import { ComponentFixture, fakeAsync, TestBed, tick, } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { ConfirmationDialogComponent } from '../../../../../shared/components/confirmation-dialog'; import { CronTooltipComponent } from '../../../../../shared/components/cron-schedule'; import { CreateEditRuleComponent } from './create-edit-rule.component'; import { DatePickerComponent } from '../../../../../shared/components/datetime-picker/datetime-picker.component'; import { FilterComponent } from '../../../../../shared/components/filter/filter.component'; import { InlineAlertComponent } from '../../../../../shared/components/inline-alert/inline-alert.component'; import { ErrorHandler } from '../../../../../shared/units/error-handler'; import { ReplicationService } from '../../../../../shared/services'; import { LabelPieceComponent } from '../../../../../shared/components/label/label-piece/label-piece.component'; import { of } from 'rxjs'; import { HttpHeaders, HttpResponse } from '@angular/common/http'; import { delay } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { SharedTestingModule } from '../../../../../shared/shared.module'; import { RegistryService } from '../../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/services/registry.service'; import { Registry } from '../../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/models/registry'; import { ReplicationPolicy } from '../../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/models/replication-policy'; import { ReplicationExecution } from '../../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/models/replication-execution'; describe('CreateEditRuleComponent (inline template)', () => { let mockRules: ReplicationPolicy[] = [ { id: 1, name: 'sync_01', description: '', src_registry: { id: 2 }, dest_namespace: '', trigger: { type: 'Manual', trigger_settings: {}, }, filters: [], deletion: false, enabled: true, override: true, speed: -1, }, ]; let mockJobs: ReplicationExecution[] = [ { id: 1, status: 'stopped', policy_id: 1, trigger: 'Manual', total: 0, failed: 0, succeed: 0, in_progress: 0, stopped: 0, }, { id: 2, status: 'stopped', policy_id: 1, trigger: 'Manual', total: 1, failed: 0, succeed: 1, in_progress: 0, stopped: 0, }, { id: 3, status: 'stopped', policy_id: 2, trigger: 'Manual', total: 1, failed: 1, succeed: 0, in_progress: 0, stopped: 0, }, ]; let mockJob: any = { metadata: { xTotalCount: 3 }, data: mockJobs, }; let mockEndpoints: Registry[] = [ { id: 1, credential: { access_key: 'admin', access_secret: '', type: 'basic', }, description: 'test', insecure: false, name: 'target_01', type: 'Harbor', url: '', }, { id: 2, credential: { access_key: 'AAA', access_secret: '', type: 'basic', }, description: 'test', insecure: false, name: 'target_02', type: 'Harbor', url: '', }, { id: 3, credential: { access_key: 'admin', access_secret: '', type: 'basic', }, description: 'test', insecure: false, name: 'target_03', type: 'Harbor', url: '', }, { id: 4, credential: { access_key: 'admin', access_secret: '', type: 'basic', }, description: 'test', insecure: true, name: 'target_04', type: 'Harbor', url: '', }, ]; let mockRule: ReplicationPolicy = { id: 1, name: 'sync_01', description: '', dest_namespace: '', src_registry: { id: 10 }, dest_registry: { id: 0 }, trigger: { type: 'Manual', trigger_settings: {}, }, filters: [], deletion: false, enabled: true, override: true, speed: -1, }; let mockRegistryInfo = { type: 'harbor', description: '', supported_resource_filters: [ { type: 'Name', style: 'input', }, { type: 'Version', style: 'input', }, { type: 'Label', style: 'input', }, { type: 'Resource', style: 'radio', values: ['repository', 'chart'], }, ], supported_triggers: ['manual', 'scheduled', 'event_based'], }; let fixture: ComponentFixture; let comp: CreateEditRuleComponent; const fakedErrorHandler = { error() {}, }; const fakedReplicationService = { getReplicationRule() { return of(mockRule).pipe(delay(0)); }, getReplicationRulesResponse() { return of( new HttpResponse({ body: mockRules, headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'x-total-count': '2', }), }) ).pipe(delay(0)); }, getExecutions() { return of(mockJob).pipe(delay(0)); }, getEndpoints() { return of(mockEndpoints).pipe(delay(0)); }, getRegistryInfo() { return of(mockRegistryInfo).pipe(delay(0)); }, }; const fakedEndpointService = { listRegistriesResponse() { const response: HttpResponse> = new HttpResponse< Array >({ headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'x-total-count': mockEndpoints.length.toString(), }), body: mockEndpoints, }); return of(response).pipe(delay(0)); }, listRegistries() { return of(mockEndpoints).pipe(delay(0)); }, getRegistryInfo() { return of(mockRegistryInfo).pipe(delay(0)); }, }; beforeEach(async () => { await TestBed.configureTestingModule({ imports: [SharedTestingModule], declarations: [ CreateEditRuleComponent, CronTooltipComponent, ConfirmationDialogComponent, DatePickerComponent, FilterComponent, InlineAlertComponent, LabelPieceComponent, ], providers: [ { provide: ErrorHandler, useValue: fakedErrorHandler }, { provide: ReplicationService, useValue: fakedReplicationService, }, { provide: RegistryService, useValue: fakedEndpointService }, ], }).compileComponents(); }); beforeEach(() => { fixture = TestBed.createComponent(CreateEditRuleComponent); comp = fixture.componentInstance; fixture.detectChanges(); }); it('Should open creation modal and load endpoints', async () => { fixture.detectChanges(); await fixture.whenStable(); comp.openCreateEditRule(); fixture.detectChanges(); await fixture.whenStable(); const modal = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('clr-modal'); expect(modal).toBeTruthy(); const selectionOptions = fixture.nativeElement.querySelectorAll( '#dest_registry>option' ); expect(selectionOptions).toBeTruthy(); expect(selectionOptions.length).toEqual(5); }); it('Should open modal to edit replication rule', fakeAsync(() => { fixture.detectChanges(); comp.openCreateEditRule(mockRule); fixture.detectChanges(); tick(5000); const ruleNameInput: HTMLInputElement = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('#ruleName'); expect(ruleNameInput).toBeTruthy(); expect(ruleNameInput.value.trim()).toEqual('sync_01'); })); it('List all Registries Response', fakeAsync(() => { fixture.detectChanges(); comp.ngOnInit(); comp.getAllRegistries(); fixture.whenStable(); tick(5000); expect(comp.targetList.length).toBe(4); })); });