// Copyright (c) 2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package common // const variables const ( DBAuth = "db_auth" LDAPAuth = "ldap_auth" UAAAuth = "uaa_auth" ProCrtRestrEveryone = "everyone" ProCrtRestrAdmOnly = "adminonly" LDAPScopeBase = 0 LDAPScopeOnelevel = 1 LDAPScopeSubtree = 2 RoleProjectAdmin = 1 RoleDeveloper = 2 RoleGuest = 3 LabelLevelSystem = "s" LabelLevelUser = "u" LabelScopeGlobal = "g" LabelScopeProject = "p" ResourceTypeProject = "p" ResourceTypeRepository = "r" ResourceTypeImage = "i" ExtEndpoint = "ext_endpoint" AUTHMode = "auth_mode" DatabaseType = "database_type" PostGreSQLHOST = "postgresql_host" PostGreSQLPort = "postgresql_port" PostGreSQLUsername = "postgresql_username" PostGreSQLPassword = "postgresql_password" PostGreSQLDatabase = "postgresql_database" PostGreSQLSSLMode = "postgresql_sslmode" SelfRegistration = "self_registration" UIURL = "ui_url" JobServiceURL = "jobservice_url" LDAPURL = "ldap_url" LDAPSearchDN = "ldap_search_dn" LDAPSearchPwd = "ldap_search_password" LDAPBaseDN = "ldap_base_dn" LDAPUID = "ldap_uid" LDAPFilter = "ldap_filter" LDAPScope = "ldap_scope" LDAPTimeout = "ldap_timeout" LDAPVerifyCert = "ldap_verify_cert" LDAPGroupBaseDN = "ldap_group_base_dn" LDAPGroupSearchFilter = "ldap_group_search_filter" LDAPGroupAttributeName = "ldap_group_attribute_name" LDAPGroupSearchScope = "ldap_group_search_scope" TokenServiceURL = "token_service_url" RegistryURL = "registry_url" EmailHost = "email_host" EmailPort = "email_port" EmailUsername = "email_username" EmailPassword = "email_password" EmailFrom = "email_from" EmailSSL = "email_ssl" EmailIdentity = "email_identity" EmailInsecure = "email_insecure" ProjectCreationRestriction = "project_creation_restriction" MaxJobWorkers = "max_job_workers" TokenExpiration = "token_expiration" CfgExpiration = "cfg_expiration" JobLogDir = "job_log_dir" AdminInitialPassword = "admin_initial_password" AdmiralEndpoint = "admiral_url" WithNotary = "with_notary" WithClair = "with_clair" ScanAllPolicy = "scan_all_policy" ClairDBPassword = "clair_db_password" ClairDBHost = "clair_db_host" ClairDBPort = "clair_db_port" ClairDB = "clair_db" ClairDBUsername = "clair_db_username" UAAEndpoint = "uaa_endpoint" UAAClientID = "uaa_client_id" UAAClientSecret = "uaa_client_secret" UAAVerifyCert = "uaa_verify_cert" DefaultClairEndpoint = "http://clair:6060" CfgDriverDB = "db" CfgDriverJSON = "json" NewHarborAdminName = "admin@harbor.local" RegistryStorageProviderName = "registry_storage_provider_name" UserMember = "u" GroupMember = "g" ReadOnly = "read_only" ClairURL = "clair_url" NotaryURL = "notary_url" DefaultAdminserverEndpoint = "http://adminserver:8080" DefaultJobserviceEndpoint = "http://jobservice:8080" DefaultUIEndpoint = "http://ui:8080" DefaultNotaryEndpoint = "http://notary-server:4443" LdapGroupType = 1 ReloadKey = "reload_key" LdapGroupAdminDn = "ldap_group_admin_dn" DefaultRegistryControllerEndpoint = "http://registryctl:8080" )