
528 lines
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Executable File

// Copyright 2018 Project Harbor Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package config provide config for core api and other modules
// Before accessing user settings, need to call Load()
// For system settings, no need to call Load()
package config
import (
comcfg "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/common/config"
const (
defaultKeyPath = "/etc/core/key"
defaultTokenFilePath = "/etc/core/token/tokens.properties"
defaultRegistryTokenPrivateKeyPath = "/etc/core/private_key.pem"
// SessionCookieName is the name of the cookie for session ID
SessionCookieName = "sid"
var (
// SecretStore manages secrets
SecretStore *secret.Store
// GlobalProjectMgr is initialized based on the deploy mode
GlobalProjectMgr promgr.ProjectManager
keyProvider comcfg.KeyProvider
// AdmiralClient is initialized only under integration deploy mode
// and can be passed to project manager as a parameter
AdmiralClient *http.Client
// TokenReader is used in integration mode to read token
TokenReader admiral.TokenReader
// defined as a var for testing.
defaultCACertPath = "/etc/core/ca/ca.crt"
cfgMgr *comcfg.CfgManager
// Init configurations
func Init() error {
// init key provider
cfgMgr = comcfg.NewDBCfgManager()
log.Info("init secret store")
// init secret store
log.Info("init project manager based on deploy mode")
// init project manager based on deploy mode
if err := initProjectManager(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to initialise project manager, error: %v", err)
return err
return nil
// InitWithSettings init config with predefined configs, and optionally overwrite the keyprovider
func InitWithSettings(cfgs map[string]interface{}, kp ...comcfg.KeyProvider) {
cfgMgr = comcfg.NewInMemoryManager()
if len(kp) > 0 {
keyProvider = kp[0]
func initKeyProvider() {
path := os.Getenv("KEY_PATH")
if len(path) == 0 {
path = defaultKeyPath
log.Infof("key path: %s", path)
keyProvider = comcfg.NewFileKeyProvider(path)
func initSecretStore() {
m := map[string]string{}
m[JobserviceSecret()] = secret.JobserviceUser
SecretStore = secret.NewStore(m)
func initProjectManager() error {
var driver pmsdriver.PMSDriver
if WithAdmiral() {
log.Debugf("Initialising Admiral client with certificate: %s", defaultCACertPath)
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(defaultCACertPath)
if err != nil {
return err
pool := x509.NewCertPool()
if ok := pool.AppendCertsFromPEM(content); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to append cert content into cert worker")
AdmiralClient = &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
RootCAs: pool,
// integration with admiral
log.Info("initializing the project manager based on PMS...")
path := os.Getenv("SERVICE_TOKEN_FILE_PATH")
if len(path) == 0 {
path = defaultTokenFilePath
log.Infof("service token file path: %s", path)
TokenReader = &admiral.FileTokenReader{
Path: path,
driver = admiral.NewDriver(AdmiralClient, AdmiralEndpoint(), TokenReader)
} else {
// standalone
log.Info("initializing the project manager based on local database...")
driver = local.NewDriver()
GlobalProjectMgr = promgr.NewDefaultProjectManager(driver, true)
return nil
// GetCfgManager return the current config manager
func GetCfgManager() *comcfg.CfgManager {
if cfgMgr == nil {
return comcfg.NewDBCfgManager()
return cfgMgr
// Load configurations
func Load() error {
return cfgMgr.Load()
// Upload save all system configurations
func Upload(cfg map[string]interface{}) error {
return cfgMgr.UpdateConfig(cfg)
// GetSystemCfg returns the system configurations
func GetSystemCfg() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
sysCfg := cfgMgr.GetAll()
if len(sysCfg) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("can not load system config, the database might be down")
return sysCfg, nil
// AuthMode ...
