/* table artifact: id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, type varchar(255) NOT NULL, media_type varchar(255) NOT NULL, manifest_media_type varchar(255) NOT NULL, project_id int NOT NULL, repository_id int NOT NULL, repository_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, digest varchar(255) NOT NULL, size bigint, push_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, pull_time timestamp, extra_attrs text, annotations jsonb, CONSTRAINT unique_artifact UNIQUE (repository_id, digest) */ ALTER TABLE admin_job ADD COLUMN job_parameters varchar(255) Default ''; /*record the data version to decide whether the data migration should be skipped*/ ALTER TABLE schema_migrations ADD COLUMN data_version int; ALTER TABLE artifact ADD COLUMN repository_id int; ALTER TABLE artifact ADD COLUMN media_type varchar(255); ALTER TABLE artifact ADD COLUMN manifest_media_type varchar(255); ALTER TABLE artifact ADD COLUMN size bigint; ALTER TABLE artifact ADD COLUMN extra_attrs text; ALTER TABLE artifact ADD COLUMN annotations jsonb; ALTER TABLE artifact RENAME COLUMN kind TO type; ALTER TABLE artifact DROP COLUMN creation_time; /*set the media type*/ UPDATE artifact AS art SET type='IMAGE', repository_id=repo.repository_id, manifest_media_type=blob.content_type, media_type=( CASE /*v2 manifest*/ WHEN blob.content_type='application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' THEN 'application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json' /*manifest list*/ WHEN blob.content_type='application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json' THEN 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json' /*v1 manifest*/ ELSE 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+prettyjws' END ) FROM repository AS repo, blob AS blob WHERE art.repo=repo.name AND art.digest=blob.digest; ALTER TABLE artifact ALTER COLUMN repository_id SET NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE artifact ALTER COLUMN media_type SET NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE artifact ALTER COLUMN manifest_media_type SET NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE artifact RENAME COLUMN repo TO repository_name; CREATE TABLE tag ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, repository_id int NOT NULL, artifact_id int NOT NULL, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, push_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, pull_time timestamp, FOREIGN KEY (artifact_id) REFERENCES artifact(id), CONSTRAINT unique_tag UNIQUE (repository_id, name) ); /*move the tag in the table artifact into table tag*/ INSERT INTO tag (artifact_id, repository_id, name, push_time, pull_time) SELECT ordered_art.id, art.repository_id, art.tag, art.push_time, art.pull_time FROM artifact AS art JOIN ( /*the tag references the first artifact that with the same digest*/ SELECT id, repository_name, digest, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY repository_name, digest ORDER BY id) AS seq FROM artifact ) AS ordered_art ON art.repository_name=ordered_art.repository_name AND art.digest=ordered_art.digest WHERE ordered_art.seq=1; ALTER TABLE artifact DROP COLUMN tag; /*remove the duplicate artifact rows*/ DELETE FROM artifact WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT artifact_id FROM tag ); ALTER TABLE artifact ADD CONSTRAINT unique_artifact UNIQUE (repository_id, digest); /*set artifact size*/ UPDATE artifact SET size=s.size FROM ( SELECT art.digest, sum(blob.size) AS size FROM artifact AS art, artifact_blob AS ref, blob AS blob WHERE art.digest=ref.digest_af AND ref.digest_blob=blob.digest GROUP BY art.digest ) AS s WHERE artifact.digest=s.digest; /*repair the count usage as we calculate the count quota against artifact rather than tag*/ /*count=count-(tag count-artifact count)*/ UPDATE quota_usage SET used=jsonb_set(used, '{count}', ((used->>'count')::int - (SELECT ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM tag JOIN artifact ON tag.artifact_id=artifact.id WHERE artifact.project_id=quota_usage.reference_id::int)-( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM artifact WHERE project_id=quota_usage.reference_id::int)))::text::jsonb); /* artifact_reference records the