#!/bin/bash set -e DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)" source $DIR/common.sh set +o noglob usage=$'Please set hostname and other necessary attributes in harbor.yml first. DO NOT use localhost or for hostname, because Harbor needs to be accessed by external clients. Please set --with-notary if needs enable Notary in Harbor, and set ui_url_protocol/ssl_cert/ssl_cert_key in harbor.yml bacause notary must run under https. Please set --with-trivy if needs enable Trivy in Harbor. Please do NOT set --with-chartmuseum, as chartmusuem has been deprecated and removed.' item=0 # notary is not enabled by default with_notary=$false # clair is deprecated with_clair=$false # trivy is not enabled by default with_trivy=$false # flag to using docker compose v1 or v2, default would using v1 docker-compose DOCKER_COMPOSE=docker-compose while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in --help) note "$usage" exit 0;; --with-notary) with_notary=true;; --with-clair) with_clair=true;; --with-trivy) with_trivy=true;; *) note "$usage" exit 1;; esac shift || true done if [ $with_clair ] then error "Clair is deprecated please remove it from installation arguments !!!" exit 1 fi workdir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" cd $workdir h2 "[Step $item]: checking if docker is installed ..."; let item+=1 check_docker h2 "[Step $item]: checking docker-compose is installed ..."; let item+=1 check_dockercompose if [ -f harbor*.tar.gz ] then h2 "[Step $item]: loading Harbor images ..."; let item+=1 docker load -i ./harbor*.tar.gz fi echo "" h2 "[Step $item]: preparing environment ..."; let item+=1 if [ -n "$host" ] then sed "s/^hostname: .*/hostname: $host/g" -i ./harbor.yml fi h2 "[Step $item]: preparing harbor configs ..."; let item+=1 prepare_para= if [ $with_notary ] then prepare_para="${prepare_para} --with-notary" fi if [ $with_trivy ] then prepare_para="${prepare_para} --with-trivy" fi ./prepare $prepare_para echo "" if [ -n "$DOCKER_COMPOSE ps -q" ] then note "stopping existing Harbor instance ..." $DOCKER_COMPOSE down -v fi echo "" h2 "[Step $item]: starting Harbor ..." if [ $with_notary ] then warn " Notary will be deprecated as of Harbor v2.6.0 and start to be removed in v2.8.0 or later. You can use cosign for signature instead since Harbor v2.5.0. Please see discussion here for more details. https://github.com/goharbor/harbor/discussions/16612" fi $DOCKER_COMPOSE up -d success $"----Harbor has been installed and started successfully.----"