import { Component, EventEmitter, OnInit, Output } from '@angular/core'; import { Artifact } from '../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/models/artifact'; import { Label } from '../../../../../../ng-swagger-gen/models/label'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { Project } from '../../project'; import { artifactDefault } from './artifact'; import { SafeUrl } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { ArtifactService } from './artifact.service'; import { EventService, HarborEvent, } from '../../../../services/event-service/event.service'; @Component({ selector: 'artifact-summary', templateUrl: './artifact-summary.component.html', styleUrls: ['./artifact-summary.component.scss'], providers: [], }) export class ArtifactSummaryComponent implements OnInit { tagId: string; artifactDigest: string; sbomDigest?: string; activeTab?: string; repositoryName: string; projectId: string | number; referArtifactNameArray: string[] = []; labels: Label; artifact: Artifact; @Output() backEvt: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); projectName: string; isProxyCacheProject: boolean = false; loading: boolean = false; constructor( private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private frontEndArtifactService: ArtifactService, private event: EventService ) {} goBack(): void { this.router.navigate([ 'harbor', 'projects', this.projectId, 'repositories', this.repositoryName, ]); } goBackRep(): void { this.router.navigate([ 'harbor', 'projects', this.projectId, 'repositories', ]); } goBackPro(): void { this.router.navigate(['harbor', 'projects']); } jumpDigest(index: number) { const arr: string[] = this.referArtifactNameArray.slice(0, index + 1); if (arr && arr.length) { this.router.navigate([ 'harbor', 'projects', this.projectId, 'repositories', this.repositoryName, 'artifacts-tab', 'depth', arr.join('-'), ]); } else { this.router.navigate([ 'harbor', 'projects', this.projectId, 'repositories', this.repositoryName, ]); } } ngOnInit(): void { let depth = this.route.snapshot.params['depth']; if (depth) { this.referArtifactNameArray = depth.split('-'); } this.repositoryName = this.route.snapshot.params['repo']; this.artifactDigest = this.route.snapshot.params['digest']; this.projectId = this.route.snapshot.parent.params['id']; this.sbomDigest = this.route.snapshot.queryParams['sbomDigest']; this.activeTab = this.route.snapshot.queryParams['tab']; if (this.repositoryName && this.artifactDigest) { const resolverData =; if (resolverData) { const pro: Project = ( resolverData['artifactResolver'][1] ); this.projectName =; if (pro.registry_id) { this.isProxyCacheProject = true; } this.artifact = resolverData['artifactResolver'][0]; this.getIconFromBackEnd(); } } // scroll to the top for harbor container HTML element this.event.publish(HarborEvent.SCROLL_TO_POSITION, 0); } onBack(): void { this.backEvt.emit(this.repositoryName); } showDefaultIcon(event: any) { if (event && { = artifactDefault; } } getIcon(icon: string): SafeUrl { return this.frontEndArtifactService.getIcon(icon); } getIconFromBackEnd() { if (this.artifact && this.artifact.icon) { this.frontEndArtifactService.getIconsFromBackEnd([this.artifact]); } } }