import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; import { Project } from './project'; import { ProjectService } from './project.service'; import { CreateProjectComponent } from './create-project/create-project.component'; import { ListProjectComponent } from './list-project/list-project.component'; import { MessageService } from '../global-message/message.service'; import { Message } from '../global-message/message'; import { AlertType } from '../shared/shared.const'; import { Response } from '@angular/http'; import { ConfirmationDialogService } from '../shared/confirmation-dialog/confirmation-dialog.service'; import { ConfirmationMessage } from '../shared/confirmation-dialog/confirmation-message'; import { ConfirmationTargets, ConfirmationState } from '../shared/shared.const'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription'; import { State } from 'clarity-angular'; const types: {} = { 0: 'PROJECT.MY_PROJECTS', 1: 'PROJECT.PUBLIC_PROJECTS' }; @Component({ moduleId:, selector: 'project', templateUrl: 'project.component.html', styleUrls: ['./project.component.css'] }) export class ProjectComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { selected = []; changedProjects: Project[]; projectTypes = types; @ViewChild(CreateProjectComponent) creationProject: CreateProjectComponent; @ViewChild(ListProjectComponent) listProject: ListProjectComponent; currentFilteredType: number = 0; subscription: Subscription; projectName: string; isPublic: number; page: number = 1; pageSize: number = 15; totalPage: number; totalRecordCount: number; constructor( private projectService: ProjectService, private messageService: MessageService, private deletionDialogService: ConfirmationDialogService) { this.subscription = deletionDialogService.confirmationConfirm$.subscribe(message => { if (message && message.state === ConfirmationState.CONFIRMED && message.source === ConfirmationTargets.PROJECT) { let projectId =; this.projectService .deleteProject(projectId) .subscribe( response => { console.log('Successful delete project with ID:' + projectId); this.retrieve(); }, error => this.messageService.announceMessage(error.status, error, AlertType.WARNING) ); } }); } ngOnInit(): void { this.projectName = ''; this.isPublic = 0; } ngOnDestroy(): void { if (this.subscription) { this.subscription.unsubscribe(); } } retrieve(state?: State): void { if (state) { = + 1; } this.projectService .listProjects(this.projectName, this.isPublic,, this.pageSize) .subscribe( response => { this.totalRecordCount = response.headers.get('x-total-count'); this.totalPage = Math.ceil(this.totalRecordCount / this.pageSize); console.log('TotalRecordCount:' + this.totalRecordCount + ', totalPage:' + this.totalPage); this.changedProjects = response.json(); }, error => this.messageService.announceAppLevelMessage(error.status, error, AlertType.WARNING) ); } openModal(): void { this.creationProject.newProject(); } createProject(created: boolean) { if (created) { this.retrieve(); } } doSearchProjects(projectName: string): void { console.log('Search for project name:' + projectName); this.projectName = projectName; this.retrieve(); } doFilterProjects(filteredType: number): void { console.log('Filter projects with type:' + types[filteredType]); this.isPublic = filteredType; this.currentFilteredType = filteredType; this.retrieve(); } toggleProject(p: Project) { if (p) { p.public === 0 ? p.public = 1 : p.public = 0; this.projectService .toggleProjectPublic(p.project_id, p.public) .subscribe( response => console.log('Successful toggled project_id:' + p.project_id), error => this.messageService.announceMessage(error.status, error, AlertType.WARNING) ); } } deleteProject(p: Project) { let deletionMessage = new ConfirmationMessage( 'PROJECT.DELETION_TITLE', 'PROJECT.DELETION_SUMMARY',, p.project_id, ConfirmationTargets.PROJECT ); this.deletionDialogService.openComfirmDialog(deletionMessage); } refresh(): void { this.retrieve(); } }