child artifact referenced by parent artifact */ CREATE TABLE artifact_reference ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, parent_id int NOT NULL, child_id int NOT NULL, child_digest varchar(255) NOT NULL , platform varchar(255), urls varchar(1024), annotations jsonb, FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES artifact(id), FOREIGN KEY (child_id) REFERENCES artifact(id), CONSTRAINT unique_reference UNIQUE (parent_id, child_id) ); /* artifact_trash records deleted artifact */ CREATE TABLE artifact_trash ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, media_type varchar(255) NOT NULL, manifest_media_type varchar(255) NOT NULL, repository_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, digest varchar(255) NOT NULL, creation_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CONSTRAINT unique_artifact_trash UNIQUE (repository_name, digest) ); /* label_reference records the labels added to the artifact */ CREATE TABLE label_reference ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, label_id int NOT NULL, artifact_id int NOT NULL, creation_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (label_id) REFERENCES harbor_label(id), FOREIGN KEY (artifact_id) REFERENCES artifact(id), CONSTRAINT unique_label_reference UNIQUE (label_id,artifact_id) ); /*move the labels added to tag to artifact*/ INSERT INTO label_reference (label_id, artifact_id, creation_time, update_time) ( SELECT label.label_id, repo_tag.artifact_id, label.creation_time, label.update_time FROM harbor_resource_label AS label JOIN ( SELECT tag.artifact_id, CONCAT(repository.name, ':', tag.name) as name FROM tag JOIN repository ON tag.repository_id = repository.repository_id ) AS repo_tag ON repo_tag.name = label.resource_name AND label.resource_type = 'i' ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; /*remove the records for images in table 'harbor_resource_label'*/ DELETE FROM harbor_resource_label WHERE resource_type = 'i'; CREATE TABLE audit_log ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, project_id int NOT NULL, operation varchar(20) NOT NULL, resource_type varchar(255) NOT NULL, resource varchar(1024) NOT NULL, username varchar(255) NOT NULL, op_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); /*migrate access log to audit log*/ DO $$ DECLARE access RECORD; BEGIN FOR access IN SELECT * FROM access_log LOOP /*insert project create and delete*/ IF (access.operation = 'create' AND access.repo_tag = 'N/A') OR (access.operation = 'delete' AND access.repo_tag = 'N/A') THEN INSERT INTO audit_log (project_id, operation, resource_type, resource, username, op_time) VALUES (access.project_id, access.operation, 'project', access.repo_name, access.username, access.op_time); ELSIF access.operation = 'delete' AND access.repo_tag != 'N/A' THEN INSERT INTO audit_log (project_id, operation, resource_type, resource, username, op_time) VALUES (access.project_id, 'delete', 'artifact', CONCAT(access.repo_name,':',access.repo_tag), access.username, access.op_time); ELSIF access.operation = 'push' THEN INSERT INTO audit_log (project_id, operation, resource_type, resource, username, op_time) VALUES (access.project_id, 'create', 'artifact', CONCAT(access.repo_name,':',access.repo_tag), access.username, access.op_time); ELSIF access.operation = 'pull' THEN INSERT INTO audit_log (project_id, operation, resource_type, resource, username, op_time) VALUES (access.project_id, 'pull', 'artifact', CONCAT(access.repo_name,':',access.repo_tag), access.username, access.op_time); END IF; END LOOP; END $$; /*drop access table after migrate to audit log*/ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS access_log; /*remove the constraint for project_id in table 'notification_policy'*/ ALTER TABLE notification_policy DROP CONSTRAINT unique_project_id; /*add the unique constraint for name in table 'notification_policy'*/ ALTER TABLE notification_policy ADD UNIQUE (name); ALTER TABLE replication_task ALTER COLUMN src_resource TYPE varchar(512); ALTER TABLE replication_task ALTER COLUMN dst_resource TYPE varchar(512); /*remove count from quota hard and quota_usage used json*/ UPDATE quota SET hard = hard - 'count'; UPDATE quota_usage SET used = used - 'count';