# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import base try: import docker except ImportError: import pip pip.main(['install', 'docker']) import docker class DockerAPI(object): def __init__(self): self.DCLIENT = docker.APIClient(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock',version='auto',timeout=10) def docker_login(self, registry, username, password): try: self.DCLIENT.login(registry = registry, username=username, password=password) except docker.errors.APIError, e: raise Exception(r" Docker login failed, error is [{}]".format (e.message)) def docker_image_pull(self, image, tag = None, expected_error_message = None): if tag is not None: _tag = tag else: _tag = "latest" if expected_error_message is "": expected_error_message = None caught_err = False ret = "" try: ret = base._get_string_from_unicode(self.DCLIENT.pull(r'{}:{}'.format(image, _tag))) except Exception, err: caught_err = True if expected_error_message is not None: print "docker image pull error:", str(err) if str(err).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0: raise Exception(r"Pull image: Return message {} is not as expected {}".format(str(err), expected_error_message)) else: raise Exception(r" Docker pull image {} failed, error is [{}]".format (image, err.message)) if caught_err == False: if expected_error_message is not None: if str(ret).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0: raise Exception(r" Failed to catch error [{}] when pull image {}".format (expected_error_message, image)) else: if str(ret).lower().find("error".lower()) >= 0: raise Exception(r" It's was not suppose to catch error when pull image {}, return message is [{}]".format (image, ret)) def docker_image_tag(self, image, harbor_registry, tag = None): _tag = base._random_name("tag") if tag is not None: _tag = tag try: self.DCLIENT.tag(image, harbor_registry, _tag, force=True) return harbor_registry, _tag except docker.errors.APIError, e: raise Exception(r" Docker tag image {} failed, error is [{}]".format (image, e.message)) def docker_image_push(self, harbor_registry, tag, expected_error_message = None): caught_err = False ret = "" if expected_error_message is "": expected_error_message = None try: ret = base._get_string_from_unicode(self.DCLIENT.push(harbor_registry, tag, stream=True)) except Exception, err: caught_err = True if expected_error_message is not None: print "docker image push error:", str(err) if str(err).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0: raise Exception(r"Push image: Return message {} is not as expected {}".format(str(err), expected_error_message)) else: raise Exception(r" Docker push image {} failed, error is [{}]".format (harbor_registry, err.message)) if caught_err == False: if expected_error_message is not None: if str(ret).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0: raise Exception(r" Failed to catch error [{}] when push image {}".format (expected_error_message, harbor_registry)) else: if str(ret).lower().find("errorDetail".lower()) >= 0: raise Exception(r" It's was not suppose to catch error when push image {}, return message is [{}]".format (harbor_registry, ret))