danfengliu f0ebd17994 Add build base image step in build package git action workflow
Build base image step should be in build package workflow, and local base images build by new step should be removed since images have been pushed to docker hub.

Signed-off-by: danfengliu <danfengl@vmware.com>
2021-04-17 18:10:44 +08:00

405 lines
23 KiB

# Copyright Project Harbor Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License
*** Settings ***
Documentation This resource contains all keywords related to creating, deleting, maintaining VCHs
*** Keywords ***
Set Test Environment Variables
# Finish setting up environment variables
${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Environment Variable Should Be Set DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Set Environment Variable DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER 0
${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Environment Variable Should Be Set BRIDGE_NETWORK
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Set Environment Variable BRIDGE_NETWORK network
${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Environment Variable Should Be Set PUBLIC_NETWORK
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Set Environment Variable PUBLIC_NETWORK 'VM Network'
${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Environment Variable Should Be Set TEST_DATACENTER
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Set Environment Variable TEST_DATACENTER ${SPACE}
@{URLs}= Split String %{TEST_URL_ARRAY}
${len}= Get Length ${URLs}
${IDX}= Evaluate %{DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER} \% ${len}
Set Environment Variable TEST_URL @{URLs}[${IDX}]
# TODO: need an integration/vic-test image update to include the about.cert command
#${rc} ${thumbprint}= Run And Return Rc And Output govc about.cert -k | jq -r .ThumbprintSHA1
${rc} ${thumbprint}= Run And Return Rc And Output openssl s_client -connect $(govc env -x GOVC_URL_HOST):443 </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout | cut -d= -f2
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Set Environment Variable TEST_THUMBPRINT ${thumbprint}
Log To Console \nTEST_URL=%{TEST_URL}
${host}= Run govc ls host
${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Environment Variable Should Be Set TEST_RESOURCE
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Set Environment Variable TEST_RESOURCE ${host}/Resources
${noQuotes}= Strip String %{TEST_DATASTORE} characters="
Set Environment Variable GOVC_DATASTORE ${noQuotes}
${about}= Run govc about
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${about} VMware ESXi
Run Keyword If ${status} Set Environment Variable HOST_TYPE ESXi
Run Keyword Unless ${status} Set Environment Variable HOST_TYPE VC
${about}= Run govc datastore.info %{TEST_DATASTORE} | grep 'Type'
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${about} vsan
Run Keyword If ${status} Set Environment Variable DATASTORE_TYPE VSAN
Run Keyword Unless ${status} Set Environment Variable DATASTORE_TYPE Non_VSAN
# set the TLS config options suitable for vic-machine in this env
${domain}= Get Environment Variable DOMAIN ''
Run Keyword If $domain == '' Set Suite Variable ${vicmachinetls} --no-tlsverify
Run Keyword If $domain != '' Set Suite Variable ${vicmachinetls} --tls-cname=*.${domain}
Set Test VCH Name
# Set a unique bridge network for each VCH that has a random VLAN ID
${vlan}= Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Evaluate str(random.randint(1, 4093)) modules=random
${out}= Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Run govc host.portgroup.add -vlan=${vlan} -vswitch vSwitchLAN %{VCH-NAME}-bridge
Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Set Environment Variable BRIDGE_NETWORK %{VCH-NAME}-bridge
Set Test VCH Name
${name}= Evaluate 'VCH-%{DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER}-' + str(random.randint(1000,9999)) modules=random
Set Environment Variable VCH-NAME ${name}
Set List Of Env Variables
[Arguments] ${vars}
@{vars}= Split String ${vars}
:FOR ${var} IN @{vars}
\ ${varname} ${varval}= Split String ${var} =
\ Set Environment Variable ${varname} ${varval}
Parse Environment Variables
[Arguments] ${line}
# If using the old logging format
${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${line} mINFO
${logdeco} ${vars}= Run Keyword If ${status} Split String ${line} ${SPACE} 1
Run Keyword If ${status} Set List Of Env Variables ${vars}
