Test 7-01 - Create Replication Policy ======= # Purpose: To verify that admin user can create a replication rule. # References: User guide # Environment: * This test requires that at least two Harbor instances are running and available. # Test Steps: 1. Login UI as admin user. 2. In Project replication page, add a replication rule using an existing endpoint with enable checked. 3. In Project replication page, add a replication rule using an existing endpoint without enable checked. 4. In Project replication page, add a replication rule using a new endpoint. 5. In Project replication page, add a replication rule using a new endpoint. Provide invalid values of input to see if validation works: * endpoint name or ip address duplicate with an existing endpoint. * endpoint ip address incorrect. * endpoint username or password incorrect. 6. Add another rule with different name using the same endpoint. # Expected Outcome: * In step2, a rule with given name will be added. And all images will be replicated to remote. * In step3, a rule will be added and enabled,no image replication job is started. * In step4, a rule using new endpoint will be added. * In step5, rule can not be added if use duplicate name or ip, * In step5, if input wrong username/password/ip,rule can be added,but will cause test connection fail. * In step6, rule can not be added. # Possible Problems: None