/* Copyright The containerd Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package filters import ( "unicode" "unicode/utf8" ) const ( tokenEOF = -(iota + 1) tokenQuoted tokenValue tokenField tokenSeparator tokenOperator tokenIllegal ) type token rune func (t token) String() string { switch t { case tokenEOF: return "EOF" case tokenQuoted: return "Quoted" case tokenValue: return "Value" case tokenField: return "Field" case tokenSeparator: return "Separator" case tokenOperator: return "Operator" case tokenIllegal: return "Illegal" } return string(t) } func (t token) GoString() string { return "token" + t.String() } type scanner struct { input string pos int ppos int // bounds the current rune in the string value bool err string } func (s *scanner) init(input string) { s.input = input s.pos = 0 s.ppos = 0 } func (s *scanner) next() rune { if s.pos >= len(s.input) { return tokenEOF } s.pos = s.ppos r, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s.input[s.ppos:]) s.ppos += w if r == utf8.RuneError { if w > 0 { s.error("rune error") return tokenIllegal } return tokenEOF } if r == 0 { s.error("unexpected null") return tokenIllegal } return r } func (s *scanner) peek() rune { pos := s.pos ppos := s.ppos ch := s.next() s.pos = pos s.ppos = ppos return ch } func (s *scanner) scan() (nextp int, tk token, text string) { var ( ch = s.next() pos = s.pos ) chomp: switch { case ch == tokenEOF: case ch == tokenIllegal: case isQuoteRune(ch): if !s.scanQuoted(ch) { return pos, tokenIllegal, s.input[pos:s.ppos] } return pos, tokenQuoted, s.input[pos:s.ppos] case isSeparatorRune(ch): s.value = false return pos, tokenSeparator, s.input[pos:s.ppos] case isOperatorRune(ch): s.scanOperator() s.value = true return pos, tokenOperator, s.input[pos:s.ppos] case unicode.IsSpace(ch): // chomp ch = s.next() pos = s.pos goto chomp case s.value: s.scanValue() s.value = false return pos, tokenValue, s.input[pos:s.ppos] case isFieldRune(ch): s.scanField() return pos, tokenField, s.input[pos:s.ppos] } return s.pos, token(ch), "" } func (s *scanner) scanField() { for { ch := s.peek() if !isFieldRune(ch) { break } s.next() } } func (s *scanner) scanOperator() { for { ch := s.peek() switch ch { case '=', '!', '~': s.next() default: return } } } func (s *scanner) scanValue() { for { ch := s.peek() if !isValueRune(ch) { break } s.next() } } func (s *scanner) scanQuoted(quote rune) bool { var illegal bool ch := s.next() // read character after quote for ch != quote { if ch == '\n' || ch < 0 { s.error("quoted literal not terminated") return false } if ch == '\\' { var legal bool ch, legal = s.scanEscape(quote) if !legal { illegal = true } } else { ch = s.next() } } return !illegal } func (s *scanner) scanEscape(quote rune) (ch rune, legal bool) { ch = s.next() // read character after '/' switch ch { case 'a', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'v', '\\', quote: // nothing to do ch = s.next() legal = true case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7': ch, legal = s.scanDigits(ch, 8, 3) case 'x': ch, legal = s.scanDigits(s.next(), 16, 2) case 'u': ch, legal = s.scanDigits(s.next(), 16, 4) case 'U': ch, legal = s.scanDigits(s.next(), 16, 8) default: s.error("illegal escape sequence") } return } func (s *scanner) scanDigits(ch rune, base, n int) (rune, bool) { for n > 0 && digitVal(ch) < base { ch = s.next() n-- } if n > 0 { s.error("illegal numeric escape sequence") return ch, false } return ch, true } func (s *scanner) error(msg string) { if s.err == "" { s.err = msg } } func digitVal(ch rune) int { switch { case '0' <= ch && ch <= '9': return int(ch - '0') case 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'f': return int(ch - 'a' + 10) case 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'F': return int(ch - 'A' + 10) } return 16 // larger than any legal digit val } func isFieldRune(r rune) bool { return (r == '_' || isAlphaRune(r) || isDigitRune(r)) } func isAlphaRune(r rune) bool { return r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z' || r >= 'a' && r <= 'z' } func isDigitRune(r rune) bool { return r >= '0' && r <= '9' } func isOperatorRune(r rune) bool { switch r { case '=', '!', '~': return true } return false } func isQuoteRune(r rune) bool { switch r { case '/', '|', '"': // maybe add single quoting? return true } return false } func isSeparatorRune(r rune) bool { switch r { case ',', '.': return true } return false } func isValueRune(r rune) bool { return r != ',' && !unicode.IsSpace(r) && (unicode.IsLetter(r) || unicode.IsDigit(r) || unicode.IsNumber(r) || unicode.IsGraphic(r) || unicode.IsPunct(r)) }