{{ define "serverheaderbuilder" }} {{ if not .IsArray }}{{ template "simpleserverheaderbuilder" . }}{{ else }}{{ template "sliceserverheaderbuilder" . }}{{ end }} {{- end }} {{ define "simpleserverheaderbuilder" }} {{ if .IsNullable -}} var {{ varname .ID }} string if {{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .ID }} != nil { {{ varname .ID }} = {{ if .Formatter }}{{ .Formatter }}(*{{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .ID }}){{ else }}{{ if not .IsCustomFormatter }}*{{ end }}{{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .ID }}{{ if .IsCustomFormatter }}.String(){{end}}{{end}} } {{ else }}{{ varname .ID }} := {{ if .Formatter }}{{ .Formatter }}({{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .ID }}){{ else }}{{ .ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .ID }}{{ if .IsCustomFormatter }}.String(){{end}}{{end}} {{ end -}} if {{ varname .ID }} != "" { rw.Header().Set({{ printf "%q" .Name }}, {{ varname .ID }}) } {{ end }} {{ define "sliceitemserverheaderbuilder" }} {{ if .IsNullable -}} var {{ .ValueExpression }}S string if {{ .ValueExpression }} != nil { {{ .ValueExpression }}S = {{ if .Formatter }}{{ .Formatter }}(*{{ .ValueExpression }}){{ else }}*{{ .ValueExpression }}{{ if .IsCustomFormatter }}.String(){{end}}{{end}} } {{ else -}} {{ .ValueExpression }}S := {{ if .Formatter }}{{ .Formatter }}({{ .ValueExpression }}){{ else }}{{ .ValueExpression }}{{ if .IsCustomFormatter }}.String(){{end}}{{end}} {{ end -}} if {{ .ValueExpression }}S != "" { {{ .ValueExpression }}R = append({{ .ValueExpression }}R, {{ .ValueExpression }}S) } {{ end }} {{define "sliceserverheaderbuilder" }} var {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R []string for _, {{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }} := range {{ .ValueExpression }} { {{- if not .Child.IsArray }}{{ template "sliceitemserverheaderbuilder" .Child }}{{ else }}{{ template "sliceserverheaderbuilder" .Child }}{{ end -}} } {{ if not .Child.Parent -}} {{ varname .ID }} := swag.JoinByFormat({{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R, {{ printf "%q" .CollectionFormat }}) if len({{ varname .ID }}) > 0 { hv := {{ varname .ID }}[0] if hv != "" { rw.Header().Set({{ printf "%q" .Name }}, hv) } } {{ else -}} {{ .ValueExpression }}S := swag.JoinByFormat({{ varname .Child.ValueExpression }}R, {{ printf "%q" .CollectionFormat }}) if len({{ .ValueExpression }}S) > 0 { {{ .ValueExpression }}Ss := {{ .ValueExpression }}S[0] if {{ .ValueExpression }}Ss != "" { {{ .ValueExpression }}R = append({{ .ValueExpression }}R, {{ .ValueExpression }}Ss) } } {{ end -}} {{ end -}} {{ define "serverresponse" }} {{ if ne .Code -1 }}// {{pascalize .Name}}Code is the HTTP code returned for type {{ pascalize .Name}} const {{ pascalize .Name}}Code int = {{ .Code }}{{ end }} /*{{ if .Description }}{{ pascalize .Name }} {{ blockcomment .Description }}{{else}}{{ pascalize .Name }} {{ humanize .Name }}{{end}} swagger:response {{ camelize .Name }} */ type {{ pascalize .Name }} struct { {{ if eq .Code -1 }} _statusCode int {{ end }}{{ range .Headers }}/*{{if .Description }}{{ blockcomment .Description }}{{ end }} {{ if .Maximum }} Maximum: {{ if .ExclusiveMaximum }}< {{ end }}{{ .Maximum }}{{ end }}{{ if .Minimum }} Minimum: {{ if .ExclusiveMinimum }}> {{ end }}{{ .Minimum }}{{ end }}{{ if .MultipleOf }} Multiple Of: {{ .MultipleOf }}{{ end }}{{ if .MaxLength }} Max Length: {{ .MaxLength }}{{ end }}{{ if .MinLength }} Min Length: {{ .MinLength }}{{ end }}{{ if .Pattern }} Pattern: {{ .Pattern }}{{ end }}{{ if .MaxItems }} Max Items: {{ .MaxItems }}{{ end }}{{ if .MinItems }} Min Items: {{ .MinItems }}{{ end }}{{ if .UniqueItems }} Unique: