# Administrator options ### Managing registry You can list, add, edit and delete registries under `Administration->Registries`. Only registries which are not referenced by any rules can be deleted. ![browse project](../img/manage_registry.png) ### Managing replication ### Managing authentication You can change authentication mode between **Database**(default) and **LDAP** before any user is added, when there is at least one user(besides admin) in Harbor, you cannot change the authentication mode. ![browse project](../img/new_auth.png) When using LDAP mode, user's self-registration is disabled. The parameters of LDAP server must be filled in. For more information, refer to [User account](#user-account). ![browse project](../img/ldap_auth.png) When using OIDC mode, user will login Harbor via OIDC based SSO. A client has to be registered on the OIDC provider and Harbor's callback URI needs to be associated to that client as a redirectURI. ![OIDC settings](../img/oidc_auth_setting.png) The settings of this auth mode: * OIDC Provider Name: The name of the OIDC Provider. * OIDC Provider Endpoint: The URL of the endpoint of the OIDC provider(a.k.a the Authorization Server in OAuth's terminology), which must service the "well-known" URI for its configuration, more details please refer to https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#ProviderConfigurationRequest * OIDC Client ID: The ID of client configured on OIDC Provider. * OIDC Client Secret: The secret for this client. * OIDC Scope: The scope values to be used during the authentication. It is the comma separated string, which must contain `openid`. Normally it should also contain `profile` and `email`. For getting the refresh token it should also contain `offline_access`. Please check with the administrator of the OIDC Provider. * Verify Certificate: Whether to check the certificate when accessing the OIDC Provider. if you are running the OIDC Provider with self-signed certificate, make sure this value is set to false. ### Managing project creation Use the **Project Creation** drop-down menu to set which users can create projects. Select **Everyone** to allow all users to create projects. Select **Admin Only** to allow only users with the Administrator role to create projects. ![browse project](../img/new_proj_create.png) ### Managing self-registration You can manage whether a user can sign up for a new account. This option is not available if you use LDAP authentication. ![browse project](../img/new_self_reg.png) ### Managing email settings You can change Harbor's email settings, the mail server is used to send out responses to users who request to reset their password. ![browse project](../img/new_config_email.png) ### Managing registry read only You can change Harbor's registry read only settings, read only mode will allow 'docker pull' while preventing 'docker push' and the deletion of repository and tag. ![browse project](../img/read_only.png) If it set to true, deleting repository, tag and pushing image will be disabled. ![browse project](../img/read_only_enable.png) ``` $ docker push The push refers to a repository [] 0271b8eebde3: Preparing denied: The system is in read only mode. Any modification is prohibited. ``` ### Managing role by LDAP group If auth_mode is ldap_auth, you can manage project role by LDAP/AD group. please refer [manage role by ldap group guide](manage_role_by_ldap_group.md).