danfengliu 444de8536a Suppress urllib3 warning and fix nightly element locator issue and remove switch scanner
1. Since upgrade python to 3.7, some urllib3 warnings come out during
   execution, because missing disconnection when using request by docker
   library, it's not affect script execution, therefore ignore them first.
2. Replication tests failed in nightly due to new UI code, some element
   locators are not valid anymore;
3. Remove switch scanner test steps, since Clair was removed.

Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
2020-11-10 10:04:46 +08:00

200 lines
9.9 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import base
import subprocess
import json
import docker
except ImportError:
import pip
pip.main(['install', 'docker'])
import docker
def docker_info_display():
command = ["docker", "info", "-f", "'{{.OSType}}/{{.Architecture}}'"]
print("Docker Info: ", command)
ret = base.run_command(command)
print("Command return: ", ret)
def docker_login_cmd(harbor_host, user, password, cfg_file = "./tests/apitests/python/update_docker_cfg.sh", enable_manifest = True):
command = ["sudo", "docker", "login", harbor_host, "-u", user, "-p", password]
print( "Docker Login Command: ", command)
if enable_manifest == True:
ret = subprocess.check_output([cfg_file], shell=False)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
raise Exception("Failed to update docker config, error is {} {}.".format(exc.returncode, exc.output))
def docker_manifest_create(index, manifests):
command = ["sudo", "docker","manifest","create", "--amend", index]
print( "Docker Manifest Command: ", command)
def docker_manifest_push(index):
command = ["sudo", "docker","manifest","push",index]
print( "Docker Manifest Command: ", command)
ret = base.run_command(command)
for line in ret.split("\n"):
if line[:7] == "sha256:":
index_sha256 = line
if line.find('Pushed ref') == 0:
return index_sha256, manifest_list
def docker_manifest_push_to_harbor(index, manifests, harbor_server, user, password, cfg_file = "./tests/apitests/python/update_docker_cfg.sh"):
docker_login_cmd(harbor_server, user, password, cfg_file=cfg_file)
docker_manifest_create(index, manifests)
return docker_manifest_push(index)
def list_repositories(harbor_host, user, password, n = None, last = None):
if n is not None and last is not None:
command = ["curl", "-s", "-u", user+":"+password, "https://"+harbor_host+"/v2/_catalog"+"?n=%d"%n+"&last="+last, "--insecure"]
elif n is not None:
command = ["curl", "-s", "-u", user+":"+password, "https://"+harbor_host+"/v2/_catalog"+"?n=%d"%n, "--insecure"]
command = ["curl", "-s", "-u", user+":"+password, "https://"+harbor_host+"/v2/_catalog", "--insecure"]
print( "List Repositories Command: ", command)
ret = base.run_command(command)
repos = json.loads(ret).get("repositories","")
return repos
def list_image_tags(harbor_host, repository, user, password, n = None, last = None):
if n is not None and last is not None:
command = ["curl", "-s", "-u", user+":"+password, "https://"+harbor_host+"/v2/"+repository+"/tags/list"+"?n=%d"%n+"&last="+last, "--insecure"]
elif n is not None:
command = ["curl", "-s", "-u", user+":"+password, "https://"+harbor_host+"/v2/"+repository+"/tags/list"+"?n=%d"%n, "--insecure"]
command = ["curl", "-s", "-u", user+":"+password, "https://"+harbor_host+"/v2/"+repository+"/tags/list", "--insecure"]
print( "List Image Tags Command: ", command)
ret = base.run_command(command)
tags = json.loads(ret).get("tags","")
return tags
class DockerAPI(object):
def __init__(self):
self.DCLIENT = docker.APIClient(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock',version='auto',timeout=30)
self.DCLIENT2 = docker.from_env()
def docker_login(self, registry, username, password, expected_error_message = None):
if expected_error_message is "":
expected_error_message = None
self.DCLIENT.login(registry = registry, username=username, password=password)
except docker.errors.APIError as err:
if expected_error_message is not None:
print( "docker login error:", str(err))
if str(err).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0:
raise Exception(r"Docker login: Return message {} is not as expected {}".format(str(err), expected_error_message))
