import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { finalize } from "rxjs/operators"; import { Subscription, timer } from "rxjs"; import { ErrorHandler } from "../../../../../shared/units/error-handler"; import { ClrDatagridComparatorInterface, ReplicationJob, ReplicationTasks } from "../../../../../shared/services"; import { CURRENT_BASE_HREF, CustomComparator, DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, doFiltering, doSorting, getSortingString } from "../../../../../shared/units/utils"; import { REFRESH_TIME_DIFFERENCE } from '../../../../../shared/entities/shared.const'; import { ClrDatagridStateInterface } from '@clr/angular'; import { ReplicationExecution } from "../../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/models/replication-execution"; import { ReplicationService } from "../../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/services"; import ListReplicationTasksParams = ReplicationService.ListReplicationTasksParams; import { ReplicationTask } from "../../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/models/replication-task"; const executionStatus = 'InProgress'; const STATUS_MAP = { "Succeed": "Succeeded" }; const SUCCEED: string = 'Succeed'; @Component({ selector: 'replication-tasks', templateUrl: './replication-tasks.component.html', styleUrls: ['./replication-tasks.component.scss'] }) export class ReplicationTasksComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { isOpenFilterTag: boolean; inProgress: boolean = false; currentPage: number = 1; pageSize: number = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; totalCount: number; loading = true; searchTask: string; defaultFilter = "resourceType"; tasks: ReplicationTask[]; taskItem: ReplicationTasks[] = []; tasksCopy: ReplicationTasks[] = []; stopOnGoing: boolean; execution: ReplicationExecution; timerDelay: Subscription; executionId: string; startTimeComparator: ClrDatagridComparatorInterface = new CustomComparator< ReplicationJob >("start_time", "date"); endTimeComparator: ClrDatagridComparatorInterface = new CustomComparator< ReplicationJob >("end_time", "date"); constructor( private translate: TranslateService, private router: Router, private replicationService: ReplicationService, private errorHandler: ErrorHandler, private route: ActivatedRoute, ) { } ngOnInit(): void { this.searchTask = ''; this.executionId = this.route.snapshot.params['id']; const resolverData =; if (resolverData) { this.execution = (resolverData["replicationTasksRoutingResolver"]); this.clrLoadPage(); } } getExecutionDetail(): void { this.inProgress = true; if (this.executionId) { this.replicationService.getReplicationExecution({ id: +this.executionId }) .pipe(finalize(() => (this.inProgress = false))) .subscribe(res => { this.execution = res; this.clrLoadPage(); }, error => { this.errorHandler.error(error); }); } } clrLoadPage(): void { if (!this.timerDelay) { this.timerDelay = timer(REFRESH_TIME_DIFFERENCE, REFRESH_TIME_DIFFERENCE).subscribe(() => { let count: number = 0; if (this.execution['status'] === executionStatus) { count++; } if (count > 0) { this.getExecutionDetail(); let state: ClrDatagridStateInterface = { page: {} }; this.clrLoadTasks(state); } else { this.timerDelay.unsubscribe(); this.timerDelay = null; } }); } } public get trigger(): string { return this.execution && this.execution['trigger'] ? this.execution['trigger'] : ""; } public get startTime(): string { return this.execution && this.execution['start_time'] ? this.execution['start_time'] : null; } public get successNum(): number { return this.execution && this.execution['succeed']; } public get failedNum(): number { return this.execution && this.execution['failed']; } public get progressNum(): number { return this.execution && this.execution['in_progress']; } public get stoppedNum(): number { return this.execution && this.execution['stopped']; } stopJob() { this.stopOnGoing = true; this.replicationService.stopReplication({ id: +this.executionId }).subscribe(response => { this.stopOnGoing = false; this.getExecutionDetail(); this.translate.get("REPLICATION.STOP_SUCCESS", { param: this.executionId }).subscribe((res: string) => {; }); }, error => { this.errorHandler.error(error); }); } viewLog(taskId: number | string): string { return CURRENT_BASE_HREF + "/replication" + "/executions/" + this.executionId + "/tasks/" + taskId + "/log"; } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.timerDelay) { this.timerDelay.unsubscribe(); } } clrLoadTasks(state: ClrDatagridStateInterface): void { if (!state || ! || !this.executionId) { return; } if (state && && { this.pageSize =; } const param: ListReplicationTasksParams = { id: +this.executionId, page: this.currentPage, pageSize: this.pageSize, sort: getSortingString(state) }; if (this.searchTask && this.searchTask !== "") { if (this.searchTask === STATUS_MAP.Succeed && this.defaultFilter === 'status') {// convert 'Succeeded' to 'Succeed' param[this.defaultFilter] = SUCCEED; } else { param[this.defaultFilter] = this.searchTask; } } this.loading = true; this.replicationService.listReplicationTasksResponse(param) .pipe(finalize(() => { this.loading = false; })) .subscribe(res => { if (res.headers) { let xHeader: string = res.headers.get("X-Total-Count"); if (xHeader) { this.totalCount = parseInt(xHeader, 0); } } this.tasks = res.body; // Keep the data // Do customising filtering and sorting this.tasks = doFiltering(this.tasks, state); this.tasks = doSorting(this.tasks, state); }, error => { this.errorHandler.error(error); }); } onBack(): void { this.router.navigate(["harbor", "replications"]); } selectFilter($event: any): void { this.defaultFilter = $event['target'].value; this.doSearch(this.searchTask); } // refresh icon refreshTasks(): void { this.currentPage = 1; let state: ClrDatagridStateInterface = { page: {} }; this.clrLoadTasks(state); } public doSearch(value: string): void { this.currentPage = 1; this.searchTask = value.trim(); let state: ClrDatagridStateInterface = { page: {} }; this.clrLoadTasks(state); } openFilter(isOpen: boolean): void { this.isOpenFilterTag = isOpen; } getStatusStr(status: string): string { if (STATUS_MAP && STATUS_MAP[status]) { return STATUS_MAP[status]; } return status; } canStop() { return this.execution && this.execution.status === 'InProgress'; } }