danfengliu 7fb9dbd0fa Upgrade docker and containerd
1. Fix E2E quotas issue, push the same image but with different name;
2. Add checkpoint for robot account test;
3. Upgraded docker and containerd in E2E image;
4. Package base image sample(busybox) into E2E image, so in E2E
container, all local docker images can be cleaned up, once base image is needed for
building image, it can be loaded locally;
5. Adapt OIDC service of supporting LDAP user, and add OIDC group user
6. Restart docker deamon before content trust test, both in API and UI
7. Add retry for keyword "Add A Tag Immutability Rule";
8. Fix tag retention test issue, missing click angle icon, and enhance
checkpoint of dry run and real run;
9. Fix schedule test issue for wrong cron string;
10. Disable quotas verification, it's not stable for script defect;

Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
2021-02-24 15:43:11 +08:00

377 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright Project Harbor Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource provides any keywords related to the Harbor private registry appliance
Resource ../../resources/Util.robot
*** Variables ***
*** Keywords ***
Create An New Project And Go Into Project
[Arguments] ${projectname} ${public}=false ${count_quota}=${null} ${storage_quota}=${null} ${storage_quota_unit}=${null} ${proxy_cache}=${false} ${registry}=${null}
Navigate To Projects
FOR ${n} IN RANGE 1 8
${out} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Retry Button Click xpath=${create_project_button_xpath}
Log All Return value is ${out[0]}
Exit For Loop If '${out[0]}'=='PASS'
Sleep 1
Log To Console Project Name: ${projectname}
Retry Text Input xpath=${project_name_xpath} ${projectname}
${element_project_public}= Set Variable xpath=${project_public_xpath}
Run Keyword If '${public}' == 'true' Run Keywords Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${element_project_public} AND Retry Element Click ${element_project_public}
Run Keyword If '${count_quota}'!='${null}' Input Count Quota ${count_quota}
Run Keyword If '${storage_quota}'!='${null}' Input Storage Quota ${storage_quota} ${storage_quota_unit}
Run Keyword If '${proxy_cache}' == '${true}' Run Keywords Mouse Down ${project_proxy_cache_switcher_id} AND Mouse Up ${project_proxy_cache_switcher_id} AND Retry Element Click ${project_registry_select_id} AND Retry Element Click xpath=//select[@id='registry']//option[contains(.,'${registry}')]
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${create_project_OK_button_xpath} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${create_project_OK_button_xpath}
Sleep 2
Go Into Project ${projectname} has_image=${false}
Create An New Project With New User
[Arguments] ${url} ${username} ${email} ${realname} ${newPassword} ${comment} ${projectname} ${public}
Create An New User url=${url} username=${username} email=${email} realname=${realname} newPassword=${newPassword} comment=${comment}
Logout Harbor
Sign In Harbor ${url} ${username} ${newPassword}
Create An New Project And Go Into Project ${projectname} ${public}
Sleep 1
Artifact Exist
[Arguments] ${tag_name}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //artifact-list-tab//clr-datagrid//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'sha256') and contains(.,'${tag_name}')]
#It's the log of project.
