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synced 2025-03-13 06:59:06 +01:00
1. Fix E2E quotas issue, push the same image but with different name; 2. Add checkpoint for robot account test; 3. Upgraded docker and containerd in E2E image; 4. Package base image sample(busybox) into E2E image, so in E2E container, all local docker images can be cleaned up, once base image is needed for building image, it can be loaded locally; 5. Adapt OIDC service of supporting LDAP user, and add OIDC group user test; 6. Restart docker deamon before content trust test, both in API and UI test; 7. Add retry for keyword "Add A Tag Immutability Rule"; 8. Fix tag retention test issue, missing click angle icon, and enhance checkpoint of dry run and real run; 9. Fix schedule test issue for wrong cron string; 10. Disable quotas verification, it's not stable for script defect; Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
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from __future__ import absolute_import
import unittest
import sys
from testutils import harbor_server, suppress_urllib3_warning
from testutils import TEARDOWN
from library.project import Project
from library.user import User
from library.repository import Repository
from library.repository import push_self_build_image_to_project
from library.artifact import Artifact
from library.scan import Scan
from library.sign import sign_image
class TestScan(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.project= Project()
self.user= User()
self.artifact = Artifact()
self.repo = Repository()
self.scan = Scan()
self.url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
self.user_password = "Aa123456"
self.project_id, self.project_name, self.user_id, self.user_name, self.repo_name1 = [None] * 5
self.user_id, self.user_name = self.user.create_user(user_password = self.user_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
self.USER_CLIENT = dict(with_signature = True, with_immutable_status = True, endpoint = self.url, username = self.user_name, password = self.user_password, with_scan_overview = True)
#2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
self.project_id, self.project_name = self.project.create_project(metadata = {"public": "false"}, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
#3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
self.project.add_project_members(self.project_id, user_id = self.user_id, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
@unittest.skipIf(TEARDOWN == False, "Test data won't be erased.")
def do_tearDown(self):
#1. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
self.repo.delete_repository(self.project_name, self.repo_name1.split('/')[1], **self.USER_CLIENT)
#2. Delete project(PA);
self.project.delete_project(self.project_id, **self.USER_CLIENT)
#3. Delete user(UA);
self.user.delete_user(self.user_id, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
def testScanImageArtifact(self):
Test case:
Scan An Image Artifact
Test step and expected result:
1. Create a new user(UA);
2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);
5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
6. Send scan image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished;
7. Swith Scanner;
8. Send scan another image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished.
Tear down:
1. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
2. Delete project(PA);
3. Delete user(UA);
#4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);
self.project.projects_should_exist(dict(public=False), expected_count = 1,
expected_project_id = self.project_id, **self.USER_CLIENT)
#Note: Please make sure that this Image has never been pulled before by any other cases,
# so it is a not-scanned image right after repository creation.
image = "docker"
src_tag = "1.13"
#5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
self.repo_name1, tag = push_self_build_image_to_project(self.project_name, harbor_server, self.user_name, self.user_password, image, src_tag)
#6. Send scan image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished;
self.scan.scan_artifact(self.project_name, self.repo_name1.split('/')[1], tag, **self.USER_CLIENT)
self.artifact.check_image_scan_result(self.project_name, image, tag, **self.USER_CLIENT)
def testScanSignedImage(self):
Test case:
Scan A Signed Image
Test step and expected result:
1. Create a new user(UA);
2. Create a new private project(PA) by user(UA);
3. Add user(UA) as a member of project(PA) with project-admin role;
4. Get private project of user(UA), user(UA) can see only one private project which is project(PA);
5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
6. Send scan image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished;
7. Swith Scanner;
8. Send scan another image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished.
Tear down:
1. Delete repository(RA) by user(UA);
2. Delete project(PA);
3. Delete user(UA);
#Note: Please make sure that this Image has never been pulled before by any other cases,
# so it is a not-scanned image right after repository creation.
#Note:busybox is pulled in setup phase, and setup is an essential phase before scripts execution.
image = BASE_IMAGE['name']
tag = BASE_IMAGE['tag']
#5. Create a new repository(RA) and tag(TA) in project(PA) by user(UA);
# Push base image in function sign_image.
sign_image(harbor_server, self.project_name, image, tag)
#6. Send scan image command and get tag(TA) information to check scan result, it should be finished;
self.scan.scan_artifact(self.project_name, image, tag, **self.USER_CLIENT)
self.artifact.check_image_scan_result(self.project_name, image, tag, **self.USER_CLIENT)
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = unittest.TestSuite(unittest.makeSuite(TestScan))
result = unittest.TextTestRunner(sys.stdout, verbosity=2, failfast=True).run(suite)
if not result.wasSuccessful():
raise Exception(r"Scan test failed: {}".format(result))