head." fi echo "Performing upgrade ${VERSION}..." if [[ $(mysql $DBCNF -N -s -e "select count(*) from information_schema.tables \ where table_schema='registry' and table_name='alembic_version';") -eq 0 ]]; then echo "table alembic_version does not exist. Trying to initial alembic_version." mysql $DBCNF < ./alembic.sql #compatible with version 0.1.0 and 0.1.1 if [[ $(mysql $DBCNF -N -s -e "select count(*) from information_schema.tables \ where table_schema='registry' and table_name='properties'") -eq 0 ]]; then echo "table properties does not exist. The version of registry is 0.1.0" else echo "The version of registry is 0.1.1" mysql $DBCNF -e "insert into registry.alembic_version values ('0.1.1')" fi fi alembic -c ./alembic.ini upgrade ${VERSION} echo "Upgrade performed." ;; backup) echo "Performing backup..." mysqldump $DBCNF --add-drop-database --databases registry > ./backup/registry.sql echo "Backup performed." ;; export) echo "Performing export..." ./export --dbuser ${DB_USR} --dbpwd ${DB_PWD} --exportpath ${EXPORTPATH} rc="$?" echo "Export performed." echo $rc exit $rc ;; restore) echo "Performing restore..." mysql $DBCNF < ./backup/registry.sql echo "Restore performed." ;; *) echo "unknown option" exit 0 ;; esac