Return From Keyword If ${status}
# Split the log log into pieces, discarding the initial log decoration, and assign to env vars
${logmon} ${logday} ${logyear} ${logtime} ${loglevel} ${vars}= Split String ${line} max_split=5
Set List Of Env Variables ${vars}
Get Docker Params
# Get VCH docker params e.g. "-H --tls"
[Arguments] ${output} ${certs}
@{output}= Split To Lines ${output}
:FOR ${item} IN @{output}
\ ${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${item} DOCKER_HOST=
\ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' Set Suite Variable ${line} ${item}
# Ensure we start from a clean slate with docker env vars
Parse Environment Variables ${line}
${dockerHost}= Get Environment Variable DOCKER_HOST
@{hostParts}= Split String ${dockerHost} :
${ip}= Strip String @{hostParts}[0]
${port}= Strip String @{hostParts}[1]
Set Environment Variable VCH-IP ${ip}
Set Environment Variable VCH-PORT ${port}
:FOR ${index} ${item} IN ENUMERATE @{output}
\ ${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${item} http
\ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' Set Suite Variable ${line} ${item}
\ ${status} ${message}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Contain ${item} Published ports can be reached at
\ ${idx} = Evaluate ${index} + 1
\ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'PASS' Set Suite Variable ${ext-ip} @{output}[${idx}]
${rest} ${ext-ip} = Split String From Right ${ext-ip} ${SPACE} 1
${ext-ip} = Strip String ${ext-ip}
Set Environment Variable EXT-IP ${ext-ip}
${rest} ${vic-admin}= Split String From Right ${line} ${SPACE} 1
Set Environment Variable VIC-ADMIN ${vic-admin}
Run Keyword If ${port} == 2376 Set Environment Variable VCH-PARAMS -H ${dockerHost} --tls
Run Keyword If ${port} == 2375 Set Environment Variable VCH-PARAMS -H ${dockerHost}
### Add environment variables for Compose and TLS
# Check if tls is enable from vic-machine's output and not trust ${certs} which some tests bypasses
${tls_enabled}= Get Environment Variable DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY ${false}
### Compose case for no-tlsverify
# Set environment variables if certs not used to create the VCH. This is NOT the recommended
# approach to running compose. There will be security warnings in the logs and some compose
# operations may not work properly because certs == false currently means we install with
# --no-tlsverify. Add CURL_CA_BUNDLE for a workaround in compose tests. If we change
# certs == false to install with --no-tls, then we need to change this again.
Run Keyword If ${tls_enabled} == ${false} Set Environment Variable CURL_CA_BUNDLE ${EMPTY}
# Get around quirk in compose if no-tlsverify, then CURL_CA_BUNDLE must exist and compose called with --tls
Run Keyword If ${tls_enabled} == ${false} Set Environment Variable COMPOSE-PARAMS -H ${dockerHost} --tls
### Compose case for tlsverify (assumes DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY also set)
Run Keyword If ${tls_enabled} == ${true} Set Environment Variable COMPOSE_TLS_VERSION TLSv1_2
Run Keyword If ${tls_enabled} == ${true} Set Environment Variable COMPOSE-PARAMS -H ${dockerHost}
Install VIC Appliance To Test Server
[Arguments] ${vic-machine}=bin/vic-machine-linux ${appliance-iso}=bin/appliance.iso ${bootstrap-iso}=bin/bootstrap.iso ${certs}=${true} ${vol}=default ${cleanup}=${true}
Set Test Environment Variables
# disable firewall
Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Run govc host.esxcli network firewall set -e false
# Attempt to cleanup old/canceled tests
Run Keyword If ${cleanup} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Cleanup Dangling VMs On Test Server
Run Keyword If ${cleanup} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Cleanup Datastore On Test Server
Run Keyword If ${cleanup} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Cleanup Dangling Networks On Test Server
Run Keyword If ${cleanup} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Cleanup Dangling vSwitches On Test Server
Run Keyword If ${cleanup} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Cleanup Dangling Containers On Test Server
# Install the VCH now
Log To Console \nInstalling VCH to test server...
${output}= Run VIC Machine Command ${vic-machine} ${appliance-iso} ${bootstrap-iso} ${certs} ${vol}
Log ${output}
Should Contain ${output} Installer completed successfully
Get Docker Params ${output} ${certs}
Log To Console Installer completed successfully: %{VCH-NAME}...
