He Weiwei 28e0c0693b Upgrade clair adapter to v1.0.0
1. Upgrade clair adapter to v1.0.0.
2. Make the clair adapter which installed by harbor immutable and using internal registry address.
3. Add support to build clair adapter image from binary.
4. Switch to ScannerPull action when make authorization for the scan request.

Signed-off-by: He Weiwei <hweiwei@vmware.com>
2019-10-26 17:25:36 +00:00

10 lines
313 B
Executable File

IP=`ip addr s eth0 |grep "inet "|awk '{print $2}' |awk -F "/" '{print $1}'`
#echo $IP
sudo sed "s/reg.mydomain.com/$IP/" -i make/harbor.yml
echo "https:" >> make/harbor.yml
echo " certificate: /data/cert/server.crt" >> make/harbor.yml
echo " private_key: /data/cert/server.key" >> make/harbor.yml