#!/bin/bash set -e function getAssets { local bucket=$1 local branch=$2 local offlinePackage=$3 local onlinePackage=$4 local prerelease=$5 local assetsPath=$6 mkdir $assetsPath && pushd $assetsPath gsutil cp gs://$bucket/$branch/$offlinePackage . md5sum $offlinePackage > md5sum # Pre-release does not handle online installer packages if [ $prerelease = "false" ] then gsutil cp gs://$bucket/$branch/$onlinePackage . md5sum $onlinePackage >> md5sum fi popd } function generateReleaseNotes { # Use .github/release.yml configuration to generate release notes for preTag to curTag local curTag=$1 local preTag=$2 local token=$3 local releaseNotesPath=$4 set +e # Calculate preTag if preTag is null # If curTag is v2.5.0-rc1 then preTag is v2.4.0 # If curTag is v2.5.1 then preTag is v2.5.0 if [ $preTag = "null" ] then IFS='.' read -r -a curTagArray <<< $curTag IFS='-' read -r -a patch <<< ${curTagArray[2]} local tagMajor=${curTagArray[0]} local tagMinor=${curTagArray[1]} local tagPatch=${patch[0]} if [ $tagPatch -gt 0 ] then preTag="$tagMajor.$tagMinor.$(expr $tagPatch - 1)" else preTag="$tagMajor.$(expr $tagMinor - 1).$tagPatch" fi fi set -e release=$(curl -X POST -H "Authorization: token $token" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" https://api.github.com/repos/goharbor/harbor/releases/generate-notes -d '{"tag_name":"'$curTag'","previous_tag_name":"'$preTag'"}' | jq '.body' | tr -d '"') echo -e $release > $releaseNotesPath } function publishImages { # Create curTag and push it to the goharbor namespace of dockerhub local curTag=$1 local baseTag=$2 local dockerHubUser=$3 local dockerHubPassword=$4 local images=${@:5} docker login -u $dockerHubUser -p $dockerHubPassword for image in $images do echo "push image: $image" docker tag $image:$baseTag $image:$curTag retry 5 docker push $image:$curTag done docker logout } function publishPackages { local curTag=$1 local baseTag=$2 local ghcrUser=$3 local ghcrPassword=$4 local images=${@:5} docker login ghcr.io -u $ghcrUser -p $ghcrPassword for image in $images do echo "push image: $image" docker tag $image:$baseTag "ghcr.io/"$image:$curTag retry 5 docker push "ghcr.io/"$image:$curTag done docker logout ghcr.io } function retry { local -r -i max="$1"; shift local -i n=1 until "$@" do if ((n==max)) then echo "fail with $n times try..." return 1 else echo "failed, trying again in $n seconds..." sleep $((n++)) fi done }