Yang Jiao ff4eb7f27c
Add P2P Preheat Test case (#17089)
1.Add P2P Preheat test case triggered by manual
2.Add P2P Preheat test case triggered by events(Artifact is pushed Artifact is scanned Artifact is labeled)
3.Add P2P Preheat test case triggered by schedule
4.Migrated Distribution CRUD and P2P Preheat Policy CRUD to P2P_Preheat.robot for classification

Signed-off-by: Yang Jiao <jiaoya@vmware.com>
2022-06-28 18:14:46 +08:00

394 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright Project Harbor Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
Resource ../../resources/Util.robot
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output ip addr s eth0 |grep "inet "|awk '{print $2}' |awk -F "/" '{print $1}'
Log ${output}
Sleep 2
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='ldapUrl'] ldaps://${output}
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='ldapSearchDN'] cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='ldapSearchPwd'] admin
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='ldapBaseDN'] dc=example,dc=com
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='ldapFilter'] (&(objectclass=inetorgperson)(memberof=cn=harbor_users,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com))
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='ldapUid'] cn
Sleep 1
Disable Ldap Verify Cert Checkbox
Retry Element Click xpath=${config_auth_save_button_xpath}
Sleep 2
Retry Element Click xpath=/html/body/harbor-app/harbor-shell/clr-main-container/div/div/config/div/div/div/button[3]
Sleep 1
Switch To Configure
Retry Element Click xpath=${configuration_xpath}
Sleep 2
Test Ldap Connection
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output ip addr s eth0 |grep "inet "|awk '{print $2}' |awk -F "/" '{print $1}'
Log ${output}
Sleep 2
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='ldapUrl'] ldaps://${output}
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='ldapSearchDN'] cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='ldapSearchPwd'] admin
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='ldapBaseDN'] dc=example,dc=com
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='ldapUid'] cn
Sleep 1
# default is checked, click test connection to verify fail as no cert.
Retry Element Click xpath=${test_ldap_xpath}
Sleep 1
Wait Until Page Contains Failed to verify LDAP server with error
Sleep 5
Disable Ldap Verify Cert Checkbox
# ldap checkbox unchecked, click test connection to verify success.
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=${test_ldap_xpath}
Wait Until Page Contains Connection to LDAP server is verified timeout=15
Test LDAP Server Success
Retry Element Click xpath=${test_ldap_xpath}
Wait Until Page Contains Connection to LDAP server is verified timeout=15
Disable Ldap Verify Cert Checkbox
Mouse Down xpath=//*[@id='clr-checkbox-ldapVerifyCert']
Mouse Up xpath=//*[@id='clr-checkbox-ldapVerifyCert']
Sleep 2
Ldap Verify Cert Checkbox Should Be Disabled
Ldap Verify Cert Checkbox Should Be Disabled
Checkbox Should Not Be Selected xpath=//*[@id='clr-checkbox-ldapVerifyCert']
Set Pro Create Admin Only
#set limit to admin only
Retry Element Click xpath=${configuration_xpath}
Sleep 2
Retry Element Click xpath=${configuration_system_tabsheet_id}
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=//select[@id='proCreation']
Retry Element Click xpath=//select[@id='proCreation']//option[@value='adminonly']
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=${config_system_save_button_xpath}
Set Pro Create Every One
Retry Element Click xpath=${configuration_xpath}
sleep 1
#set limit to Every One
Retry Element Click xpath=${configuration_system_tabsheet_id}
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=//select[@id='proCreation']
Retry Element Click xpath=//select[@id='proCreation']//option[@value='everyone']
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=${config_system_save_button_xpath}
Sleep 2
Disable Self Reg
Retry Element Click xpath=${configuration_xpath}
Mouse Down xpath=${self_reg_xpath}
Mouse Up xpath=${self_reg_xpath}
Sleep 1
Self Reg Should Be Disabled
Retry Element Click xpath=${config_auth_save_button_xpath}
Sleep 1
Enable Self Reg
Mouse Down xpath=${self_reg_xpath}
Mouse Up xpath=${self_reg_xpath}
Sleep 1
Self Reg Should Be Enabled
Retry Element Click xpath=${config_auth_save_button_xpath}
Sleep 1
Self Reg Should Be Disabled
Checkbox Should Not Be Selected xpath=${self_reg_xpath}
Self Reg Should Be Enabled
Checkbox Should Be Selected xpath=${self_reg_xpath}
Project Creation Should Display
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${project_create_xpath}
Project Creation Should Not Display
Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element xpath=${project_create_xpath}
## System settings
Switch To System Settings
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=${configuration_xpath}
Retry Element Click xpath=${configuration_system_tabsheet_id}
Sleep 1
Switch To Project Quotas
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=${configuration_xpath}
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-main-container//clr-vertical-nav//a[contains(.,'Project Quotas')]
Sleep 1
Switch To Distribution
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-main-container//clr-vertical-nav-group//span[contains(.,'Distributions')]
