danfengliu ab3e24a2e3 Add proxy cache python test scipts and upgrade containerd
Containerd in e2e image was using native one in ubuntu, it should be updated to the latest release.
And add proxy cache py-tests including pull image/manifest list by docker and ctr CLI.

Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
2020-10-28 02:13:40 +00:00

117 lines
5.5 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import base
import v2_swagger_client
from v2_swagger_client.rest import ApiException
class Artifact(base.Base, object):
def __init__(self):
super(Artifact,self).__init__(api_type = "artifact")
def list_artifacts(self, project_name, repo_name, **kwargs):
client = self._get_client(**kwargs)
return client.list_artifacts(project_name, repo_name)
def get_reference_info(self, project_name, repo_name, reference, ignore_not_found = False,**kwargs):
client = self._get_client(**kwargs)
params = {}
if "with_signature" in kwargs:
params["with_signature"] = kwargs["with_signature"]
if "with_tag" in kwargs:
params["with_tag"] = kwargs["with_tag"]
if "with_scan_overview" in kwargs:
params["with_scan_overview"] = kwargs["with_scan_overview"]
return client.get_artifact_with_http_info(project_name, repo_name, reference, **params)
except ApiException as e:
if e.status == 404 and ignore_not_found == True:
return []
def delete_artifact(self, project_name, repo_name, reference, expect_status_code = 200, expect_response_body = None, **kwargs):
client = self._get_client(**kwargs)
_, status_code, _ = client.delete_artifact_with_http_info(project_name, repo_name, reference)
except ApiException as e:
base._assert_status_code(expect_status_code, e.status)
if expect_response_body is not None:
base._assert_status_body(expect_response_body, e.body)
base._assert_status_code(expect_status_code, status_code)
base._assert_status_code(200, status_code)
def get_addition(self, project_name, repo_name, reference, addition, **kwargs):
client = self._get_client(**kwargs)
return client.get_addition_with_http_info(project_name, repo_name, reference, addition)
def add_label_to_reference(self, project_name, repo_name, reference, label_id, **kwargs):
client = self._get_client(**kwargs)
label = v2_swagger_client.Label(id = label_id)
return client.add_label_with_http_info(project_name, repo_name, reference, label)
def copy_artifact(self, project_name, repo_name, _from, expect_status_code = 201, expect_response_body = None, **kwargs):
client = self._get_client(**kwargs)
data, status_code, _ = client.copy_artifact_with_http_info(project_name, repo_name, _from)
except ApiException as e:
base._assert_status_code(expect_status_code, e.status)
if expect_response_body is not None:
base._assert_status_body(expect_response_body, e.body)
base._assert_status_code(expect_status_code, status_code)
base._assert_status_code(201, status_code)
return data
def create_tag(self, project_name, repo_name, reference, tag_name, expect_status_code = 201, ignore_conflict = False, **kwargs):
client = self._get_client(**kwargs)
tag = v2_swagger_client.Tag(name = tag_name)
_, status_code, _ = client.create_tag_with_http_info(project_name, repo_name, reference, tag)
except ApiException as e:
if e.status == 409 and ignore_conflict == True:
base._assert_status_code(expect_status_code, status_code)
def delete_tag(self, project_name, repo_name, reference, tag_name, expect_status_code = 200, **kwargs):
client = self._get_client(**kwargs)
_, status_code, _ = client.delete_tag_with_http_info(project_name, repo_name, reference, tag_name)
base._assert_status_code(expect_status_code, status_code)
def check_image_scan_result(self, project_name, repo_name, reference, expected_scan_status = "Success", **kwargs):
timeout_count = 30
while True:
timeout_count = timeout_count - 1
if (timeout_count == 0):
artifact = self.get_reference_info(project_name, repo_name, reference, **kwargs)
scan_status = artifact[0].scan_overview['application/vnd.scanner.adapter.vuln.report.harbor+json; version=1.0'].scan_status
if scan_status == expected_scan_status:
raise Exception("Scan image result is {}, not as expected {}.".format(scan_status, expected_scan_status))
def check_reference_exist(self, project_name, repo_name, reference, ignore_not_found = False, **kwargs):
artifact = self.get_reference_info( project_name, repo_name, reference, ignore_not_found=ignore_not_found, **kwargs)
return {
0: False,
}.get(len(artifact), True)
def waiting_for_reference_exist(self, project_name, repo_name, reference, ignore_not_found = False, period = 60, loop_count = 8, **kwargs):
_loop_count = loop_count
while True:
print("Waiting for reference {} round...".format(_loop_count))
_loop_count = _loop_count - 1
if (_loop_count == 0):
artifact = self.get_reference_info(project_name, repo_name, reference, ignore_not_found=ignore_not_found, **kwargs)
print("Returned artifact by get reference info:", artifact)
if artifact and artifact !=[]:
return artifact
raise Exception("Referencet is not exist {} {} {}.".format(project_name, repo_name, reference))