Qian Deng 7d4de8743b Fix: Rebotcase failure in upload chart (#6411)
Fix testcase because of wrong keyword

Signed-off-by: Qian Deng <dengq@vmware.com>
2018-12-03 18:49:07 +08:00

51 lines
1.9 KiB

*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
Resource ../../resources/Util.robot
*** Keywords ***
Switch To Project Charts
Click Element xpath=//project-detail//a[contains(.,'Charts')]
Sleep 1
Page Should Contain Element xpath=//hbr-helm-chart
Upload Chart files
${current_dir}= Run pwd
Run wget ${harbor_chart_file_url}
Run wget ${harbor_chart_prov_file_url}
Run wget ${prometheus_chart_file_url}
Click Element xpath=${upload_chart_button}
${prometheus_file_path} Set Variable ${current_dir}/${prometheus_chart_filename}
Choose File xpath=${chart_file_browse} ${prometheus_file_path}
Click Element xpath=${upload_action_button}
Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element xpath=${upload_action_button}
Click Element xpath=${upload_chart_button}
${harbor_file_path} Set Variable ${current_dir}/${harbor_chart_filename}
${harbor_prov_file_path} Set Variable ${current_dir}/${harbor_chart_prov_filename}
Choose File xpath=${chart_file_browse} ${harbor_file_path}
Choose File xpath=${chart_prov_browse} ${harbor_prov_file_path}
Click Element xpath=${upload_action_button}
Sleep 2
Wait Until Page Contains ${prometheus_chart_name}
Go Into Chart Version
[Arguments] ${chart_name}
Click Element xpath=//hbr-helm-chart//a[contains(., "${chart_name}")]
Capture Page Screenshot viewchartversion.png
Go Into Chart Detail
[Arguments] ${version_name}
Click Element xpath=//hbr-helm-chart-version//a[contains(., "${version_name}")]
Sleep 2
Page Should Contain Element ${chart_detail}
Go Back To Versions And Delete
Click Element xpath=${version_bread_crumbs}
Sleep 2
Click Element xpath=${version_checkbox}
Click Element xpath=${version_delete}
Click Element xpath=${version_confirm_delete}
Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${helmchart_content}