Go To Project Log
#Switch To Project Tab Overflow
Retry Element Click xpath=${project_log_xpath}
Sleep 2
Switch To Member
Sleep 3
Retry Element Click xpath=${project_member_xpath}
Sleep 1
Switch To Log
Retry Element Click xpath=${log_xpath}
Sleep 1
Switch To Replication
Retry Element Click xpath=${project_replication_xpath}
Sleep 1
Switch To Project Configuration
Retry Element Click ${project_config_tabsheet}
Sleep 1
Switch To Tag Retention
#Switch To Project Tab Overflow
Retry Element Click xpath=${project_tag_strategy_xpath}
Sleep 1
Switch To Tag Immutability
#Switch To Project Tab Overflow
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click xpath=${project_tag_strategy_xpath} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${project_tag_immutability_switch}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click xpath=${project_tag_immutability_switch} Retry Wait Until Page Contains Immutability rules
Sleep 1
Switch To Project Tab Overflow
Retry Element Click xpath=${project_tab_overflow_btn}
Sleep 1
Navigate To Projects
Reload Page
Retry Element Click xpath=${projects_xpath}
Sleep 2
Project Should Display
[Arguments] ${projectname}
Retry Wait Element xpath=//projects//list-project//clr-dg-cell/a[contains(.,'${projectname}')]
Project Should Not Display
[Arguments] ${projectname}
Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element xpath=//projects//list-project//clr-dg-cell/a[contains(.,'${projectname}')]
Search Private Projects
Retry Element Click xpath=//select
Retry Element Click xpath=//select/option[@value=1]
Sleep 1
Make Project Private
[Arguments] ${projectname}
Go Into Project ${project name}
Switch To Project Configuration
Retry Checkbox Should Be Selected ${project_config_public_checkbox}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${project_config_public_checkbox_label} Retry Checkbox Should Not Be Selected ${project_config_public_checkbox}
Retry Element Click //button[contains(.,'SAVE')]
Go Into Project ${project name}
Switch To Project Configuration
Retry Checkbox Should Not Be Selected ${project_config_public_checkbox}
Make Project Public
[Arguments] ${projectname}
Go Into Project ${project name}
Switch To Project Configuration
Retry Checkbox Should Not Be Selected ${project_config_public_checkbox}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${project_config_public_checkbox_label} Retry Checkbox Should Be Selected ${project_config_public_checkbox}
Retry Element Click //button[contains(.,'SAVE')]
Go Into Project ${project name}
Switch To Project Configuration
Retry Checkbox Should Be Selected ${project_config_public_checkbox}
Repo Exist
[Arguments] ${pro_name} ${repo_name}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${pro_name}/${repo_name}')]
Repo Not Exist
[Arguments] ${pro_name} ${repo_name}
Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element //clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${pro_name}/${repo_name}')]
Filter Repo
[Arguments] ${pro_name} ${repo_name} ${exsit}=${true}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${filter_dist_btn} Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${filter_dist_input}
Retry Clear Element Text ${filter_dist_input}
Retry Text Input ${filter_dist_input} ${pro_name}/${repo_name}
Run Keyword If ${exsit}==${true} Repo Exist ${pro_name} ${repo_name}
... ELSE Repo Not Exist ${pro_name} ${repo_name}
Delete Repo
[Arguments] ${pro_name} ${repo_name}
${element_repo_checkbox}= Set Variable xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${pro_name}/${repo_name}')]//clr-checkbox-wrapper//label
Filter Repo ${pro_name} ${repo_name}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${element_repo_checkbox} Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${repo_delete_btn}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${repo_delete_btn} Wait Until Element Is Visible And Enabled ${delete_confirm_btn}
Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${delete_confirm_btn} Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${delete_confirm_btn}
Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${element_repo_checkbox}
Filter Repo ${pro_name} ${repo_name} exsit=${false}
Delete Repo on CardView
[Arguments] ${reponame}
Retry Element Click //hbr-gridview//span[contains(.,'${reponame}')]//clr-dropdown/button
Retry Element Click //hbr-gridview//span[contains(.,'${reponame}')]//clr-dropdown/clr-dropdown-menu/button[contains(.,'Delete')]
Retry Element Click ${repo_delete_on_card_view_btn}
Sleep 2
Delete Project
[Arguments] ${projectname}
Navigate To Projects
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${projectname}')]//clr-checkbox-wrapper//label
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='delete-project']
Retry Element Click //clr-modal//button[contains(.,'DELETE')]
Sleep 1
Project Should Not Be Deleted
[Arguments] ${projname}
Delete Project ${projname}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //*[@id='contentAll']//div[contains(.,'${projname}')]/../div/clr-icon[@shape='error-standard']
Project Should Be Deleted
[Arguments] ${projname}
Delete Project ${projname}
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //*[@id='contentAll']//div[contains(.,'${projname}')]/../div/clr-icon[@shape='success-standard']
Advanced Search Should Display
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//audit-log//div[@class='flex-xs-middle']/button