Run VIC Machine Command
[Tags] secret
[Arguments] ${vic-machine} ${appliance-iso} ${bootstrap-iso} ${certs} ${vol}
${output}= Run Keyword If ${certs} Run ${vic-machine} create --debug 1 --name=%{VCH-NAME} --target=%{TEST_URL}%{TEST_DATACENTER} --thumbprint=%{TEST_THUMBPRINT} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --image-store=%{TEST_DATASTORE} --appliance-iso=${appliance-iso} --bootstrap-iso=${bootstrap-iso} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --force=true --bridge-network=%{BRIDGE_NETWORK} --public-network=%{PUBLIC_NETWORK} --compute-resource=%{TEST_RESOURCE} --timeout %{TEST_TIMEOUT} --volume-store=%{TEST_DATASTORE}/test:${vol} ${vicmachinetls}
Run Keyword If ${certs} Should Contain ${output} Installer completed successfully
Return From Keyword If ${certs} ${output}
${output}= Run Keyword Unless ${certs} Run ${vic-machine} create --debug 1 --name=%{VCH-NAME} --target=%{TEST_URL}%{TEST_DATACENTER} --thumbprint=%{TEST_THUMBPRINT} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --image-store=%{TEST_DATASTORE} --appliance-iso=${appliance-iso} --bootstrap-iso=${bootstrap-iso} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --force=true --bridge-network=%{BRIDGE_NETWORK} --public-network=%{PUBLIC_NETWORK} --compute-resource=%{TEST_RESOURCE} --timeout %{TEST_TIMEOUT} --volume-store=%{TEST_DATASTORE}/test:${vol} --no-tlsverify
Run Keyword Unless ${certs} Should Contain ${output} Installer completed successfully
[Return] ${output}
Run Secret VIC Machine Delete Command
[Tags] secret
[Arguments] ${vch-name}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux delete --name=${vch-name} --target=%{TEST_URL}%{TEST_DATACENTER} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --force=true --compute-resource=%{TEST_RESOURCE} --timeout %{TEST_TIMEOUT}
[Return] ${rc} ${output}
Run Secret VIC Machine Inspect Command
[Tags] secret
[Arguments] ${name}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux inspect --name=${name} --target=%{TEST_URL}%{TEST_DATACENTER} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --thumbprint=%{TEST_THUMBPRINT}
[Return] ${rc} ${output}
Run VIC Machine Delete Command
${rc} ${output}= Run Secret VIC Machine Delete Command %{VCH-NAME}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6x 5s Check Delete Success %{VCH-NAME}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Should Contain ${output} Completed successfully
${output}= Run rm -rf %{VCH-NAME}
[Return] ${output}
Run VIC Machine Inspect Command
${rc} ${output}= Run Secret VIC Machine Inspect Command %{VCH-NAME}
Get Docker Params ${output} ${true}
Gather Logs From Test Server
[Tags] secret
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Run zip %{VCH-NAME}-certs -r %{VCH-NAME}
${out}= Run curl -k -D vic-admin-cookies -Fusername=%{TEST_USERNAME} -Fpassword=%{TEST_PASSWORD} %{VIC-ADMIN}/authentication
Log ${out}
${out}= Run curl -k -b vic-admin-cookies %{VIC-ADMIN}/container-logs.zip -o ${SUITE NAME}-%{VCH-NAME}-container-logs.zip
Log ${out}
Remove File vic-admin-cookies
${out}= Run govc datastore.download %{VCH-NAME}/vmware.log %{VCH-NAME}-vmware.log
Should Contain ${out} OK
Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Run govc logs -log=vmkernel -n=10000 > vmkernel.log
Check For The Proper Log Files
[Arguments] ${container}
# Ensure container logs are correctly being gathered for debugging purposes
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc and Output curl -sk %{VIC-ADMIN}/authentication -XPOST -F username=%{TEST_USERNAME} -F password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} -D /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc and Output curl -sk %{VIC-ADMIN}/container-logs.tar.gz -b /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME} | tar tvzf -
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Log ${output}
Should Contain ${output} ${container}/output.log
Should Contain ${output} ${container}/vmware.log
Should Contain ${output} ${container}/tether.debug
Scrape Logs For the Password
[Tags] secret
${rc}= Run And Return Rc curl -sk %{VIC-ADMIN}/authentication -XPOST -F username=%{TEST_USERNAME} -F password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} -D /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
${rc}= Run And Return Rc curl -sk %{VIC-ADMIN}/logs/port-layer.log -b /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME} | grep -q "%{TEST_PASSWORD}"
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 1
${rc}= Run And Return Rc curl -sk %{VIC-ADMIN}/logs/init.log -b /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME} | grep -q "%{TEST_PASSWORD}"
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 1
${rc}= Run And Return Rc curl -sk %{VIC-ADMIN}/logs/docker-personality.log -b /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME} | grep -q "%{TEST_PASSWORD}"
