var locale_messages = { 'sign_in': 'Sign In', 'sign_up': 'Sign Up', 'forgot_password': 'Forgot Password', 'login_now': 'Login Now', 'its_easy_to_get_started': 'It\'s easy to get started ...', 'icon_label_1': 'Anonymous repository access', 'icon_label_2': 'Repositories managed by project', 'icon_label_3': 'Role based access control', 'why_use_harbor': 'Why use Harbor?', 'index_desc': 'Project Harbor is an enterprise-class registry server, which extends the open source Docker Registry server by adding the functionality usually required by an enterprise, such as security, control, and management. Harbor is primarily designed to be a private registry - providing the needed security and control that enterprises require. It also helps minimize bandwidth usage, which is helpful to both improve productivity as well as performance.', 'index_desc_1': 'Security: Keep their intellectual properties within their organizations.', 'index_desc_2': 'Efficiency: A private registry server is set up within the organization\'s network and can reduce significantly the internet traffic to the public service. ', 'index_desc_3': 'Access Control: RBAC (Role Based Access Control) is provided. User management can be integrated with existing enterprise identity services like AD/LDAP. ', 'index_desc_4': 'Audit: All access to the registry are logged and can be used for audit purpose.', 'index_desc_5': 'GUI: User friendly single-pane-of-glass management console.', 'index_desc_6': 'Image Replication: Replicate images between instances.', 'view_all': 'View all...', 'repositories': 'Repositories', 'project_repo_name': 'Project/Repository Name', 'creation_time': 'Creation Time', 'author': 'Author', 'username': 'Username', 'username_is_required': 'Username is required.', 'username_has_been_taken': 'Username has been taken.', 'username_is_too_long': 'Username is too long. (maximum 20 characters)', 'username_contains_illegal_chars': 'Username contains illegal character(s).', 'email': 'Email', 'email_desc': 'The Email address will be used for resetting password.', 'email_is_required': 'Email is required.', 'email_has_been_taken': 'Email has been taken.', 'email_content_illegal': 'Email format is illegal.', 'email_does_not_exist': 'Email does not exist.', 'email_is_too_long': 'Email is to long. (maximum 50 characters)', 'full_name': 'Full Name', 'full_name_desc': 'First name & Last name', 'full_name_is_required': 'Full name is required.', 'full_name_is_too_long': 'Full name is too long. (maximum 20 characters)', 'full_name_contains_illegal_chars': 'Full name contains illegal character(s).', 'password': 'Password', 'password_desc': 'At least 7 characters with 1 lowercase letter, 1 capital letter and 1 numeric character.', 'password_is_required': 'Password is required.', 'password_is_invalid': 'Password is invalid. At least 7 characters with 1 lowercase letter, 1 capital letter and 1 numeric character.', 'confirm_password': 'Confirm Password', 'password_does_not_match': 'Passwords do not match.', 'comments': 'Comments', 'comment_is_too_long': 'Comment is too long. (maximum 20 characters)', 'forgot_password_description': 'Please input the Email used when you signed up, a reset password Email will be sent to you.', 'reset_password': 'Reset Password', 'successful_reset_password': 'Password has been reset successfully.', 'summary': 'Summary', 'projects': 'Projects', 'public_projects': 'Public Projects', 'public': 'Public', 'public_repositories': 'Public Repositories', 'my_project_count': 'My Projects', 'my_repo_count': 'My Repositories', 'public_project_count': 'Public Projects', 'public_repo_count': 'Public Repositories', 'total_project_count': 'Total Projects', 'total_repo_count': 'Total Repositories', 'top_10_repositories': 'Top 10 Repositories', 'repository_name': 'Repository Name', 'size': 'Size', 'count': 'Downloads', 'creator': 'Creator', 'no_top_repositories': 'No data, start with Harbor now!', 'logs': 'Logs', 'task_name': 'Task Name', 'details': 'Details', 'user': 'User', 'no_user_logs': 'No data, start with Harbor now!', 'users': 'Users', 'my_projects': 'My Projects', 