#!/usr/bin/python2 import os, subprocess import time import sys from subprocess import call import json import nlogging logger = nlogging.create_logger(__name__) # Needs have docker installed. def execute(harbor_endpoints, vm_names, harbor_root_pwd, test_suite, auth_mode ,vc_host, vc_user, vc_password, harbor_pwd='Harbor12345') : cmd = '' exe_result = -1 cmd_base = "docker run -i --privileged -v %s:/drone -w /drone vmware/harbor-e2e-engine:1.38 " % os.getcwd() if len(harbor_endpoints) == 1: cmd_pybot = "pybot -v ip:%s -v vm_name:%s -v HARBOR_PASSWORD:%s -v SSH_PWD:%s -v vc_host:%s -v vc_user:%s -v vc_password:%s " % (harbor_endpoints[0], vm_names[0], harbor_pwd, harbor_root_pwd, vc_host, vc_user, vc_password) if len(harbor_endpoints) == 2: cmd_pybot = "pybot -v ip:%s -v vm_name:%s -v ip1:%s -v vm_name1:%s -v HARBOR_PASSWORD:%s -v SSH_PWD:%s -v vc_host:%s -v vc_user:%s -v vc_password:%s " % (harbor_endpoints[0], vm_names[0], harbor_endpoints[1], vm_names[1], harbor_pwd, harbor_root_pwd, vc_host, vc_user, vc_password) cmd = cmd_base + cmd_pybot if test_suite == 'Nightly': if auth_mode == 'ldap_auth': cmd = cmd + "/drone/tests/robot-cases/Group11-Nightly/LDAP.robot" else: cmd = cmd + "/drone/tests/robot-cases/Group11-Nightly/Nightly.robot" logger.info(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) while True: out = p.stderr.read(1) if out == '' and p.poll() != None: break if out != '': sys.stdout.write(out) sys.stdout.flush() exe_result = p.returncode if test_suite == 'Longevity': cmd = cmd + "/drone/tests/robot-cases/Group12-Longevity/Longevity.robot > /dev/null 2>&1" logger.info(cmd) exe_result = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) collect_log() return exe_result == 0 # Needs to move log.html to another path it will be overwrite by any pybot run. def collect_log(): pass