func AuthMode() (string, error) {
err := cfgMgr.Load()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to load config, error %v", err)
return "db_auth", err
return cfgMgr.Get(common.AUTHMode).GetString(), nil
// TokenPrivateKeyPath returns the path to the key for signing token for registry
func TokenPrivateKeyPath() string {
path := os.Getenv("TOKEN_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH")
if len(path) == 0 {
path = defaultRegistryTokenPrivateKeyPath
return path
// LDAPConf returns the setting of ldap server
func LDAPConf() (*models.LdapConf, error) {
err := cfgMgr.Load()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &models.LdapConf{
LdapURL: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPURL).GetString(),
LdapSearchDn: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPSearchDN).GetString(),
LdapSearchPassword: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPSearchPwd).GetString(),
LdapBaseDn: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPBaseDN).GetString(),
LdapUID: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPUID).GetString(),
LdapFilter: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPFilter).GetString(),
LdapScope: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPScope).GetInt(),
LdapConnectionTimeout: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPTimeout).GetInt(),
LdapVerifyCert: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPVerifyCert).GetBool(),
}, nil
// LDAPGroupConf returns the setting of ldap group search
func LDAPGroupConf() (*models.LdapGroupConf, error) {
err := cfgMgr.Load()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &models.LdapGroupConf{
LdapGroupBaseDN: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPGroupBaseDN).GetString(),
LdapGroupFilter: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPGroupSearchFilter).GetString(),
LdapGroupNameAttribute: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPGroupAttributeName).GetString(),
LdapGroupSearchScope: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPGroupSearchScope).GetInt(),
LdapGroupAdminDN: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPGroupAdminDn).GetString(),
LdapGroupMembershipAttribute: cfgMgr.Get(common.LDAPGroupMembershipAttribute).GetString(),
}, nil
// TokenExpiration returns the token expiration time (in minute)
func TokenExpiration() (int, error) {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.TokenExpiration).GetInt(), nil
// RobotTokenDuration returns the token expiration time of robot account (in minute)
func RobotTokenDuration() int {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.RobotTokenDuration).GetInt()
// ExtEndpoint returns the external URL of Harbor: protocol://host:port
func ExtEndpoint() (string, error) {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.ExtEndpoint).GetString(), nil
// ExtURL returns the external URL: host:port
func ExtURL() (string, error) {
endpoint, err := ExtEndpoint()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to load config, error %v", err)
l := strings.Split(endpoint, "://")
if len(l) > 0 {
return l[1], nil
return endpoint, nil
// SecretKey returns the secret key to encrypt the password of target
func SecretKey() (string, error) {
return keyProvider.Get(nil)
// SelfRegistration returns the enablement of self registration
func SelfRegistration() (bool, error) {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.SelfRegistration).GetBool(), nil
// RegistryURL ...
func RegistryURL() (string, error) {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.RegistryURL).GetString(), nil
// InternalJobServiceURL returns jobservice URL for internal communication between Harbor containers
func InternalJobServiceURL() string {
return strings.TrimSuffix(cfgMgr.Get(common.JobServiceURL).GetString(), "/")
// InternalCoreURL returns the local harbor core url
func InternalCoreURL() string {
return strings.TrimSuffix(cfgMgr.Get(common.CoreURL).GetString(), "/")
// LocalCoreURL returns the local harbor core url
func LocalCoreURL() string {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.CoreLocalURL).GetString()
// InternalTokenServiceEndpoint returns token service endpoint for internal communication between Harbor containers
func InternalTokenServiceEndpoint() string {
return InternalCoreURL() + "/service/token"
// InternalNotaryEndpoint returns notary server endpoint for internal communication between Harbor containers
// This is currently a conventional value and can be unaccessible when Harbor is not deployed with Notary.
