# Copyright Project Harbor Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License *** Settings *** Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance Resource ../../resources/Util.robot *** Variables *** *** Keywords *** Sign In Harbor With OIDC User [Arguments] ${url} ${username}=${OIDC_USERNAME} ${password}=password ${is_onboard}=${false} ${username_claim}=${null} ${login_with_provider}=email ${full_name}= Set Variable If '${login_with_provider}' == 'email' ${username}@example.com ${username} ${head_username}= Set Variable If '${username_claim}' == 'email' xpath=//harbor-app/harbor-shell/clr-main-container/navigator/clr-header//clr-dropdown//button[contains(.,'${full_name}')] xpath=//harbor-app/harbor-shell/clr-main-container/navigator/clr-header//clr-dropdown//button[contains(.,'${username}')] Init Chrome Driver Go To ${url} Retry Element Click ${log_oidc_provider_btn} Run Keyword If '${login_with_provider}' == 'email' Retry Element Click ${login_with_email_btn} Run Keyword If '${login_with_provider}' == 'ldap' Retry Element Click ${login_with_ldap_btn} Retry Text Input ${dex_login_btn} ${full_name} Retry Text Input ${dex_pwd_btn} ${password} Retry Element Click ${submit_login_btn} Retry Element Click ${grant_btn} #If input box for harbor user name is visible, it means it's the 1st time login of this user, # but if this user has been logged into harbor successfully, this input box will not show up, # so there is condition branch for this stituation. ${isVisible}= Run Keyword And Return Status Element Should Be Visible ${oidc_username_input} Run Keyword If ${is_onboard} == ${true} Should Not Be True ${isVisible} Run Keyword If '${isVisible}' == 'True' Run Keywords Retry Text Input ${oidc_username_input} ${username} AND Retry Element Click ${save_btn} Retry Wait Element ${head_username} Capture Page Screenshot ${name_display}= Get Text ${header_user} Run Keyword If '${username_claim}' == 'email' Should Be Equal As Strings ${name_display} ${full_name} ... ELSE Should Be Equal As Strings ${name_display} ${username} Get Secrete By API [Arguments] ${url} ${username}=${OIDC_USERNAME} ${json}= Run Curl And Return Json curl -s -k -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u '${HARBOR_ADMIN}:${HARBOR_PASSWORD}' '${url}/api/v2.0/users/search?username=${username}' ${user_info}= Set Variable ${json[0]} ${user_id}= Set Variable ${user_info["user_id"]} ${json}= Run Curl And Return Json curl -s -k -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' -u '${HARBOR_ADMIN}:${HARBOR_PASSWORD}' '${url}/api/v2.0/users/${user_id}' ${secret}= Set Variable ${json["oidc_user_meta"]["secret"]} [Return] ${secret} Generate And Return Secret [Arguments] ${url} Retry Element Click ${head_admin_xpath} Retry Element Click ${user_profile_xpath} Retry Element Click ${more_btn} Retry Element Click ${generate_secret_btn} Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${confirm_btn} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${confirm_btn} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Cli secret setting is successful ${secret}= Get Secrete By API ${url} [Return] ${secret} Able To Delete An OIDC User Switch to User Tag Retry Element Click ${user_test7_checkbox} Retry Element Click ${member_action_btn} Retry Element Click ${delete_btn} Retry Element Click ${confirm_delete_btn} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${user_test7_checkbox} Should Contain Target User Switch to User Tag Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${user_test7_row}