Switch To Robot Account
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-main-container//clr-vertical-nav-group//span[contains(.,'Robot Accounts')]
Sleep 1
Modify Token Expiration
[Arguments] ${minutes}
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='tokenExpiration'] ${minutes}
Click Button xpath=${config_system_save_button_xpath}
Sleep 1
Token Must Be Match
[Arguments] ${minutes}
Textfield Value Should Be xpath=//*[@id='tokenExpiration'] ${minutes}
Robot Account Token Must Be Match
[Arguments] ${days}
Textfield Value Should Be xpath=//*[@id='robotTokenExpiration'] ${days}
## Replication
Check Verify Remote Cert
Mouse Down xpath=//*[@id='clr-checkbox-verifyRemoteCert']
Mouse Up xpath=//*[@id='clr-checkbox-verifyRemoteCert']
Retry Element Click xpath=${config_save_button_xpath}
Sleep 1
Switch To System Replication
Sleep 1
Switch To Configure
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='config-replication']
Sleep 1
Should Verify Remote Cert Be Enabled
Checkbox Should Not Be Selected xpath=//*[@id='clr-checkbox-verifyRemoteCert']
## Email
Switch To Email
Switch To Configure
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='config-email']
Sleep 1
Config Email
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='mailServer'] smtp.harbortest.com
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='emailPort'] 25
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='emailUsername'] example@harbortest.com
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='emailPassword'] example
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='emailFrom'] example<example@harbortest.com>
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='emailSSL-wrapper']/label
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='emailInsecure-wrapper']/label
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=${config_email_save_button_xpath}
Sleep 6
Verify Email
Textfield Value Should Be xpath=//*[@id='mailServer'] smtp.harbortest.com
Textfield Value Should Be xpath=//*[@id='emailPort'] 25
Textfield Value Should Be xpath=//*[@id='emailUsername'] example@harbortest.com
Textfield Value Should Be xpath=//*[@id='emailFrom'] example<example@harbortest.com>
Checkbox Should Be Selected xpath=//*[@id='emailSSL']
Checkbox Should Not Be Selected xpath=//*[@id='emailInsecure']
Set Scan All To None
Retry Element Click //vulnerability-config//select
Retry Element Click //vulnerability-config//select/option[@value='none']
sleep 1
Retry Element Click ${vulnerbility_save_button_xpath}
Set Scan All To Daily
Retry Element Click //vulnerability-config//select
Retry Element Click //vulnerability-config//select/option[@value='daily']
sleep 1
Retry Element Click ${vulnerbility_save_button_xpath}
Click Scan Now
Retry Element Click //vulnerability-config//button[contains(.,'SCAN')]
Enable Read Only
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output curl -u admin:Harbor12345 -s --insecure -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"read_only":true}' "https://${ip}/api/v2.0/configurations"
Log To Console ${output}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Disable Read Only
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output curl -u admin:Harbor12345 -s --insecure -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"read_only":false}' "https://${ip}/api/v2.0/configurations"
Log To Console ${output}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
## System labels
Switch To System Labels
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-main-container//clr-vertical-nav//a[contains(.,'Labels')]
Switch To Configuration System Setting
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=${configuration_xpath}
Retry Element Click xpath=${configuration_system_tabsheet_id}
Switch To Configuration Security
Retry Element Click xpath=${configuration_xpath}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click xpath=${configuration_security_tabsheet_id} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Deployment security
Switch To Configuration Project Quotas
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-main-container//clr-vertical-nav//a[contains(.,'Project Quotas')]
Create New Labels
[Arguments] ${labelname}
Retry Element Click xpath=//button[contains(.,'New Label')]
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='name'] ${labelname}
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=//hbr-create-edit-label//clr-dropdown/clr-icon
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=//hbr-create-edit-label//clr-dropdown-menu/label[1]
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='description'] global
Retry Element Click xpath=//div/form/section/label[4]/button[2]
Wait Until Page Contains ${labelname}
Update A Label
[Arguments] ${labelname}
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${labelname}')]//div[contains(@class,'clr-checkbox-wrapper')]//label
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=//button[contains(.,'Edit')]
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='name'] ${labelname}1
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=//hbr-create-edit-label//form/section//button[2]
Wait Until Page Contains ${labelname}1
Delete A Label
[Arguments] ${labelname}
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${labelname}')]//div[contains(@class,'clr-checkbox-wrapper')]//label