func InternalNotaryEndpoint() string {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.NotaryURL).GetString()
// InitialAdminPassword returns the initial password for administrator
func InitialAdminPassword() (string, error) {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.AdminInitialPassword).GetString(), nil
// OnlyAdminCreateProject returns the flag to restrict that only sys admin can create project
func OnlyAdminCreateProject() (bool, error) {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.ProjectCreationRestriction).GetString() == common.ProCrtRestrAdmOnly, nil
// Email returns email server settings
func Email() (*models.Email, error) {
err := cfgMgr.Load()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &models.Email{
Host: cfgMgr.Get(common.EmailHost).GetString(),
Port: cfgMgr.Get(common.EmailPort).GetInt(),
Username: cfgMgr.Get(common.EmailUsername).GetString(),
Password: cfgMgr.Get(common.EmailPassword).GetString(),
SSL: cfgMgr.Get(common.EmailSSL).GetBool(),
From: cfgMgr.Get(common.EmailFrom).GetString(),
Identity: cfgMgr.Get(common.EmailIdentity).GetString(),
Insecure: cfgMgr.Get(common.EmailInsecure).GetBool(),
}, nil
// Database returns database settings
func Database() (*models.Database, error) {
database := &models.Database{}
database.Type = cfgMgr.Get(common.DatabaseType).GetString()
postgresql := &models.PostGreSQL{
Host: cfgMgr.Get(common.PostGreSQLHOST).GetString(),
Port: cfgMgr.Get(common.PostGreSQLPort).GetInt(),
Username: cfgMgr.Get(common.PostGreSQLUsername).GetString(),
Password: cfgMgr.Get(common.PostGreSQLPassword).GetString(),
Database: cfgMgr.Get(common.PostGreSQLDatabase).GetString(),
SSLMode: cfgMgr.Get(common.PostGreSQLSSLMode).GetString(),
MaxIdleConns: cfgMgr.Get(common.PostGreSQLMaxIdleConns).GetInt(),
MaxOpenConns: cfgMgr.Get(common.PostGreSQLMaxOpenConns).GetInt(),
database.PostGreSQL = postgresql
return database, nil
// CoreSecret returns a secret to mark harbor-core when communicate with
// other component
func CoreSecret() string {
return os.Getenv("CORE_SECRET")
// JobserviceSecret returns a secret to mark Jobservice when communicate with
// other component
// TODO replace it with method of SecretStore
func JobserviceSecret() string {
return os.Getenv("JOBSERVICE_SECRET")
// WithNotary returns a bool value to indicate if Harbor's deployed with Notary
func WithNotary() bool {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.WithNotary).GetBool()
// WithClair returns a bool value to indicate if Harbor's deployed with Clair
func WithClair() bool {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.WithClair).GetBool()
// ClairEndpoint returns the end point of clair instance, by default it's the one deployed within Harbor.
func ClairEndpoint() string {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.ClairURL).GetString()
// ClairDB return Clair db info
func ClairDB() (*models.PostGreSQL, error) {
clairDB := &models.PostGreSQL{
Host: cfgMgr.Get(common.ClairDBHost).GetString(),
Port: cfgMgr.Get(common.ClairDBPort).GetInt(),
Username: cfgMgr.Get(common.ClairDBUsername).GetString(),
Password: cfgMgr.Get(common.ClairDBPassword).GetString(),
Database: cfgMgr.Get(common.ClairDB).GetString(),
SSLMode: cfgMgr.Get(common.ClairDBSSLMode).GetString(),
return clairDB, nil
// ClairAdapterEndpoint returns the endpoint of clair adapter instance, by default it's the one deployed within Harbor.
func ClairAdapterEndpoint() string {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.ClairAdapterURL).GetString()
// AdmiralEndpoint returns the URL of admiral, if Harbor is not deployed with admiral it should return an empty string.
func AdmiralEndpoint() string {
if cfgMgr.Get(common.AdmiralEndpoint).GetString() == "NA" {
return ""
return cfgMgr.Get(common.AdmiralEndpoint).GetString()
// WithAdmiral returns a bool to indicate if Harbor's deployed with admiral.
func WithAdmiral() bool {
return len(AdmiralEndpoint()) > 0
// UAASettings returns the UAASettings to access UAA service.
func UAASettings() (*models.UAASettings, error) {
err := cfgMgr.Load()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
us := &models.UAASettings{
Endpoint: cfgMgr.Get(common.UAAEndpoint).GetString(),
ClientID: cfgMgr.Get(common.UAAClientID).GetString(),
ClientSecret: cfgMgr.Get(common.UAAClientSecret).GetString(),
VerifyCert: cfgMgr.Get(common.UAAVerifyCert).GetBool(),
return us, nil
// ReadOnly returns a bool to indicates if Harbor is in read only mode.
