# Create Robot Accounts Robot Accounts are accounts created by project admins that are intended for automated operations. They have the following limitations: 1, Robot Accounts cannot login Harbor portal 2, Robot Accounts can only perform operations by using the Docker and Helm CLIs. ### Add a Robot Account If you are a project admin, you can create a Robot Account by clicking "New Robot Account" in the `Robot Accounts` tab of a project, and enter a name, a description, and grant permission to the account to push and pull images and Helm charts. ![add_robot_account](../img/robotaccount/add_robot_account.png) ![add_robot_account](../img/robotaccount/add_robot_account_2.png) > **NOTE:** The name will become `robot$` and will be used to distinguish a robot account from a normal harbor user. ![copy_robot_account_token](../img/robotaccount/copy_robot_account_token.png) As Harbor doesn't store your account token, please make sure to copy it in the pop up dialog after creating, otherwise, there is no way to get it from Harbor. ### Configure duration of robot account If you are a system admin, you can configure the robot account token duration in days. ![set_robot_account_token_duration](../img/robotaccount/set_robot_account_token_duration.png) ### Authenticate with a robot account To authenticate with a Robot Account, use `docker login` as below, ``` docker login harbor.io Username: robot$accountname Password: Thepasswordgeneratedbyprojectadmin ``` ### Disable a robot account If you are a project admin, you can disable a Robot Account by clicking "Disable Account" in the `Robot Accounts` tab of a project. ![disable_robot_account](../img/robotaccount/disable_delete_robot_account.png) ### Delete a robot account If you are a project admin, you can delete a Robot Account by clicking "Delete" in the `Robot Accounts` tab of a project. ![delete_robot_account](../img/robotaccount/disable_delete_robot_account.png)