--- title: Harbor Documentation --- Welcome to the Harbor 1.10.x documentation. Use the table of contents on the left of the page to navigate through the docs. This documentation includes the following sections: ## Harbor Installation and Configuration This section describes how to install Harbor and perform the required initial configuration. These day 1 operations are performed by the Harbor Administrator. [Read more](install-config/_index.md) ## Harbor Administration This section describes how to use and maintain your Harbor registry instance after deployment. These day 2 operations are performed by the Harbor Administrator. [Read more](administration/_index.md) ## Working with Harbor Projects This section describes how users with the developer, master, and project administrator roles manage users, and create, configure, and participate in Harbor projects. [Read more](working-with-projects/_index.md) ## Building, Customizing, and Contributing to Harbor This section describes how developers can build from Harbor source code, customize their deployments, and contribute to the open-source Harbor project. [Read more](build-customize-contribute/_index.md) ## Access the Documentation Source Files The source files for this documentation set are located in the [Harbor repository on Github](https://github.com/goharbor/harbor/blob/master/docs/1.10/). For versions of the docs before 1.10.x, go to the [`docs` folder in the Github repository](https://github.com/goharbor/harbor/tree/master/docs) and select the appropriate `release-1.xx.x` branch.