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 1
${rc}= Run And Return Rc curl -sk %{VIC-ADMIN}/logs/vicadmin.log -b /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME} | grep -q "%{TEST_PASSWORD}"
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 1
Remove File /tmp/cookies-%{VCH-NAME}
Cleanup VIC Appliance On Test Server
Log To Console Gathering logs from the test server %{VCH-NAME}
Gather Logs From Test Server
Log To Console Deleting the VCH appliance %{VCH-NAME}
${output}= Run VIC Machine Delete Command
Run Keyword And Ignore Error Cleanup VCH Bridge Network %{VCH-NAME}
[Return] ${output}
Cleanup VCH Bridge Network
[Arguments] ${name}
Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Run govc host.portgroup.remove ${name}-bridge
${out}= Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Run govc host.portgroup.info
Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Should Not Contain ${out} ${name}-bridge
Cleanup Datastore On Test Server
${out}= Run govc datastore.ls
${items}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${item} IN @{items}
\ ${build}= Split String ${item} -
\ # Skip any item that is not associated with integration tests
\ Continue For Loop If '@{build}[0]' != 'VCH'
\ # Skip any item that is still running
\ ${state}= Get State Of Drone Build @{build}[1]
\ Continue For Loop If '${state}' == 'running'
\ Log To Console Removing the following item from datastore: ${item}
\ ${out}= Run govc datastore.rm ${item}
\ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6x 5s Check Delete Success ${item}
Cleanup Dangling VMs On Test Server
${out}= Run govc ls vm
${vms}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${vm} IN @{vms}
\ ${vm}= Fetch From Right ${vm} /
\ ${build}= Split String ${vm} -
\ # Skip any VM that is not associated with integration tests
\ Continue For Loop If '@{build}[0]' != 'VCH'
\ # Skip any VM that is still running
\ ${state}= Get State Of Drone Build @{build}[1]
\ Continue For Loop If '${state}' == 'running'
\ ${uuid}= Run govc vm.info -json\=true ${vm} | jq -r '.VirtualMachines[0].Config.Uuid'
\ Log To Console Destroying dangling VCH: ${vm}
\ ${rc} ${output}= Run Secret VIC Machine Delete Command ${vm}
\ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6x 5s Check Delete Success ${vm}
Cleanup Dangling Networks On Test Server
${out}= Run govc ls network
${nets}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${net} IN @{nets}
\ ${net}= Fetch From Right ${net} /
\ ${build}= Split String ${net} -
\ # Skip any Network that is not associated with integration tests
\ Continue For Loop If '@{build}[0]' != 'VCH'
\ # Skip any Network that is still running
\ ${state}= Get State Of Drone Build @{build}[1]
\ Continue For Loop If '${state}' == 'running'
\ ${uuid}= Run govc host.portgroup.remove ${net}
Cleanup Dangling vSwitches On Test Server
${out}= Run Keyword If '%{HOST_TYPE}' == 'ESXi' Run govc host.vswitch.info | grep VCH
${nets}= Split To Lines ${out}
:FOR ${net} IN @{nets}
\ ${net}= Fetch From Right ${net} ${SPACE}
\ ${build}= Split String ${net} -
\ # Skip any vSwitch that is not associated with integration tests
\ Continue For Loop If '@{build}[0]' != 'VCH'
\ # Skip any vSwitch that is still running
\ ${state}= Get State Of Drone Build @{build}[1]
\ Continue For Loop If '${state}' == 'running'
\ ${uuid}= Run govc host.vswitch.remove ${net}
Get Scratch Disk From VM Info
[Arguments] ${vm}
${disks}= Run govc vm.info -json ${vm} | jq -r '.VirtualMachines[].Layout.Disk[].DiskFile[]'
${disks}= Split To Lines ${disks}
:FOR ${disk} IN @{disks}
\ ${disk}= Fetch From Right ${disk} ${SPACE}
\ ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${disk} scratch.vmdk
\ Return From Keyword If ${status} ${disk}
Cleanup Dangling Containers On Test Server
${vms}= Run govc ls vm
${vms}= Split To Lines ${vms}
:FOR ${vm} IN @{vms}
\ # Ignore VCH's, we only care about containers at this point
\ ${status}= Run Keyword And Return Status Should Contain ${vm} VCH
\ Continue For Loop If ${status}
\ ${disk}= Get Scratch Disk From VM Info ${vm}
\ ${vch}= Fetch From Left ${disk} /
\ ${vch}= Split String ${vch} -
\ # Skip any VM that is not associated with integration tests
\ Continue For Loop If '@{vch}[0]' != 'VCH'
\ ${state}= Get State Of Drone Build @{vch}[1]
\ # Skip any VM that is still running
\ Continue For Loop If '${state}' == 'running'
\ # Destroy the VM and remove it from datastore because it is a dangling container
\ Log To Console Cleaning up dangling container: ${vm}
\ ${out}= Run govc vm.destroy ${vm}
\ ${name}= Fetch From Right ${vm} /
\ ${out}= Run govc datastore.rm ${name}
\ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6x 5s Check Delete Success ${name}
# VCH upgrade helpers
Install VIC with version to Test Server
[Arguments] ${version}=7315 ${insecureregistry}=
Log To Console \nDownloading vic ${version} from bintray...