func ReadOnly() bool {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.ReadOnly).GetBool()
// WithChartMuseum returns a bool to indicate if chartmuseum is deployed with Harbor.
func WithChartMuseum() bool {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.WithChartMuseum).GetBool()
// GetChartMuseumEndpoint returns the endpoint of the chartmuseum service
// otherwise an non nil error is returned
func GetChartMuseumEndpoint() (string, error) {
chartEndpoint := strings.TrimSpace(cfgMgr.Get(common.ChartRepoURL).GetString())
if len(chartEndpoint) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("empty chartmuseum endpoint")
return chartEndpoint, nil
// GetRedisOfRegURL returns the URL of Redis used by registry
func GetRedisOfRegURL() string {
return os.Getenv("_REDIS_URL_REG")
// GetPortalURL returns the URL of portal
func GetPortalURL() string {
url := os.Getenv("PORTAL_URL")
if len(url) == 0 {
return common.DefaultPortalURL
return url
// GetRegistryCtlURL returns the URL of registryctl
func GetRegistryCtlURL() string {
url := os.Getenv("REGISTRYCTL_URL")
if len(url) == 0 {
return common.DefaultRegistryCtlURL
return url
// HTTPAuthProxySetting returns the setting of HTTP Auth proxy. the settings are only meaningful when the auth_mode is
// set to http_auth
func HTTPAuthProxySetting() (*models.HTTPAuthProxy, error) {
if err := cfgMgr.Load(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &models.HTTPAuthProxy{
Endpoint: cfgMgr.Get(common.HTTPAuthProxyEndpoint).GetString(),
TokenReviewEndpoint: cfgMgr.Get(common.HTTPAuthProxyTokenReviewEndpoint).GetString(),
VerifyCert: cfgMgr.Get(common.HTTPAuthProxyVerifyCert).GetBool(),
SkipSearch: cfgMgr.Get(common.HTTPAuthProxySkipSearch).GetBool(),
ServerCertificate: cfgMgr.Get(common.HTTPAuthProxyServerCertificate).GetString(),
CaseSensitive: cfgMgr.Get(common.HTTPAuthProxyCaseSensitive).GetBool(),
}, nil
// OIDCSetting returns the setting of OIDC provider, currently there's only one OIDC provider allowed for Harbor and it's
// only effective when auth_mode is set to oidc_auth
func OIDCSetting() (*models.OIDCSetting, error) {
if err := cfgMgr.Load(); err != nil {
return nil, err
scopeStr := cfgMgr.Get(common.OIDCScope).GetString()
extEndpoint := strings.TrimSuffix(cfgMgr.Get(common.ExtEndpoint).GetString(), "/")
scope := []string{}
for _, s := range strings.Split(scopeStr, ",") {
scope = append(scope, strings.TrimSpace(s))
return &models.OIDCSetting{
Name: cfgMgr.Get(common.OIDCName).GetString(),
Endpoint: cfgMgr.Get(common.OIDCEndpoint).GetString(),
VerifyCert: cfgMgr.Get(common.OIDCVerifyCert).GetBool(),
ClientID: cfgMgr.Get(common.OIDCCLientID).GetString(),
ClientSecret: cfgMgr.Get(common.OIDCClientSecret).GetString(),
GroupsClaim: cfgMgr.Get(common.OIDCGroupsClaim).GetString(),
RedirectURL: extEndpoint + common.OIDCCallbackPath,
Scope: scope,
}, nil
// NotificationEnable returns a bool to indicates if notification enabled in harbor
func NotificationEnable() bool {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.NotificationEnable).GetBool()
// QuotaPerProjectEnable returns a bool to indicates if quota per project enabled in harbor
func QuotaPerProjectEnable() bool {
return cfgMgr.Get(common.QuotaPerProjectEnable).GetBool()
// QuotaSetting returns the setting of quota.
func QuotaSetting() (*models.QuotaSetting, error) {
if err := cfgMgr.Load(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &models.QuotaSetting{
CountPerProject: cfgMgr.Get(common.CountPerProject).GetInt64(),
StoragePerProject: cfgMgr.Get(common.StoragePerProject).GetInt64(),
}, nil