Sleep 1
Retry Element Click xpath=//button[contains(.,'Delete')]
Sleep 3
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-modal//div//button[contains(.,'DELETE')]
Wait Until Page Contains Element //*[@id='contentAll']//div[contains(.,'${labelname}')]/../div/clr-icon[@shape='success-standard']
Add Items To System CVE Allowlist
[Arguments] ${cve_id}
Retry Element Click ${configuration_system_wl_add_btn}
Retry Text Input ${configuration_system_wl_textarea} ${cve_id}
Retry Element Click ${configuration_system_wl_add_confirm_btn}
Retry Element Click ${config_security_save_button_xpath}
Delete Top Item In System CVE Allowlist
[Arguments] ${count}=1
FOR ${idx} IN RANGE 1 ${count}
Retry Element Click ${configuration_system_wl_delete_a_cve_id_icon}
Retry Element Click ${config_security_save_button_xpath}
Get Project Count Quota Text From Project Quotas List
[Arguments] ${project_name}
Switch To Project Quotas
${count_quota}= Get Text xpath=//project-quotas//clr-datagrid//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${project_name}')]//clr-dg-cell[3]//label
[Return] ${count_quota}
Get Project Storage Quota Text From Project Quotas List
[Arguments] ${project_name}
Switch To Configure
Switch To Project Quotas
${storage_quota}= Get Text xpath=//project-quotas//clr-datagrid//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${project_name}')]//clr-dg-cell[3]//label
[Return] ${storage_quota}
Check Automatic Onboarding And Save
Switch To Configure
Retry Element Click ${cfg_auth_automatic_onboarding_checkbox}
Retry Element Click xpath=${config_auth_save_button_xpath}
Set User Name Claim And Save
[Arguments] ${type}
Switch To Configure
Retry Clear Element Text ${cfg_auth_user_name_claim_input}
Run Keyword If '${type}'=='${null}' Retry Text Input ${cfg_auth_user_name_claim_input} anytext
... ELSE Retry Text Input ${cfg_auth_user_name_claim_input} ${type}
Retry Element Click xpath=${config_auth_save_button_xpath}
Select Distribution
[Arguments] ${name}
Retry Element Click //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${name}')]//div[contains(@class,'clr-checkbox-wrapper')]/label
Distribution Exist
[Arguments] ${name} ${endpoint}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${name}') and contains(.,'${endpoint}')]
Distribution Not Exist
[Arguments] ${name} ${endpoint}
Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${name}') and contains(.,'${endpoint}')]
Filter Distribution List
[Arguments] ${name} ${endpoint} ${exsit}=${true}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${filter_dist_btn} Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${filter_dist_input}
Retry Text Input ${filter_dist_input} ${name}
Run Keyword If ${exsit}==${true} Distribution Exist ${name} ${endpoint}
... ELSE Distribution Not Exist ${name} ${endpoint}
Select Provider
[Arguments] ${provider}
Retry Element Click ${distribution_provider_select_id}
Retry Element Click ${distribution_provider_select_id}//option[contains(.,'${provider}')]
Create An New Distribution
[Arguments] ${provider} ${name} ${endpoint}
Switch To Distribution
Retry Element Click ${distribution_add_btn_id}
Select Provider ${provider}
Retry Text Input ${distribution_name_input_id} ${name}
Retry Text Input ${distribution_endpoint_id} ${endpoint}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${distribution_add_save_btn_id} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element xpath=${distribution_add_save_btn_id}
Distribution Exist ${name} ${endpoint}
Delete A Distribution
[Arguments] ${name} ${endpoint} ${deletable}=${true}
${is_exsit} evaluate not ${deletable}
Switch To Distribution
Filter Distribution List ${name} ${endpoint}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Select Distribution ${name} Wait Until Element Is Visible //clr-datagrid//clr-dg-footer//clr-checkbox-wrapper/label
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${distribution_action_btn_id} Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${distribution_del_btn_id}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${distribution_del_btn_id} Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${delete_confirm_btn}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${delete_confirm_btn} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${delete_confirm_btn}
Filter Distribution List ${name} ${endpoint} exsit=${is_exsit}
Edit A Distribution
[Arguments] ${name} ${endpoint} ${new_endpoint}=${null}
Switch To Distribution
Filter Distribution List ${name} ${endpoint}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Select Distribution ${name} Wait Until Element Is Visible //clr-datagrid//clr-dg-footer//clr-checkbox-wrapper/label times=9
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${distribution_action_btn_id} Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${distribution_edit_btn_id}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${distribution_edit_btn_id} Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${distribution_name_input_id}
Retry Text Input ${distribution_endpoint_id} ${new_endpoint}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${distribution_add_save_btn_id} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element xpath=${distribution_add_save_btn_id}
Filter Distribution List ${name} ${new_endpoint}
Distribution Exist ${name} ${new_endpoint}