raise Exception(r" Docker login failed, error is [{}]".format (str(err)))
def docker_image_pull(self, image, tag = None, expected_error_message = None):
if tag is not None:
_tag = tag
_tag = "latest"
if expected_error_message is "":
expected_error_message = None
caught_err = False
ret = ""
self.DCLIENT.pull(r'{}:{}'.format(image, _tag))
return ret
except Exception as err:
caught_err = True
if expected_error_message is not None:
print( "docker image pull error:", str(err))
if str(err).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0:
raise Exception(r"Pull image: Return message {} is not as expected {}".format(str(err), expected_error_message))
raise Exception(r" Docker pull image {} failed, error is [{}]".format (image, str(err)))
if caught_err == False:
if expected_error_message is not None:
if str(ret).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0:
raise Exception(r" Failed to catch error [{}] when pull image {}, return message: {}".format (expected_error_message, image, str(ret)))
if str(ret).lower().find("error".lower()) >= 0:
raise Exception(r" It's was not suppose to catch error when pull image {}, return message is [{}]".format (image, ret))
def docker_image_tag(self, image, harbor_registry, tag = None):
_tag = base._random_name("tag")
if tag is not None:
_tag = tag
self.DCLIENT.tag(image, harbor_registry, _tag, force=True)
return harbor_registry, _tag
except docker.errors.APIError as err:
raise Exception(r" Docker tag image {} failed, error is [{}]".format (image, str(err)))
def docker_image_push(self, harbor_registry, tag, expected_error_message = None):
ret = None
if expected_error_message is "":
expected_error_message = None
ret = self.DCLIENT.push(harbor_registry, tag)
except Exception as err:
if expected_error_message is not None:
print( "docker image push error:", str(err))
if str(err).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0:
raise Exception(r"Push image: Return message {} is not as expected {}".format(str(err), expected_error_message))
raise Exception(r" Docker push image {} failed, error is [{}]".format (harbor_registry, message))
if expected_error_message is not None:
if str(ret).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0:
raise Exception(r" Failed to catch error [{}] when push image {}, return message: {}".
format (expected_error_message, harbor_registry, str(ret)))
if str(ret).lower().find("errorDetail".lower()) >= 0:
raise Exception(r" It's was not suppose to catch error when push image {}, return message is [{}]".
format (harbor_registry, ret))
def docker_image_build(self, harbor_registry, tags=None, size=1, expected_error_message = None):
caught_err = False
ret = ""
if not self.DCLIENT.images(name=baseimage):
c=self.DCLIENT.create_container(image='busybox:latest',command='dd if=/dev/urandom of=test bs=1M count=%d' % size )
if not tags:
firstrepo="%s:%s" % (harbor_registry, tags[0])
#self.DCLIENT.commit(c, firstrepo)
self.DCLIENT2.containers.get(c).commit(harbor_registry, tags[0])
for tag in tags[1:]:
repo="%s:%s" % (harbor_registry, tag)
self.DCLIENT.tag(firstrepo, repo)
for tag in tags:
repo="%s:%s" % (harbor_registry, tag)
print("build image %s with size %d" % (repo, size))
image = self.DCLIENT2.images.get(repo)
return repo, image.id
except Exception as err:
caught_err = True
if expected_error_message is not None:
print( "docker image build error:", str(err))
if str(err).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0:
raise Exception(r"Push image: Return message {} is not as expected {}".format(str(err), expected_error_message))
raise Exception(r" Docker build image {} failed, error is [{}]".format (harbor_registry, str(err)))
if caught_err == False:
if expected_error_message is not None:
if str(ret).lower().find(expected_error_message.lower()) < 0:
raise Exception(r" Failed to catch error [{}] when build image {}, return message: {}".
format (expected_error_message, harbor_registry, str(ret)))
if str(ret).lower().find("errorDetail".lower()) >= 0:
raise Exception(r" It's was not suppose to catch error when push image {}, return message is [{}]".format (harbor_registry, ret))