Yang Jiao 26ce10221e
Add Job Service Dashboard Job Queues testcase (#18347)
Fix #17949

Signed-off-by: Yang Jiao <jiaoya@vmware.com>
2023-03-14 17:09:19 +08:00

259 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright Project Harbor Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation Harbor BATs
Resource ../../resources/Util.robot
Default Tags Nightly
*** Variables ***
${HARBOR_URL} https://${ip}
${SSH_USER} root
*** Test Cases ***
# Due to Docker 20's new behavior, let 'Proxy Cache' be the 1st case to run
# and at the same time all images to be pull among all cases should be not exsit before pulling.
Test Case - Proxy Cache
[Tags] proxy_cache
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%m%s
${registry}= Set Variable https://cicd.harbor.vmwarecna.net
${user_namespace}= Set Variable nightly
${image}= Set Variable for_proxy
${tag}= Set Variable 1.0
${manifest_index}= Set Variable alpine
${manifest_tag}= Set Variable 3.12.0
${test_user}= Set Variable user010
${test_pwd}= Set Variable Test1@34
Init Chrome Driver
Switch To Registries
Create A New Endpoint harbor e1${d} ${registry} ${null} ${null}
Create An New Project And Go Into Project project${d} proxy_cache=${true} registry=e1${d}
Manage Project Member Without Sign In project${d} ${test_user} Add has_image=${false}
Go Into Project project${d} has_image=${false}
Change Member Role ${test_user} Developer
Pull Image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} ${user_namespace}/${image} tag=${tag}
Pull Image ${ip} ${test_user} ${test_pwd} project${d} ${user_namespace}/${manifest_index} tag=${manifest_tag}
Log To Console Start to Sleep 3 minitues......
Sleep 180
Go Into Project project${d}
Go Into Repo project${d}/${user_namespace}/${image}
FOR ${idx} IN RANGE 0 15
Log All Checking manifest ${idx} round......
Sleep 60
Go Into Project project${d}
${repo_out}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Go Into Repo project${d}/${user_namespace}/${manifest_index}
Continue For Loop If '${repo_out[0]}'=='FAIL'
${artifact_out}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Go Into Index And Contain Artifacts ${manifest_tag} total_artifact_count=1
Exit For Loop If '${artifact_out[0]}'=='PASS'
Should Be Equal As Strings '${artifact_out[0]}' 'PASS'
Cannot Push image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} project${d} busybox:latest err_msg=can not push artifact to a proxy project
Cannot Push image ${ip} ${test_user} ${test_pwd} project${d} busybox:latest err_msg=can not push artifact to a proxy project
Close Browser
Test Case - GC Schedule Job
[tags] GC_schedule
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%M
Log To Console GC Schedule Job ${d}
${project_name}= Set Variable gc_schedule_proj${d}
${image}= Set Variable redis
${sha256}= Set Variable e4b315ad03a1d1d9ff0c111e648a1a91066c09ead8352d3d6a48fa971a82922c
Create An New Project And Go Into Project ${project_name}
Push image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${project_name} ${image} sha256=${sha256}
Sleep 50
Go Into Repo ${project_name}/${image}
Switch To Garbage Collection
Set GC Schedule custom value=0 */2 * * * *
Sleep 480
Set GC Schedule none
Sleep 180
${logs}= Get GC Logs
${logs}= Should Match Regexp ${logs} \\\[(.+)\\\]
Log All logs:${logs}[1]
${logs} = Replace String ${logs}[1] \\ ${EMPTY} count=-1
${logs} = Replace String ${logs} "{ { count=-1
${logs} = Replace String ${logs} }" } count=-1
Log All str:${logs}
${logs_list}= Get Regexp Matches ${logs} {"creation_time.+?\\d{3}Z"}
Log All logs_list:${logs_list}
${len}= Get Length ${logs_list}
Log All len:${len}
FOR ${log} IN @{logs_list}
Log All log:${log}
${log_json}= evaluate json.loads('''${log}''')
Log All log_json:${log_json}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${log_json["job_kind"]} SCHEDULE
Should Be Equal As Strings '${log_json["job_name"]}' 'GARBAGE_COLLECTION'
#Only return latest 10 records for GC job
Should Be True ${len} > 3 and ${len} < 6
Close Browser
Test Case - Scan Schedule Job
[tags] Scan_schedule
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%M
Log To Console ${d}
${project_name}= Set Variable scan_schedule_proj${d}
${image}= Set Variable redis
${sha256}= Set Variable e4b315ad03a1d1d9ff0c111e648a1a91066c09ead8352d3d6a48fa971a82922c
Create An New Project And Go Into Project ${project_name}
Push image ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${project_name} ${image} sha256=${sha256}
Sleep 50
Go Into Repo ${project_name}/${image}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${not_scanned_icon}
Switch To Vulnerability Page
${flag}= Set Variable ${false}
FOR ${i} IN RANGE 999999
${minite}= Get Current Date result_format=%M
${minite_int} = Convert To Integer ${minite}
${left} = Evaluate ${minite_int}%10
Log To Console ${i}/${left}
Sleep 55
Run Keyword If ${left} <= 3 and ${left} != 0 Run Keywords Set Scan Schedule custom value=0 */10 * * * * AND Set Suite Variable ${flag} ${true}
Exit For Loop If '${flag}' == '${true}'
# After scan custom schedule is set, image should stay in unscanned status.
Log To Console Sleep for 300 seconds......
