/* TODO remove the table artifact_2 and use the artifact instead after finishing the upgrade work */ CREATE TABLE artifact_2 ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, /* image, chart, etc */ type varchar(255) NOT NULL, media_type varchar(255) NOT NULL, manifest_media_type varchar(255) NOT NULL, project_id int NOT NULL, repository_id int NOT NULL, digest varchar(255) NOT NULL, size bigint, push_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, pull_time timestamp, extra_attrs text, annotations jsonb, CONSTRAINT unique_artifact_2 UNIQUE (repository_id, digest) ); CREATE TABLE tag ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, repository_id int NOT NULL, artifact_id int NOT NULL, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, push_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, pull_time timestamp, /* TODO replace artifact_2 after finishing the upgrade work */ FOREIGN KEY (artifact_id) REFERENCES artifact_2(id), CONSTRAINT unique_tag UNIQUE (repository_id, name) ); /* artifact_reference records the child artifact referenced by parent artifact */ CREATE TABLE artifact_reference ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, parent_id int NOT NULL, child_id int NOT NULL, platform varchar(255), /* TODO replace artifact_2 after finishing the upgrade work */ FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES artifact_2(id), FOREIGN KEY (child_id) REFERENCES artifact_2(id), CONSTRAINT unique_reference UNIQUE (parent_id, child_id) ); /* artifact_trash records deleted artifact */ CREATE TABLE artifact_trash ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, media_type varchar(255) NOT NULL, manifest_media_type varchar(255) NOT NULL, repository_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, digest varchar(255) NOT NULL, creation_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CONSTRAINT unique_artifact_trash UNIQUE (repository_name, digest) ); /* TODO upgrade: how about keep the table "harbor_resource_label" only for helm v2 chart and use the new table for artifact label reference? */ /* label_reference records the labels added to the artifact */ CREATE TABLE label_reference ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, label_id int NOT NULL, artifact_id int NOT NULL, creation_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, update_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FOREIGN KEY (label_id) REFERENCES harbor_label(id), /* TODO replace artifact_2 after finishing the upgrade work */ FOREIGN KEY (artifact_id) REFERENCES artifact_2(id), CONSTRAINT unique_label_reference UNIQUE (label_id,artifact_id) );