# Copyright 2016-2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License *** Settings *** Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance Resource ../../resources/Util.robot *** Variables *** ${HARBOR_VERSION} v1.1.1 *** Keywords *** Create An New Project [Arguments] ${projectname} ${public}=false Sleep 1 Click Button css=${create_project_button_css} Sleep 1 Log To Console Project Name: ${projectname} Input Text xpath=${project_name_xpath} ${projectname} Sleep 3 Run Keyword If '${public}' == 'true' Click Element xpath=${project_public_xpath} Click Element css=${project_save_css} Sleep 4 Wait Until Page Contains ${projectname} Wait Until Page Contains Project Admin Create An New Project With New User [Arguments] ${url} ${username} ${email} ${realname} ${newPassword} ${comment} ${projectname} ${public} Create An New User url=${url} username=${username} email=${email} realname=${realname} newPassword=${newPassword} comment=${comment} Logout Harbor Sign In Harbor ${url} ${username} ${newPassword} Create An New Project ${projectname} ${public} Sleep 1 #It's the log of project. Go To Project Log Click Element xpath=//project-detail//ul/li[3] Sleep 2 Switch To Member Click Element xpath=//project-detail//li[2] Sleep 1 Switch To Log Click Element xpath=${log_xpath} Sleep 1 Switch To Replication Click Element xpath=${replication_xpath} Sleep 1 Back To projects Click Element xpath=${projects_xpath} Sleep 1 Project Should Display [Arguments] ${projectname} Page Should Contain Element xpath=//project//list-project//clr-dg-cell/a[contains(.,'${projectname}')] Project Should Not Display [Arguments] ${projectname} Page Should Not Contain Element xpath=//project//list-project//clr-dg-cell/a[contains(.,'${projectname}')] Search Private Projects Click element xpath=//select Click element xpath=//select/option[@value=1] Sleep 1 Capture Page Screenshot SearchPrivateProjects.png Make Project Private [Arguments] ${projectname} Sleep 1 Click element xpath=//project//list-project//clr-dg-row-master[contains(.,'${projectname}')]//clr-dg-action-overflow Click element xpath=//project//list-project//clr-dg-action-overflow//button[contains(.,"Make Private")] Make Project Public [Arguments] ${projectname} Sleep 1 Click element xpath=//project//list-project//clr-dg-row-master[contains(.,'${projectname}')]//clr-dg-action-overflow Click element xpath=//project//list-project//clr-dg-action-overflow//button[contains(.,"Make Public")] Delete Repo [Arguments] ${projectname} Click Element xpath=//project-detail//clr-dg-row-master[contains(.,"${projectname}")]//clr-dg-action-overflow Sleep 1 Click Element xpath=//clr-dg-action-overflow//button[contains(.,"Delete")] Sleep 1 Click Element xpath=//clr-modal//div[@class="modal-dialog"]//button[2] Sleep 2 Advanced Search Should Display Page Should Contain Element xpath=//audit-log//div[@class="flex-xs-middle"]/button # it's not a common keywords, only used into log case. Do Log Advanced Search Capture Page Screenshot LogAdvancedSearch.png Sleep 1 Page Should Contain Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,"pull")] Page Should Contain Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,"push")] Page Should Contain Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,"create")] Page Should Contain Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,"delete")] Sleep 1 Click Element xpath=//audit-log//div[@class="flex-xs-middle"]/button Sleep 1 Click Element xpath=//project-detail//audit-log//clr-dropdown/button Sleep 1 #pull log Sleep 1 Click Element xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown//a[contains(.,"Pull")] Sleep 1 Page Should Not Contain Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,"pull")] #push log Click Element xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown/button Sleep 1 Click Element xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown//a[contains(.,"Push")] Sleep 1 Page Should Not Contain Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,"push")] #create log Click Element xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown/button Sleep 1 Click Element xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown//a[contains(.,"Create")] Sleep 1 Page Should Not Contain Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,"create")] #delete log Click Element xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown/button Sleep 1 Click Element xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown//a[contains(.,"Delete")] Sleep 1 Page Should Not Contain Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,"delete")] #others Click Element xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown/button Click Element xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown//a[contains(.,"Others")] Sleep 1 Click element xpath=//audit-log//hbr-filter//clr-icon Input Text xpath = //audit-log//hbr-filter//input harbor Sleep 1 ${c} = Get Matching Xpath Count //audit-log//clr-dg-row Should be equal as integers ${c} 0 Expand Repo [Arguments] ${projectname} Click Element //repository//clr-dg-row-master[contains(.,'${projectname}')]//button/clr-icon sleep 1 Scan Repo [Arguments] ${tagname} Click Element //hbr-tag//clr-dg-row-master[contains(.,'${tagname}')]//clr-dg-action-overflow Click Element //hbr-tag//clr-dg-row-master[contains(.,'${tagname}')]//clr-dg-action-overflow//button[contains(.,'Scan')] Sleep 15 Summary Chart Should Display [Arguments] ${tagname} Page Should Contain Element //clr-dg-row-master[contains(.,'${tagname}')]//hbr-vulnerability-bar//hbr-vulnerability-summary-chart