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output wget https://bintray.com/vmware/vic-repo/download_file?file_path=vic_${version}.tar.gz -O vic.tar.gz
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output tar zxvf vic.tar.gz
Set Environment Variable TEST_TIMEOUT 20m0s
Install VIC Appliance To Test Server vic-machine=./vic/vic-machine-linux appliance-iso=./vic/appliance.iso bootstrap-iso=./vic/bootstrap.iso certs=${false} vol=default ${insecureregistry}
Set Environment Variable VIC-ADMIN %{VCH-IP}:2378
Set Environment Variable INITIAL-VERSION ${version}
Clean up VIC Appliance And Local Binary
Cleanup VIC Appliance On Test Server
Run rm -rf vic.tar.gz vic
Log To Console \nUpgrading VCH...
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux upgrade --debug 1 --name=%{VCH-NAME} --target=%{TEST_URL} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --force=true --compute-resource=%{TEST_RESOURCE} --timeout %{TEST_TIMEOUT}
Should Contain ${output} Completed successfully
Should Not Contain ${output} Rolling back upgrade
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Check Upgraded Version
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux version
@{vers}= Split String ${output}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux inspect --name=%{VCH-NAME} --target=%{TEST_URL} --thumbprint=%{TEST_THUMBPRINT} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --compute-resource=%{TEST_RESOURCE}
Should Contain ${output} Completed successfully
Should Contain ${output} @{vers}[2]
Should Not Contain ${output} %{INITIAL-VERSION}
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Log ${output}
Get Docker Params ${output} ${true}
Check Original Version
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux version
@{vers}= Split String ${output}
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux inspect --name=%{VCH-NAME} --target=%{TEST_URL} --thumbprint=%{TEST_THUMBPRINT} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --compute-resource=%{TEST_RESOURCE}
Should Contain ${output} Completed successfully
Should Contain ${output} @{vers}[2]
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Log ${output}
Get Docker Params ${output} ${true}
Log To Console \nTesting rollback...
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output bin/vic-machine-linux upgrade --debug 1 --name=%{VCH-NAME} --target=%{TEST_URL} --user=%{TEST_USERNAME} --password=%{TEST_PASSWORD} --force=true --compute-resource=%{TEST_RESOURCE} --timeout %{TEST_TIMEOUT} --rollback
Should Contain ${output} Completed successfully
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Enable VCH SSH
[Arguments] ${vic-machine}=bin/vic-machine-linux ${rootpw}=%{TEST_PASSWORD} ${target}=%{TEST_URL} ${password}=%{TEST_PASSWORD} ${thumbprint}=%{TEST_THUMBPRINT} ${name}=%{VCH-NAME} ${user}=%{TEST_USERNAME} ${resource}=%{TEST_RESOURCE}
Log To Console \nEnable SSH on vch...
${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output ${vic-machine} debug --rootpw ${rootpw} --target ${target} --password ${password} --thumbprint ${thumbprint} --name ${name} --user ${user} --compute-resource ${resource} --enable-ssh
Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} 0
Should Contain ${output} Completed successfully