'project_name': 'Project Name', 'role': 'Role', 'publicity': 'Publicity', 'button_on': 'On', 'button_off': 'Off', 'new_project': 'New Project', 'save': 'Save', 'cancel': 'Cancel', 'confirm': 'Confirm', 'items': 'item(s)', 'add_member': 'Add Member', 'operation': 'Operation', 'advanced_search': 'Advanced Search', 'all': 'All', 'others': 'Others', 'search': 'Search', 'duration': 'Duration', 'from': 'From', 'to': 'To', 'timestamp': 'Timestamp', 'dashboard': 'Dashboard', 'admin_options': 'Admin Options', 'account_setting': 'Account Settings', 'log_out': 'Log Out', 'registration_time': 'Registration Time', 'system_management': 'System Management', 'change_password': 'Change Password', 'search_result': 'Search Result', 'old_password': 'Old Password', 'old_password_is_required': 'Old password is required.', 'old_password_is_incorrect': 'Old password is incorrect.', 'new_password_is_required': 'New password is required.', 'new_password_is_invalid': 'New password is invalid. At least 7 characters with 1 lowercase letter, 1 capital letter and 1 numeric character.', 'new_password': 'New Password', 'username_already_exist': 'Username already exist.', 'username_does_not_exist': 'Username does not exist.', 'username_or_password_is_incorrect': 'Username or password is incorrect', 'username_email': 'Username/Email', 'project_name_is_required': 'Project name is required', 'project_already_exist': 'Project already exist', 'project_name_is_invalid': 'Project name is invalid, it should be all lowercase and with no space.', 'project_name_is_too_short': 'Project name is too short, it should be greater than 4 characters.', 'project_name_is_too_long': 'Project name is too long, it should be less than 30 characters.', 'search_projects_or_repositories': 'Search projects or repositories', 'tag': 'Tag', 'image_details': 'Image Details', 'pull_command': 'Pull Command', 'alert_delete_repo_title': 'Confirm Deletion', 'alert_delete_repo': 'All tags under this repository will be deleted. ' + 'The space of this repository will be recycled during garbage collection.
' + '
Delete repository "$0" now?', 'alert_delete_tag_title': 'Confirm Deletion', 'alert_delete_tag': 'Delete tag "$0" now?', 'close': 'Close', 'ok': 'OK', 'welcome': 'Welcome ', 'to_harbor': ' to Harbor!', 'continue' : 'Continue', 'no_projects_add_new_project': 'No projects, add new project now.', 'no_repositories': 'No repositories found, please use "docker push" to upload images.', 'failed_to_add_member': 'Project member can not be added, insuffient permissions.', 'failed_to_change_member': 'Project member can not be changed, insuffient permissions.', 'failed_to_delete_member': 'Project member can not be deleted, insuffient permissions.', 'confirm_delete_user_title': 'Delete user', 'confirm_delete_user': 'Are you sure to delete the current user?', 'confirm_delete_destination_title': 'Delete destination', 'confirm_delete_destination': 'Are you sure to delete the current destination?', 'replication': 'Replication', 'name': 'Name', 'description': 'Description', 'destination': 'Destination', 'start_time': 'Start Time', 'last_start_time': 'Last Start Time', 'end_time': 'End Time', 'activation': 'Activation', 'replication_jobs': 'Replication Jobs', 'actions': 'Actions', 'status': 'Status', 'logs' : 'Logs', 'enabled': 'Enabled', 'enable': 'Enable', 'disabled': 'Disabled', 'disable': 'Disable', 'no_replication_policies_add_new': 'No replication policies, add new replication policy.', 'no_replication_policies': 'No replication policies.', 'no_replication_jobs': 'No replication jobs.', 'no_destinations': 'No destinations, add new destination.', 'name_is_required': 'Name is required.', 'name_is_too_long': 'Name is too long. (maximum 20 characters)', 'description_is_too_long': 'Description is too long. (maximum 20 characters)', 'enable': 'Enable', 'general_setting': 'General', 'destination_setting': 'Destination Setting', 'endpoint': 'Endpoint', 'test_connection': 'Test connection', 'add_new_destination': 'New Destination', 'edit_destination': 'Edit Destination', 'successful_changed_password': 'Password has