from __future__ import absolute_import import unittest from testutils import ADMIN_CLIENT, CHART_API_CLIENT, suppress_urllib3_warning from testutils import harbor_server from testutils import TEARDOWN import library.repository import library.helm from library.robot import Robot from library.project import Project from library.user import User from library.chart import Chart class TestProjects(unittest.TestCase): @suppress_urllib3_warning def setUp(self): self.project= Project() self.user= User() self.chart= Chart() self.robot = Robot() self.url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"] self.chart_api_url = CHART_API_CLIENT['endpoint'] self.user_push_chart_password = "Aa123456" self.chart_file = "" self.archive = "harbor/" self.CHART_NAME=self.archive.replace("/", "") self.verion = "0.2.0" self.chart_repo_name = "chart_local" self.repo_name = "harbor_api_test" @unittest.skipIf(TEARDOWN == False, "Test data won't be erased.") def tearDown(self): #1. Delete user(UA). self.user.delete_user(TestProjects.user_id, **ADMIN_CLIENT) def testPushChartToChartRepoByHelm2WithRobotAccount(self): """ Test case: Push Chart File To Chart Repository By Helm V2 With Robot Account Test step and expected result: 1. Create a new user(UA); 2. Create private project(PA) with user(UA); 3. Create a new robot account(RA) with full priviliges in project(PA) with user(UA); 4. Push chart to project(PA) by Helm2 CLI with robot account(RA); 5. Get chart repositry from project(PA) successfully; Tear down: 1. Delete user(UA). """ #1. Create user(UA); TestProjects.user_id, user_name = self.user.create_user(user_password = self.user_push_chart_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT) TestProjects.USER_CLIENT=dict(endpoint = self.url, username = user_name, password = self.user_push_chart_password) TestProjects.API_CHART_CLIENT=dict(endpoint = self.chart_api_url, username = user_name, password = self.user_push_chart_password) #2. Create private project(PA) with user(UA); TestProjects.project_id, TestProjects.project_name = self.project.create_project(metadata = {"public": "false"}, **TestProjects.USER_CLIENT) #3. Create a new robot account(RA) with full priviliges in project(PA) with user(UA); robot_id, robot_account = self.robot.create_project_robot(TestProjects.project_name, 2441000531 ,**TestProjects.USER_CLIENT) #4. Push chart to project(PA) by Helm2 CLI with robot account(RA);" library.helm.helm2_add_repo(self.chart_repo_name, "https://"+harbor_server, TestProjects.project_name,, robot_account.secret) library.helm.helm2_push(self.chart_repo_name, self.chart_file, TestProjects.project_name,, robot_account.secret) #5. Get chart repositry from project(PA) successfully; self.chart.chart_should_exist(TestProjects.project_name, self.CHART_NAME, **TestProjects.API_CHART_CLIENT) #6. Push chart to project(PA) by Helm3 CLI with robot account(RA); chart_cli_ret = library.helm.helm_chart_push_to_harbor(self.chart_file, self.archive, harbor_server, TestProjects.project_name, self.repo_name, self.verion,, robot_account.secret) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()