# View and test Harbor REST API via Swagger A Swagger file is provided for viewing and testing Harbor REST API. First, you should get the source code of Harbor: ```sh git clone git@github.com:vmware/harbor.git ``` ### Viewing Harbor REST API * Open the file **swagger.yaml** under the _docs_ directory in Harbor project; * Paste all its content into the online Swagger Editor at http://editor.swagger.io. The descriptions of Harbor API will be shown on the right pane of the page. ![Swagger Editor](img/swaggerEditor.png) ### Testing Harbor REST API From time to time, you may need to mannually test Harbor REST API. You can deploy the Swagger file into Harbor's service node. **Caution:** When using Swagger to send REST requests to Harbor, you may alter the data of Harbor accidentally. For this reason, it is NOT recommended using Swagger against a production Harbor instance. * Change the directory to _docs_ in Harbor project. ```sh cd docs ``` * Edit the script file _prepare-swagger.sh_ under the _docs_ directory. ```sh vi prepare-swagger.sh ``` * Change the SERVER_IP to the IP address of your Harbor server. ```sh SERVER_ID= ``` * Run the shell script. It downloads a Swagger package and extracts files into the _static_ directory in Harbor project. ```sh ./prepare-swagger.sh ``` * Change the directory to _Deploy_ ```sh cd ../Deploy ``` * Edit the _docker-compose.yml_ file. ```sh vi docker-compose.yml ``` * Add two lines to the file _docker-compose.yml_ under the section _ui.volumes_. ```docker ... ui: ... volumes: - ./config/ui/app.conf:/etc/ui/app.conf - ./config/ui/private_key.pem:/etc/ui/private_key.pem ## add two lines as below ## - ../static/vendors/swagger-ui-2.1.4/dist:/go/bin/static/vendors/swagger - ../static/resources/yaml/swagger.yaml:/go/bin/static/resources/yaml/swagger.yaml ... ``` * Rebuild Harbor project ```docker docker-compose build ``` * Clean up the previous running version. NOTE: The command does not remove your existing data. ```docker docker-compose rm ``` * Start the new Harbor build ```docker docker-compose up ``` * Because a session ID is usually required by Harbor API, **you should log in first from a browser.** * Open another tab in the same browser so that the session is shared between tabs. * Enter the URL of the Swagger page in Harbor as below. The `````` should be replaced by the IP address or the hostname of the Harbor server. ``` http:///static/vendors/swagger/index.html ``` * You should see a Swagger UI page with Harbor API _swagger.yaml_ file loaded in the same domain, **be aware that your REST request submitted by Swagger may change the data of Harbor**. ![Harbor API](img/renderedSwagger.png)