true{{ end }}{{ if .HasDefault }} Default: {{ printf "%#v" .Default }}{{ end }} */ {{ pascalize .Name }} {{ .GoType }} `json:"{{.Name}}{{ if not .Required }},omitempty{{ end }}"` {{ end }} {{ if .Schema }}{{ with .Schema }} /*{{if .Description }}{{ blockcomment .Description }}{{ end }}{{ if .Maximum }} Maximum: {{ if .ExclusiveMaximum }}< {{ end }}{{ .Maximum }}{{ end }}{{ if .Minimum }} Minimum: {{ if .ExclusiveMinimum }}> {{ end }}{{ .Minimum }}{{ end }}{{ if .MultipleOf }} Multiple Of: {{ .MultipleOf }}{{ end }}{{ if .MaxLength }} Max Length: {{ .MaxLength }}{{ end }}{{ if .MinLength }} Min Length: {{ .MinLength }}{{ end }}{{ if .Pattern }} Pattern: {{ .Pattern }}{{ end }}{{ if .MaxItems }} Max Items: {{ .MaxItems }}{{ end }}{{ if .MinItems }} Min Items: {{ .MinItems }}{{ end }}{{ if .UniqueItems }} Unique: true{{ end }} In: Body */{{ end }} Payload {{ if and (not .Schema.IsBaseType) .Schema.IsComplexObject }}*{{ end }}{{ .Schema.GoType }} `json:"body,omitempty"` {{ end }} } // New{{ pascalize .Name }} creates {{ pascalize .Name }} with default headers values func New{{ pascalize .Name }}({{ if eq .Code -1 }}code int{{ end }}) *{{ pascalize .Name }} { {{ if eq .Code -1 }} if code <= 0 { code = 500 } {{ end }} {{ if .Headers.HasSomeDefaults }} var ( // initialize headers with default values {{ range .Headers }} {{ if .HasDefault -}} {{ varname .ID}}Default = {{- if and .IsPrimitive .IsCustomFormatter (not (stringContains .Zero "(\"" )) }}{{ .Zero }}{{/* strfmt type initializer requires UnmarshalText(), e.g. Date, Datetime, Duration */}} {{- else if and .IsPrimitive .IsCustomFormatter (stringContains .Zero "(\"" ) }}{{.GoType}}({{- printf "%#v" .Default }}){{/* strfmt type initializer takes string */}} {{- else if and .IsPrimitive (not .IsCustomFormatter) -}}{{.GoType}}({{- printf "%#v" .Default }}){{/* regular go primitive type initializer */}} {{- else if .IsArray -}}{{- /* Do not initialize from possible defaults in nested arrays */ -}} {{- if and .Child.IsPrimitive .Child.IsCustomFormatter }}{{ .Zero }}{{/* initialization strategy with UnmarshalText() */}} {{- else if .Child.IsArray -}}{{ .Zero }}{{/* initialization strategy with json.Unmarshal() */}} {{- else if and .Child.IsPrimitive (not .Child.IsCustomFormatter) -}}{{.GoType}}{{- goSliceInitializer .Default }}{{/* regular go primitive type initializer: simple slice initializer */}} {{- else }}{{ printf "%#v" .Default }}{{/* all other cases (e.g. schema) [should not occur] */}} {{- end }} {{- else }}{{ printf "%#v" .Default }}{{/* case .Schema */}} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} ) {{ range .Headers }}{{ if .HasDefault -}}{{- /* carry on UnmarshalText initialization strategy */ -}} {{ if and .IsPrimitive .IsCustomFormatter (not (stringContains .Zero "(\"")) }}{{ varname .ID}}Default.UnmarshalText([]byte({{ printf "%q" .Default }})) {{ else if .IsArray -}} {{ if or ( and .Child.IsPrimitive .Child.IsCustomFormatter ) .Child.IsArray -}} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{{printf "%s" (json .Default)}}`), &{{ varname .ID }}Default); err != nil { // panics if specification is invalid msg := fmt.Sprintf("invalid default value for header {{ varname .ID }}: %v",err) panic(msg) } {{ end -}} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{ end }} return &{{ pascalize .Name }}{ {{ if eq .Code -1 }}_statusCode: code,{{ end }} {{ range .Headers }}{{ if .HasDefault }} {{ pascalize .Name}}: {{ if and (not .IsArray) (not .HasDiscriminator) (not .IsInterface) (not .IsStream) .IsNullable }}&{{ end }}{{ varname .ID }}Default, {{ end }} {{ end -}} } } {{ if eq .Code -1 }} // WithStatusCode adds the status to the {{ humanize .Name }} response func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize .Name }}) WithStatusCode(code int) *{{ pascalize .Name }} { {{ .ReceiverName }}._statusCode = code return {{ .ReceiverName }} } // SetStatusCode sets the status to the {{ humanize .Name }} response func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize .Name }}) SetStatusCode(code int) { {{ .ReceiverName }}._statusCode = code } {{ end }}{{ range .Headers }} // With{{ pascalize .Name }} adds the {{ camelize .Name }} to the {{ humanize $.Name }} response func ({{ $.ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize $.Name }}) With{{ pascalize .Name }}({{ varname .Name }} {{ .GoType}}) *{{ pascalize $.Name }} { {{ $.ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ varname .Name }} return {{ .ReceiverName }} } // Set{{ pascalize .Name }} sets the {{ camelize .Name }} to the {{ humanize $.Name }} response func ({{ $.ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize $.Name }}) Set{{ pascalize .Name }}({{ varname .Name }} {{ .GoType}}) { {{ $.ReceiverName }}.{{ pascalize .Name }} = {{ varname .Name }} } {{ end }}{{ if .Schema }} // WithPayload adds the payload to the {{ humanize .Name }} response func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize .Name }}) WithPayload(payload {{ if and .Schema.IsComplexObject (not .Schema.IsBaseType) }}*{{ end }}{{ .Schema.GoType }}) *{{ pascalize .Name }} { {{ .ReceiverName }}.Payload = payload return {{ .ReceiverName }} } // SetPayload sets the payload to the {{ humanize .Name }} response func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize .Name }}) SetPayload(payload {{ if and .Schema.IsComplexObject (not .Schema.IsBaseType) }}*{{ end }}{{ .Schema.GoType }}) { {{ .ReceiverName }}.Payload = payload } {{ end }} // WriteResponse to the client func ({{ .ReceiverName }} *{{ pascalize .Name }}) WriteResponse(rw http.ResponseWriter, producer runtime.Producer) { {{ range .Headers }} // response header {{.Name}} {{ template "serverheaderbuilder" . -}} {{ end }} {{ if not .Schema }} rw.Header().Del(runtime.HeaderContentType) // Remove Content-Type on empty responses {{ end }} rw.WriteHeader({{ if eq .Code -1 }}{{ .ReceiverName }}._statusCode{{ else }}{{ .Code }}{{ end }}) {{- if .Schema }} {{- if .Schema.IsComplexObject }} if {{ .ReceiverName }}.Payload != nil { {{- end }} payload := {{ .ReceiverName }}.Payload {{- if and (not .Schema.IsInterface) (or .Schema.IsArray .Schema.IsMap) }} if payload == nil { // return empty {{ if .Schema.IsArray }}array{{ else if .Schema.IsMap }}map{{ end }} payload = {{- if or .Schema.IsAliased .Schema.IsComplexObject }} {{- if and (not .Schema.IsBaseType) .Schema.IsComplexObject }}&{{ end }}{{ .Schema.GoType -}} {} {{- else }} {{- .Schema.Zero }} {{- end }} } {{ end }} if err := producer.Produce(rw, payload); err != nil { panic(err) // let the recovery middleware deal with this } {{- if .Schema.IsComplexObject }} } {{- end }} {{- end }} } {{ end }}// Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT. {{ if .Copyright -}}// {{ comment .Copyright -}}{{ end }} package {{ .Package }} // This file was generated by the swagger tool. // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command import ( "net/http" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" "github.com/go-openapi/errors" "github.com/go-openapi/validate" "github.com/go-openapi/runtime" "github.com/go-openapi/runtime/security" {{ range .DefaultImports }}{{ printf "%q" .}} {{ end }} {{ range $key, $value := .Imports }}{{ $key }} {{ printf "%q" $value }} {{ end }} ) {{ range .Responses }} {{ template "serverresponse" . }} {{ end }} {{ if .DefaultResponse }} {{ template "serverresponse" .DefaultResponse }} {{ end }}