# it's not a common keywords, only used into log case.
Do Log Advanced Search
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'artifact') and contains(.,'pull')]
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'artifact') and contains(.,'create')]
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'artifact') and contains(.,'delete')]
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'project') and contains(.,'create')]
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'repository') and contains(.,'delete')]
Retry Element Click xpath=//audit-log//div[@class='flex-xs-middle']/button
Retry Element Click xpath=//project-detail//audit-log//clr-dropdown/button
#pull log
Retry Element Click xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown//a[contains(.,'Pull')]
Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'pull')]
#push log
Retry Element Click xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown/button
Retry Element Click xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown//a[contains(.,'Push')]
Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'push')]
#create log
Retry Element Click xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown/button
Retry Element Click xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown//a[contains(.,'Create')]
Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'create')]
#delete log
Retry Element Click xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown/button
Retry Element Click xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown//a[contains(.,'Delete')]
Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'delete')]
Retry Element Click xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown/button
Retry Element Click xpath=//audit-log//clr-dropdown//a[contains(.,'Others')]
Retry Element Click xpath=//audit-log//hbr-filter//clr-icon
Retry Text Input xpath=//audit-log//hbr-filter//input harbor-jobservice
Sleep 1
${rc} = Get Element Count //audit-log//clr-dg-row
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 1
Retry Click Repo Name
[Arguments] ${repo_name_element}
FOR ${n} IN RANGE 1 2
${out} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Retry Double Keywords When Error Retry Element Click ${repo_name_element} Retry Wait Element ${tag_table_column_vulnerabilities}
Exit For Loop If '${out[0]}'=='PASS'
Should Be Equal As Strings '${out[0]}' 'PASS'
FOR ${n} IN RANGE 1 2
${out} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${repo_list_spinner}
Exit For Loop If '${out[0]}'=='PASS'
Should Be Equal As Strings '${out[0]}' 'PASS'
Go Into Repo
[Arguments] ${repoName}
Sleep 2
Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element ${repo_list_spinner}
${repo_name_element}= Set Variable xpath=//clr-dg-cell[contains(.,'${repoName}')]/a
FOR ${n} IN RANGE 1 3
Reload Page
Retry Element Click ${repo_search_icon}
Retry Clear Element Text ${repo_search_input}
Retry Text Input ${repo_search_input} ${repoName}
${out} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element ${repo_name_element}
Sleep 2
Continue For Loop If '${out[0]}'=='FAIL'
Retry Click Repo Name ${repo_name_element}
Sleep 2
Exit For Loop
Should Be Equal As Strings '${out[0]}' 'PASS'
Click Index Achieve
[Arguments] ${tag_name}
Retry Element Click //artifact-list-tab//clr-datagrid//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'sha256') and contains(.,'${tag_name}')]//clr-dg-cell[1]//clr-tooltip//a
Go Into Index And Contain Artifacts
[Arguments] ${tag_name} ${limit}=3
Retry Double Keywords When Error Click Index Achieve ${tag_name} Page Should Contain Element ${tag_table_column_os_arch}
FOR ${n} IN RANGE 1 10
${out} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Page Should Contain Element ${artifact_rows} limit=${limit}
Exit For Loop If '${out[0]}'=='PASS'
Sleep 3
Run Keyword If '${out[0]}'=='FAIL' Capture Page Screenshot
Should Be Equal As Strings '${out[0]}' 'PASS'
Switch To CardView
Retry Element Click xpath=//hbr-repository-gridview//span[@class='card-btn']/clr-icon
Sleep 5
Expand Repo
[Arguments] ${projectname}
Retry Element Click //repository//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${projectname}')]//button/clr-icon
Sleep 1
Edit Repo Info
Retry Element Click //*[@id='repo-info']
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //*[@id='info']/form/div[2]
# Cancel input
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='info-edit-button']/button
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='info-edit-textarea'] test_description_info
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='edit-cancel']
