Wenkai Yin 2156750b04 Move certificate verification to target level
The certificate verification is on system level before this commit. Moving it
to target level makes the configuration more flexible for different targets.
2017-10-20 15:36:56 +08:00

171 lines
6.4 KiB

# Copyright 2016-2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
Resource ../../resources/Util.robot
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output ip addr s eth0 |grep "inet "|awk '{print $2}' |awk -F "/" '{print $1}'
Log ${output}
Sleep 2
Input Text xpath=//*[@id="ldapUrl"] ldap://${output}
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id="ldapSearchDN"] cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id="ldapSearchPwd"] admin
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id="ldapBaseDN"] dc=example,dc=org
Sleep 1
Input Text xpath=//*[@id="ldapUid"] cn
Sleep 1
Capture Page Screenshot
Click Element xpath=/html/body/harbor-app/harbor-shell/clr-main-container/div/div/config/div/div/div/button[1]
Sleep 2
Click Element xpath=/html/body/harbor-app/harbor-shell/clr-main-container/div/div/config/div/div/div/button[3]
Sleep 1
Capture Page Screenshot
Switch To Configure
Click Element xpath=/html/body/harbor-app/harbor-shell/clr-main-container/div/nav/section/section/ul/li[3]/a
Sleep 2
Set Pro Create Admin Only
#set limit to admin only
Sleep 2
Click Element xpath=//clr-main-container//nav//ul/li[3]
Sleep 1
Click Element xpath=//select[@id="proCreation"]
Click Element xpath=//select[@id="proCreation"]//option[@value="adminonly"]
Sleep 1
Click Element xpath=/html/body/harbor-app/harbor-shell/clr-main-container/div/div/config/div/div/div/button[1]
Capture Page Screenshot AdminCreateOnly.png
Set Pro Create Every One
#set limit to Every One
Click Element xpath=//clr-main-container//nav//ul/li[3]
Sleep 1
Click Element xpath=//select[@id="proCreation"]
Click Element xpath=//select[@id="proCreation"]//option[@value="everyone"]
Sleep 1
Click Element xpath=/html/body/harbor-app/harbor-shell/clr-main-container/div/div/config/div/div/div/button[1]
Sleep 2
Capture Page Screenshot EveryoneCreate.png
Disable Self Reg
Click Element xpath=//clr-main-container//nav//ul/li[3]
Mouse Down xpath=${self_reg_xpath}
Mouse Up xpath=${self_reg_xpath}
Sleep 1
Self Reg Should Be Disabled
Click Element xpath=/html/body/harbor-app/harbor-shell/clr-main-container/div/div/config/div/div/div/button[1]
Capture Page Screenshot DisableSelfReg.png
Sleep 1
Enable Self Reg
Mouse Down xpath=${self_reg_xpath}
Mouse Up xpath=${self_reg_xpath}
Sleep 1
Self Reg Should Be Enabled
Click Element xpath=/html/body/harbor-app/harbor-shell/clr-main-container/div/div/config/div/div/div/button[1]
Capture Page Screenshot EnableSelfReg.png
Sleep 1
Self Reg Should Be Disabled
Checkbox Should Not Be Selected xpath=${self_reg_xpath}
Self Reg Should Be Enabled
Checkbox Should Be Selected xpath=${self_reg_xpath}
Project Creation Should Display
Page Should Contain Element xpath=${project_create_xpath}
Project Creation Should Not Display
Page Should Not Contain Element xpath=${project_create_xpath}
## System settings
Switch To System Settings
Sleep 1
Click Element xpath=//clr-main-container//nav//ul/li[3]
Click Element xpath=//*[@id="config-system"]
Modify Token Expiration
[Arguments] ${minutes}
Input Text xpath=//*[@id="tokenExpiration"] ${minutes}
Click Button xpath=/html/body/harbor-app/harbor-shell/clr-main-container/div/div/config/div/div/div/button[1]
Sleep 1
Token Must Be Match
[Arguments] ${minutes}
Textfield Value Should Be xpath=//*[@id="tokenExpiration"] ${minutes}
## Replication
Check Verify Remote Cert
Mouse Down xpath=//*[@id="clr-checkbox-verifyRemoteCert"]
Mouse Up xpath=//*[@id="clr-checkbox-verifyRemoteCert"]
Click Element xpath=/html/body/harbor-app/harbor-shell/clr-main-container/div/div/config/div/div/div/button[1]
Capture Page Screenshot RemoteCert.png
Sleep 1
Switch To System Replication
Sleep 1
Switch To Configure
Click Element xpath=//*[@id="config-replication"]
Sleep 1
Should Verify Remote Cert Be Enabled
Checkbox Should Not Be Selected xpath=//*[@id="clr-checkbox-verifyRemoteCert"]
## Email
Switch To Email
Switch To Configure
Click Element xpath=//*[@id="config-email"]
Sleep 1
Config Email
Input Text xpath=//*[@id="mailServer"] smtp.vmware.com
Input Text xpath=//*[@id="emailPort"] 25
Input Text xpath=//*[@id="emailUsername"] example@vmware.com
Input Text xpath=//*[@id="emailPassword"] example
Input Text xpath=//*[@id="emailFrom"] example<example@vmware.com>
Sleep 1
Mouse Down xpath=//*[@id="clr-checkbox-emailSSL"]
Mouse Up xpath=//*[@id="clr-checkbox-emailSSL"]
Sleep 1
Click Element xpath=/html/body/harbor-app/harbor-shell/clr-main-container/div/div/config/div/div/div/button[1]
Sleep 6
Verify Email
Textfield Value Should Be xpath=//*[@id="mailServer"] smtp.vmware.com
Textfield Value Should Be xpath=//*[@id="emailPort"] 25
Textfield Value Should Be xpath=//*[@id="emailUsername"] example@vmware.com
Textfield Value Should Be xpath=//*[@id="emailFrom"] example<example@vmware.com>
Checkbox Should Be Selected xpath=//*[@id="clr-checkbox-emailSSL"]
Set Scan All To None
click element //vulnerability-config//select
click element //vulnerability-config//select/option[@value='none']
sleep 1
click element //config//div/button[contains(.,'SAVE')]
Set Scan All To Daily
click element //vulnerability-config//select
click element //vulnerability-config//select/option[@value='daily']
sleep 1
click element //config//div/button[contains(.,'SAVE')]
Click Scan Now
click element //vulnerability-config//button[contains(.,'SCAN')]