danfengliu f0ebd17994 Add build base image step in build package git action workflow
Build base image step should be in build package workflow, and local base images build by new step should be removed since images have been pushed to docker hub.

Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
2021-04-17 18:10:44 +08:00

136 lines
6.5 KiB

from __future__ import absolute_import
import unittest
import urllib
import sys
from testutils import ADMIN_CLIENT, suppress_urllib3_warning, DOCKER_USER, DOCKER_PWD
from testutils import harbor_server
from testutils import TEARDOWN
from library.base import _random_name
from library.base import _assert_status_code
from library.project import Project
from library.user import User
from library.repository import Repository
from library.registry import Registry
from library.repository import pull_harbor_image
from library.artifact import Artifact
import library.containerd
class TestProxyCache(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.url = ADMIN_CLIENT["endpoint"]
self.user_password = "Aa123456"
self.project= Project()
self.user= User()
self.repo= Repository()
self.registry = Registry()
self.artifact = Artifact()
@unittest.skipIf(TEARDOWN == False, "Test data won't be erased.")
def tearDown(self):
print("Case completed")
def do_validate(self, registry_type):
Test case:
Proxy Cache Image From Harbor
Test step and expected result:
1. Create a new registry;
2. Create a new project;
3. Add a new user as a member of project;
4. Pull image from this project by docker CLI;
5. Pull image from this project by ctr CLI;
6. Pull manifest index from this project by docker CLI;
7. Pull manifest from this project by ctr CLI;
8. Image pulled by docker CLI should be cached;
9. Image pulled by ctr CLI should be cached;
10. Manifest index pulled by docker CLI should be cached;
11. Manifest index pulled by ctr CLI should be cached;
Tear down:
1. Delete project(PA);
2. Delete user(UA).
user_id, user_name = self.user.create_user(user_password = self.user_password, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
USER_CLIENT=dict(with_signature = True, endpoint = self.url, username = user_name, password = self.user_password)
image_for_docker = dict(image = "for_proxy", tag = "1.0")
image_for_ctr = dict(image = "redis", tag = "latest")
index_for_docker = dict(image = "index081597864867", tag = "index_tag081597864867")
access_key = ""
access_secret = ""
#1. Create a new registry;
if registry_type == "docker-hub":
user_namespace = DOCKER_USER
access_key = user_namespace
access_secret = DOCKER_PWD
registry = "https://hub.docker.com"
# Memo: ctr will not send image pull request if manifest list already exist, so we pull different manifest list for different registry;
index_for_ctr = dict(image = "alpine", tag = "3.12.0")
user_namespace = "nightly"
registry = "https://cicd.harbor.vmwarecna.net"
index_for_ctr = dict(image = "busybox", tag = "1.32.0")
registry_id, _ = self.registry.create_registry(registry, name=_random_name(registry_type), registry_type=registry_type, access_key = access_key, access_secret = access_secret, insecure=False, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
print("registry_id:", registry_id)
#2. Create a new project;
project_id, project_name = self.project.create_project(registry_id = registry_id, metadata = {"public": "false"}, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
#3. Add a new user as a member of project;
self.project.add_project_members(project_id, user_id=user_id, **ADMIN_CLIENT)
#4. Pull image from this project by docker CLI;
pull_harbor_image(harbor_server, USER_CLIENT["username"], USER_CLIENT["password"], project_name + "/" + user_namespace + "/" + image_for_docker["image"], image_for_docker["tag"])
#5. Pull image from this project by ctr CLI;
oci_ref = harbor_server + "/" + project_name + "/" + user_namespace + "/" + image_for_ctr["image"] + ":" + image_for_ctr["tag"]
library.containerd.ctr_images_pull(user_name, self.user_password, oci_ref)
library.containerd.ctr_images_list(oci_ref = oci_ref)
#6. Pull manifest index from this project by docker CLI;
index_repo_name = user_namespace + "/" + index_for_docker["image"]
pull_harbor_image(harbor_server, user_name, self.user_password, project_name + "/" + index_repo_name, index_for_docker["tag"])
#7. Pull manifest from this project by ctr CLI;
index_repo_name_for_ctr = user_namespace + "/" + index_for_ctr["image"]
oci_ref = harbor_server + "/" + project_name + "/" + index_repo_name_for_ctr + ":" + index_for_ctr["tag"]
library.containerd.ctr_images_pull(user_name, self.user_password, oci_ref)
library.containerd.ctr_images_list(oci_ref = oci_ref)
#8. Image pulled by docker CLI should be cached;
self.artifact.waiting_for_reference_exist(project_name, urllib.parse.quote(user_namespace + "/" + image_for_docker["image"],'utf-8'), image_for_docker["tag"], **USER_CLIENT)
#9. Image pulled by ctr CLI should be cached;
self.artifact.waiting_for_reference_exist(project_name, urllib.parse.quote(user_namespace + "/" + image_for_ctr["image"],'utf-8'), image_for_ctr["tag"], **USER_CLIENT)
#10. Manifest index pulled by docker CLI should be cached;
ret_index_by_d = self.artifact.waiting_for_reference_exist(project_name, urllib.parse.quote(index_repo_name,'utf-8'), index_for_docker["tag"], **USER_CLIENT)
print("Index's reference by docker CLI:", ret_index_by_d.references)
self.assertTrue(len(ret_index_by_d.references) == 1)
#11. Manifest index pulled by ctr CLI should be cached;
ret_index_by_c = self.artifact.waiting_for_reference_exist(project_name, urllib.parse.quote(index_repo_name_for_ctr,'utf-8'), index_for_ctr["tag"], **USER_CLIENT)
print("Index's reference by ctr CLI:", ret_index_by_c.references)
self.assertTrue(len(ret_index_by_c.references) == 1)
def test_proxy_cache_from_harbor(self):
#def test_proxy_cache_from_dockerhub(self):
# self.do_validate("docker-hub")
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = unittest.TestSuite(unittest.makeSuite(TestProxyCache))
result = unittest.TextTestRunner(sys.stdout, verbosity=2, failfast=True).run(suite)
if not result.wasSuccessful():
raise Exception(r"Proxy cache test failed: ".format(result))