/* create table of accessory */ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS artifact_accessory ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, /* the artifact id of the accessory itself. */ artifact_id bigint, /* the subject artifact id of the accessory. */ subject_artifact_id bigint, /* the type of the accessory, like signature.cosign. */ type varchar(256), size bigint, digest varchar(1024), creation_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (artifact_id) REFERENCES artifact(id), FOREIGN KEY (subject_artifact_id) REFERENCES artifact(id), CONSTRAINT unique_artifact_accessory UNIQUE (artifact_id, subject_artifact_id) ); DELETE FROM scan_report WHERE mime_type='application/vnd.scanner.adapter.vuln.report.harbor+json; version=1.0' AND registration_uuid IN (SELECT uuid FROM scanner_registration WHERE name='Trivy' AND immutable='true');