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// Copyright (c) 2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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*** Settings ***
Documentation Manage Project Member
Resource ../../resources/Util.robot
Default Tags regression
Test Case - Manage Project Member
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get current Date result_format=%m%s
${rc} ${ip}= run and return rc and output ip add s eth0|grep "inet "|awk '{print $2}'|awk -F "/" '{print $1}'
log to console ${ip}
Create An New User ${HARBOR_URL} username=usera${d} email=usera${d}@vmware.com realname=usera${d} newPassword=Test1@34 comment=harbor
Logout Harbor
Create An New User ${HARBOR_URL} username=userb${d} email=userb${d}@vmware.com realname=userb${d} newPassword=Test1@34 comment=harbor
Logout Harbor
Create An New User ${HARBOR_URL} username=userc${d} email=userc${d}@vmware.com realname=userc${d} newPassword=Test1@34 comment=harbor
Logout Harbor
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} usera${d} Test1@34
#create project
Create An New Project project${d}
#verify can not change role
Mouse down xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Mouse up xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Sleep 1
click element xpath=//project-detail//li[2]
page should not contain element xpath=//project-detail//clr-dg-cell//clr-dg-action-overflow
Logout Harbor
#login console as usera and push
${rc}= run and return rc docker pull hello-world
${rc} ${output}= run and return rc and output docker login -u usera${d} -p Test1@34 ${ip}
${rc}= run and return rc docker tag hello-world ${d}/project${d}/hello-world
${rc}= run and return rc docker push ${d}/project${d}/hello-world
${rc}= run and return rc docker logout ${d}
#logout change userb and pull push
${rc} ${output}= run and return rc and output docker login -u userb${d} -p Test1@34 ${ip}
${rc}= run and return rc docker tag hello-world ${d}/project${d}/bbbbb
${rc}= run and return rc docker pull ${ip}/project${d}/hello-world
should not be equal as integers ${rc} 0
${rc}= run and return rc docker push ${ip}/project${d}/bbbbb
should not be equal as integers ${rc} 0
#login ui as b
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} userb${d} Test1@34
page should not contain element xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Logout Harbor
#login as a
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} usera${d} Test1@34
Mouse down xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Mouse up xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Sleep 1
click element xpath=//project-detail//li[2]
#click add member
click element xpath=//project-detail//button//clr-icon
Sleep 1
input text xpath=//add-member//input[@id="member_name"] userb${d}
#select guest
Mouse down xpath=//project-detail//form//input[@id="checkrads_guest"]
Mouse up xpath=//project-detail//form//input[@id="checkrads_guest"]
click button xpath=//project-detail//add-member//button[2]
Logout Harbor
#sign in as b
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} userb${d} Test1@34
#step 12
page should contain element xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
#step 13
Mouse down xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Mouse up xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Sleep 1
click element xpath=//project-detail//li[2]
sleep 1
#page should contain element xpath=//project-detail//clr-dg-cell//clr-dg-action-overflow[@hidden=""]
xpath should match x times //project-detail//clr-dg-action-overflow[@hidden=""] 2
#step 14
page should not contain element xpath=//project-detail//button//clr-icon
${rc} ${output}= run and return rc and output docker login -u userb${d} -p Test1@34 ${ip}
#step 15
${rc}= run and return rc docker pull ${ip}/project${d}/hello-world
#step 16
${rc}= run and return rc docker push ${ip}/project${d}/bbbbb
should not be equal as integers ${rc} 0
Logout Harbor
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} usera${d} Test1@34
#change userb to developer
Mouse down xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Mouse up xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Sleep 1
click element xpath=//project-detail//li[2]
sleep 1
click element xpath=//project-detail//clr-dg-row-master[contains(.,'userb${d}')]//clr-dg-action-overflow
click element xpath=//project-detail//clr-dg-row-master[contains(.,'userb${d}')]//clr-dg-action-overflow//button[contains(.,"Developer")]
Logout Harbor
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} userb${d} Test1@34
page should contain element xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Mouse down xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Mouse up xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Sleep 1
click element xpath=//project-detail//li[2]
sleep 1
#page should contain element xpath=//project-detail//clr-dg-cell//clr-dg-action-overflow[@hidden=""]
xpath should match x times //project-detail//clr-dg-action-overflow[@hidden=""] 2
#step 20
page should not contain element xpath=//project-detail//button//clr-icon
#step 21
${rc}= run and return rc docker login -u userb${d} -p Test1@34 ${ip}
${rc}= run and return rc docker tag hello-world ${ip}/project${d}/hello-world:v1
${rc}= run and return rc docker push ${ip}/project${d}/hello-world:v1
should be equal as integers ${rc} 0
Logout Harbor
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} usera${d} Test1@34
#step 22
#change userb to admin of project
Mouse down xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Mouse up xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Sleep 1
click element xpath=//project-detail//li[2]
sleep 1
click element xpath=//project-detail//clr-dg-row-master[contains(.,'userb${d}')]//clr-dg-action-overflow
click element xpath=//project-detail//clr-dg-row-master[contains(.,'userb${d}')]//clr-dg-action-overflow//button[contains(.,"Admin")]
Logout Harbor
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} userb${d} Test1@34
page should contain element xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
# add userc
Mouse down xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Mouse up xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Sleep 1
click element xpath=//project-detail//li[2]
sleep 1
click element xpath=//project-detail//button//clr-icon
input text xpath=//add-member//input[@id="member_name"] userc${d}
mouse down xpath=//project-detail//form//input[@id="checkrads_guest"]
mouse up xpath=//project-detail//form//input[@id="checkrads_guest"]
click button xpath=//project-detail//add-member//button[2]
sleep 1
#step 25 verify b can change c role
page should contain element xpath=//project-detail//clr-dg-row-master[contains(.,'userc${d}')]//clr-dg-action-overflow
${rc}= run and return rc docker login -u userb${d} -p Test1@34 ${ip}
${rc}= run and return rc docker tag hello-world ${ip}/project${d}/hello-world:v2
${rc}= run and return rc docker push ${ip}/project${d}/hello-world:v2
#should be equal as integers ${rc} 0
Logout Harbor
#step 27 remove b from project
Sign In Harbor ${HARBOR_URL} usera${d} Test1@34
Mouse down xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Mouse up xpath=//clr-dg-cell//a[contains(.,'project${d}')]
Sleep 1
click element xpath=//project-detail//li[2]
sleep 1
click element xpath=//project-detail//clr-dg-row-master[contains(.,'userb${d}')]//clr-dg-action-overflow
click element xpath=//project-detail//clr-dg-cell//clr-dg-action-overflow//button[contains(.,"Delete")]
sleep 1
click element xpath=//confiramtion-dialog//button[2]
sleep 1
${rc}= run and return rc docker login -u userb${d} -p Test1@34 ${ip}
${rc}= run and return rc docker pull ${ip}/project${d}/hello-world
should not be equal as integers ${rc} 0
#step 29
${rc}= run and return rc docker logout ${ip}
#step 30
${rc}= run and return rc docker login -u userc${d} -p Test1@34 ${ip}
${rc}= run and return rc docker pull ${ip}/project${d}/hello-world
should be equal as integers ${rc} 0
Close Browser |