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-modal//button[contains(.,'CONFIRM')]
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element //*[@id='no-editing']
# Confirm input
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='info-edit-button']/button
Input Text xpath=//*[@id='info-edit-textarea'] test_description_info
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='edit-save']
Retry Wait Until Page Contains test_description_info
Switch To Project Label
Retry Element Click xpath=//project-detail//a[contains(.,'Labels')]
Sleep 1
Switch To Project Repo
Retry Element Click xpath=//project-detail//a[contains(.,'Repositories')]
Sleep 1
Add Labels To Tag
[Arguments] ${tagName} ${labelName}
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${tagName}')]//label
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dg-action-bar//clr-dropdown//span
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dropdown-menu//clr-dropdown//button[contains(.,'Add Labels')]
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-dropdown//div//label[contains(.,'${labelName}')]
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-row//label[contains(.,'${labelName}')]
Filter Labels In Tags
[Arguments] ${labelName1} ${labelName2}
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='filterArea']//hbr-filter/span/clr-icon
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-main-container//artifact-list-tab//clr-select-container//select
Retry Element Click xpath=//clr-main-container//artifact-list-tab//clr-select-container//select/option[@value='labels']
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//*[@id='filterArea']//div//button[contains(.,'${labelName1}')]
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='filterArea']//div//button[contains(.,'${labelName1}')]
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='filterArea']//hbr-filter/span/clr-icon
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//clr-datagrid//label[contains(.,'${labelName1}')]
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='filterArea']//hbr-filter/span/clr-icon
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='filterArea']//div//button[contains(.,'${labelName2}')]
Retry Element Click xpath=//*[@id='filterArea']//hbr-filter/span/clr-icon
Sleep 2
Retry Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${labelName2}')]
Retry Wait Until Page Not Contains Element xpath=//clr-dg-row[contains(.,'${labelName1}')]
Get Statics
[Arguments] ${locator}
Reload Page
Sleep 5
${privaterepo}= Get Text ${locator}
[Return] ${privaterepo}
Retry Get Statics
[Arguments] ${locator}
@{param} Create List ${locator}
${ret}= Retry Keyword N Times When Error 3 Get Statics @{param}
[Return] ${ret}
Get Statics Private Repo
${privaterepo}= Retry Get Statics //projects/div/div/div[1]/div/statistics-panel/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/statistics/div/span[1]
[Return] ${privaterepo}
Get Statics Private Project
${privateproj}= Retry Get Statics //projects/div/div/div[1]/div/statistics-panel/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/statistics/div/span[1]
[Return] ${privateproj}
Get Statics Public Repo
${publicrepo}= Retry Get Statics //projects/div/div/div[1]/div/statistics-panel/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/statistics/div/span[1]
[Return] ${publicrepo}
Get Statics Public Project
${publicproj}= Retry Get Statics //projects/div/div/div[1]/div/statistics-panel/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/statistics/div/span[1]
[Return] ${publicproj}
Get Statics Total Repo
${totalrepo}= Retry Get Statics //projects/div/div/div[1]/div/statistics-panel/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[4]/div[2]/statistics/div/span[1]
[Return] ${totalrepo}
Get Statics Total Project
${totalproj}= Retry Get Statics //projects/div/div/div[1]/div/statistics-panel/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[4]/div[1]/statistics/div/span[1]
[Return] ${totalproj}
Input Count Quota
[Arguments] ${text}
${element_xpath}= Set Variable ${project_add_count_quota_input_text_id}
Retry Clear Element Text ${element_xpath}
Retry Text Input ${element_xpath} ${text}
Input Storage Quota
[Arguments] ${text} ${unit}=${null}
${element_xpath}= Set Variable ${project_add_storage_quota_input_text_id}
Retry Clear Element Text ${element_xpath}
Retry Text Input ${element_xpath} ${text}
Run Keyword If '${unit}'!='${null}' Select Storage Quota unit ${unit}
Select Storage Quota unit
[Arguments] ${unit}
Select From List By Value ${project_add_storage_quota_unit_id} ${unit}