been changed successfully.', 'change_profile': 'Change Profile', 'successful_changed_profile': 'User profile has been changed successfully.', 'form_is_invalid': 'Form content is invalid', 'form_is_invalid_message': 'Form content is invalid, please fill the required fields.', 'administrator': 'Administrator', 'popular_repositories': 'Popular Repositories', 'harbor_intro_title': 'About Harbor', 'mail_has_been_sent': 'Resetting Email has been sent.', 'send': 'Send', 'successful_signed_up': 'Signed up successfully.', 'add_new_policy': 'Add New Policy', 'edit_policy': 'Edit Policy', 'add_new_title': 'Add User', 'add_new': 'Add', 'successful_added': 'Added new user successfully.', 'copyright': 'Copyright', 'all_rights_reserved': 'All Rights Reserved.', 'pinging_target': 'Testing connection, please stand by...', 'successful_ping_target': 'Test connection successfully.', 'failed_to_ping_target': 'Cannot connect to the target.', 'policy_already_exists': 'Policy alreay exists.', 'destination_already_exists': 'Destination already exists.', 'refresh': 'Refresh', 'select_all': 'Select All', 'delete_tag': 'Delete Tag', 'delete_repo': 'Delete Repo', 'download_log': 'Download Logs', 'edit': 'Edit', 'delete': 'Delete', 'transfer': 'Transfer', 'all': 'All', 'pending': 'Pending', 'running': 'Running', 'finished': 'Finished', 'canceled': 'Canceled', 'stopped': 'Stopped', 'retrying': 'Retrying', 'error': 'Error', 'failed_to_get_project_member': 'Failed to get current project member.', 'failed_to_delete_repo': 'Failed to delete repository. ', 'failed_to_delete_repo_insuffient_permissions': 'Failed to delete repository, insuffient permissions.', 'failed_to_get_tag': 'Failed to get tag.', 'failed_to_get_log': 'Failed to get logs.', 'failed_to_get_project': 'Failed to get projects.', 'failed_to_update_user': 'Failed to update user.', 'failed_to_get_stat': 'Failed to get stat data.', 'failed_to_get_top_repo': 'Failed to get top repositories.', 'failed_to_get_user_log': 'Failed to get user logs.', 'failed_to_send_email': 'Failed to send email.', 'failed_to_reset_pasword': 'Failed to reset password.', 'failed_in_search': 'Failed in search.', 'failed_to_sign_up': 'Failed to sign up.', 'failed_to_add_user': 'Failed to add user.', 'failed_to_delete_user': 'Failed to delete user.', 'failed_to_list_user': 'Failed to list user data.', 'failed_to_toggle_admin': 'Failed to toggle admin user.', 'failed_to_list_destination': 'Failed to list destinations.', 'failed_to_list_replication': 'Failed to list replication policies.', 'failed_to_toggle_policy': 'Failed to toggle replication policy.', 'failed_to_create_replication_policy': 'Failed to create replication policy.', 'failed_to_get_destination': 'Failed to get destination.', 'failed_to_get_destination_policies': 'Failed to get destination policies.', 'failed_to_get_replication_policy': 'Failed to get replication policy.', 'failed_to_update_replication_policy': 'Failed to update replication policy.', 'failed_to_delete_destination': 'Failed to delete destination.', 'failed_to_create_destination': 'Failed to create destination.', 'failed_to_update_destination': 'Failed to update destination.', 'failed_to_toggle_publicity_insuffient_permissions': 'Failed to toggle project publicity, insuffient permissions.', 'failed_to_toggle_publicity': 'Failed to toggle project publicity.', 'project_admin': 'Project Admin', 'developer': 'Developer', 'guest': 'Guest', 'inline_help_role_title': 'The Definitions of Roles', 'inline_help_role': 'Project Admin: When creating a new project, you will be assigned the "ProjectAdmin" role to the project. Besides read-write privileges, the "ProjectAdmin" also has some management privileges, such as adding and removing members.
' + 'Developer: Developer has read and write privileges for a project.
' + 'Guest: Guest has read-only privilege for a specified project.', 'inline_help_publicity_title': 'Publicity of Project', 'inline_help_publicity': 'Setting the project as public.', 'alert_job_contains_error': 'Found errors in the current replication jobs, please look into it.', 'caution': 'Caution' };