## Introduction This guide provides instructions to manage roles by LDAP/AD group. You can import an LDAP/AD group to Harbor and assign project roles to it. All LDAP/AD users in this LDAP/AD group have assigned roles. ## Prerequisite 1. Harbor's auth_mode is ldap_auth and **[basic LDAP configure parameters](https://github.com/vmware/harbor/blob/master/docs/installation_guide.md#optional-parameters)** are configured. 1. Memberof overlay This feature requires the LDAP/AD server enabled the feature **memberof overlay**. With this feature, the LDAP/AD user entity's attribute **memberof** is updated when the group entity's **member** attribute is updated. For example, adding or removing an LDAP/AD user from the LDAP/AD group. * OpenLDAP -- Refer this **[guide](https://technicalnotes.wordpress.com/2014/04/19/openldap-setup-with-memberof-overlay/)** to enable and verify **memberof overlay** * Active Directory -- this feature is enabled by default. ## Configure LDAP group settings Besides **[basic LDAP configure parameters](https://github.com/vmware/harbor/blob/master/docs/installation_guide.md#optional-parameters)** , LDAP group related configure parameters should be configured, they can be configured before or after installation 1. Configure LDAP parameters via API, refer to **[Config Harbor user settings by command line](configure_user_settings.md)** For example: ``` curl -X PUT -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -ki https://harbor.sample.domain/api/configurations -d'{"ldap_group_basedn":"ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"}' ``` The following parameters are related to LDAP group configuration. * ldap_group_basedn -- The base DN from which to lookup a group in LDAP/AD, for example: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com * ldap_group_filter -- The filter to search LDAP/AD group, for example: objectclass=groupOfNames * ldap_group_gid -- The attribute used to name an LDAP/AD group, for example: cn * ldap_group_scope -- The scope to search for LDAP/AD groups. 0-LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, 1-LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, 2-LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE 2. Or change configure parameter in web console after installation. Go to "Administration" -> "Configuration" -> "Authentication" and change following settings. - LDAP Group Base DN -- ldap_group_basedn in the Harbor user settings - LDAP Group Filter -- ldap_group_filter in the Harbor user settings - LDAP Group GID -- ldap_group_gid in the Harbor user settings - LDAP Group Scope -- ldap_group_scope in the Harbor user settings - LDAP Groups With Admin Privilege -- Specify an LDAP/AD group DN, all LDAPA/AD users in this group have harbor admin privileges. ![Screenshot of LDAP group config](img/group/ldap_group_config.png) ## Assign project role to LDAP/AD group In "Project" -> "Members" -> "+ GROUP". ![Screenshot of add group](img/group/ldap_group_addgroup.png) You can "Add an existing user group to project member" or "Add a group from LDAP to project member". ![Screenshot of add group dialog](img/group/ldap_group_addgroup_dialog.png) Once an LDAP group is assigned a project role, log in with an LDAP/AD user in this group, the user should have the privilege of its group role. If a user is in the LDAP groups with admin privilege (ldap_group_admin_dn), the user should have the same privileges with Harbor admin. ## User privileges and group privileges If a user has both user-level role and group-level role, these privileges are merged together.