Sleep 180
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Go Into Repo ${project_name}/${image}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${not_scanned_icon}
Log To Console Sleep for 500 seconds......
Sleep 500
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Go Into Repo ${project_name}/${image}
Scan Result Should Display In List Row ${sha256}
View Repo Scan Details Critical High
Close Browser
Test Case - Replication Schedule Job
[tags] Replication_schedule
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%M
Log To Console ${d}
${project_name}= Set Variable replication_schedule_proj${d}
${image_a}= Set Variable mariadb
${tag_a}= Set Variable 111
${image_b}= Set Variable centos
${tag_b}= Set Variable 222
Create An New Project And Go Into Project ${project_name}
Switch To Registries
Create A New Endpoint harbor e${d} https://cicd.harbor.vmwarecna.net ${null} ${null} Y
Switch To Replication Manage
${flag}= Set Variable ${false}
FOR ${i} IN RANGE 999999
${minite}= Get Current Date result_format=%M
${minite_int} = Convert To Integer ${minite}
${left} = Evaluate ${minite_int}%10
Log To Console ${i}/${left}
Run Keyword If ${left} <= 3 and ${left} != 0 Run Keywords Create A Rule With Existing Endpoint rule${d} pull nightly/{mariadb,centos} image e${d} ${project_name} mode=Scheduled cron=0 */10 * * * * AND Set Suite Variable ${flag} ${true}
Sleep 40
Exit For Loop If '${flag}' == '${true}'
# After replication schedule is set, project should contain 2 images.
Log To Console Sleep for 720 seconds......
Sleep 720
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Go Into Repo ${project_name}/${image_a}
Artifact Exist ${tag_a}
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Go Into Repo ${project_name}/${image_b}
Artifact Exist ${tag_b}
# Delete repository
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Delete Repo ${project_name} ${image_a}
Delete Repo ${project_name} ${image_b}
# After replication schedule is set, project should contain 2 images.
Log To Console Sleep for 600 seconds......
Sleep 600
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Go Into Repo ${project_name}/${image_a}
Artifact Exist ${tag_a}
Go Into Project ${project_name}
Go Into Repo ${project_name}/${image_b}
Artifact Exist ${tag_b}
Close Browser
Test Case - P2P Preheat Schedule Job
[Tags] p2p_preheat_schedule need_distribution_endpoint
Init Chrome Driver
${d}= Get Current Date result_format=%M
${project_name}= Set Variable p2p_preheat_schedule_proj${d}
${dist_name}= Set Variable distribution${d}
${policy_name}= Set Variable policy${d}
${image}= Set Variable busybox
${tag}= Set Variable latest
Create An New Distribution Dragonfly ${dist_name} ${DISTRIBUTION_ENDPOINT}
Create An New Project And Go Into Project ${project_name}
Push Image With Tag ${ip} ${HARBOR_ADMIN} ${HARBOR_PASSWORD} ${project_name} ${image} ${tag}
Create An New P2P Preheat Policy ${policy_name} ${dist_name} ** **
Set P2P Preheat Policy Schedule ${policy_name} Custom 0 */2 * * * *
Sleep 480
Edit A P2P Preheat Policy ${policy_name} ** Manual
Sleep 180
${logs}= Get P2P Preheat Logs ${project_name} ${policy_name}
${logs}= Evaluate json.loads("""${logs}""") json
${len}= Get Length ${logs}
FOR ${log} IN @{logs}
Log ${log}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${log["trigger"]} scheduled
Should Be Equal As Strings ${log["status"]} Success
Should Be Equal As Strings ${log["vendor_type"]} P2P_PREHEAT
Should Be True ${len} > 3 and ${len} < 6
Delete A P2P Preheat Policy ${policy_name}
Delete A Distribution ${dist_name} ${DISTRIBUTION_ENDPOINT}
Close Browser
Test Case - Log Rotation Schedule Job
[Tags] log_rotation_schedule
Init Chrome Driver
Switch To Log Rotation
${exclude_operations} Create List Pull
Set Log Rotation Schedule 2 Days Custom 0 */2 * * * * ${exclude_operations}
Sleep 480
Set Log Rotation Schedule 2 Days None
Sleep 180
${logs}= Get Purge Job Results
${logs}= Replace String ${logs} "{ { count=-1
${logs}= Replace String ${logs} }" } count=-1
${logs}= Evaluate json.loads("""${logs}""") json
${len}= Get Length ${logs}
FOR ${log} IN @{logs}
Log ${log}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${log["job_name"]} PURGE_AUDIT_LOG
Should Be Equal As Strings ${log["job_kind"]} SCHEDULE
Should Be Equal As Strings ${log["job_status"]} Success
Should Be Equal As Strings ${log["job_parameters"]["audit_retention_hour"]} 48
Should Be Equal As Strings ${log["job_parameters"]["dry_run"]} False
Should Not Contain Any ${log["job_parameters"]["include_operations"]} @{exclude_operations} ignore_case=True
Should Be True ${len} > 3 and ${len} < 6
Close Browser