*** Settings *** Documentation Harbor BATs Resource ../../resources/APITest-Util.robot Resource ../../resources/Docker-Util.robot Library ../../apitests/python/library/Harbor.py ${SERVER_CONFIG} Library OperatingSystem Library String Library Collections Library requests Library Process Default Tags APIDB *** Variables *** ${SERVER} ${ip} ${SERVER_URL} https://${SERVER} ${SERVER_API_ENDPOINT} ${SERVER_URL}/api &{SERVER_CONFIG} endpoint=${SERVER_API_ENDPOINT} verify_ssl=False *** Test Cases *** Test Case - Create Project ${project_id} ${project_name} = Create Project Log To Console ${project_name} Test Case - Push Image Sleep 1 Docker Pull hello-world:latest ${project_id} ${project_name} = Create Project Log To Console ${project_name} Docker Login ${SERVER} admin Harbor12345 Docker Tag hello-world:latest ${SERVER}/${project_name}/hello-world:1.0 Docker Push ${SERVER}/${project_name}/hello-world:1.0