Test 1-12 - Admin User Assign and Remove Admin Role to a User. ======= # Purpose: To verify that Admin user can assign/remove admin role to/from a user. # References: User guide # Environment: * This test requires that a Harbor instance is running and available. * Harbor is set to authenticate against a local database. ( auth_mode is set to **db_auth** .) The user data is stored in a local database. # Test Steps: 1. Log in as the admin user to the UI. 2. The admin user should see a list of users in "Admin Options". 3. From the list, the admin user assigns system admin role to a user A. 4. On a different browser(e.g. if the admin logs in using Chrome, then choose Safari or FireFox ), log in as user A to verify that user A has admin privilege. 5. From the list, the admin user removes system admin role from user A. 6. On a different browser, refresh the UI to verify user A has no admin privilege any more. # Expected Outcome: * As described in steps 1-6. # Possible Problems: None