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// Copyright Project Harbor Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package replication
import (
replicationmodel "github.com/goharbor/harbor/src/controller/replication/model"
// Ctl is a global replication controller instance
var Ctl = NewController()
// Controller defines the operations related with replication
type Controller interface {
// PolicyCount returns the total count of policies according to the query
PolicyCount(ctx context.Context, query *q.Query) (count int64, err error)
// ListPolicies lists the policies according to the query
ListPolicies(ctx context.Context, query *q.Query) (policies []*replicationmodel.Policy, err error)
// GetPolicy gets the specific policy
GetPolicy(ctx context.Context, id int64) (policy *replicationmodel.Policy, err error)
// CreatePolicy creates a policy
CreatePolicy(ctx context.Context, policy *replicationmodel.Policy) (id int64, err error)
// UpdatePolicy updates the specific policy
UpdatePolicy(ctx context.Context, policy *replicationmodel.Policy, props ...string) (err error)
// DeletePolicy deletes the specific policy
DeletePolicy(ctx context.Context, id int64) (err error)
// Start the replication according to the policy
Start(ctx context.Context, policy *replicationmodel.Policy, resource *model.Resource, trigger string) (executionID int64, err error)
// Stop the replication specified by the execution ID
Stop(ctx context.Context, executionID int64) (err error)
// ExecutionCount returns the total count of executions according to the query
ExecutionCount(ctx context.Context, query *q.Query) (count int64, err error)
// ListExecutions lists the executions according to the query
ListExecutions(ctx context.Context, query *q.Query) (executions []*Execution, err error)
// GetExecution gets the specific execution
GetExecution(ctx context.Context, executionID int64) (execution *Execution, err error)
// TaskCount returns the total count of tasks according to the query
TaskCount(ctx context.Context, query *q.Query) (count int64, err error)
// ListTasks lists the tasks according to the query
ListTasks(ctx context.Context, query *q.Query) (tasks []*Task, err error)
// GetTask gets the specific task
GetTask(ctx context.Context, taskID int64) (task *Task, err error)
// GetTaskLog gets the log of the specific task
GetTaskLog(ctx context.Context, taskID int64) (log []byte, err error)
// NewController creates a new instance of the replication controller
func NewController() Controller {
return &controller{
repMgr: replication.Mgr,
execMgr: task.ExecMgr,
taskMgr: task.Mgr,
regMgr: reg.Mgr,
scheduler: scheduler.Sched,
flowCtl: flow.NewController(),
ormCreator: orm.Crt,
wp: lib.NewWorkerPool(10),
type controller struct {
repMgr replication.Manager
execMgr task.ExecutionManager
taskMgr task.Manager
regMgr reg.Manager
scheduler scheduler.Scheduler
flowCtl flow.Controller
ormCreator orm.Creator
wp *lib.WorkerPool
func (c *controller) Start(ctx context.Context, policy *replicationmodel.Policy, resource *model.Resource, trigger string) (int64, error) {
logger := log.GetLogger(ctx)
if !policy.Enabled {
return 0, errors.New(nil).WithCode(errors.PreconditionCode).
WithMessage("the policy %d is disabled", policy.ID)
// create an execution record
extra := make(map[string]interface{})
if op := operator.FromContext(ctx); op != "" {
extra["operator"] = op
id, err := c.execMgr.Create(ctx, job.ReplicationVendorType, policy.ID, trigger, extra)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// start the replication flow in background
// as the process runs inside a goroutine, the transaction in the outer ctx
// may be submitted already when the process starts, so create an new context
// with orm populated to the goroutine
go func() {
defer c.wp.ReleaseWorker()
ctx := orm.NewContext(context.Background(), c.ormCreator.Create())
// recover in case panic during the adapter process
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("recovered from the panic: %v", err)
c.markError(ctx, id, fmt.Errorf("panic during the process"))
// as we start a new transaction in the goroutine, the execution record may not
// be inserted yet, wait until it is ready before continue
if err := retry.Retry(func() error {
_, err := c.execMgr.Get(ctx, id)
return err
}); err != nil {
c.markError(ctx, id, fmt.Errorf(
"failed to wait the execution record to be inserted: %v", err))
err := c.flowCtl.Start(ctx, id, policy, resource)
if err == nil {
// no err, return directly
c.markError(ctx, id, err)
return id, nil
func (c *controller) markError(ctx context.Context, executionID int64, err error) {
logger := log.GetLogger(ctx)
// try to stop the execution first in case that some tasks are already created
if err := c.execMgr.StopAndWait(ctx, executionID, 10*time.Second); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("failed to stop the execution %d: %v", executionID, err)
if err := c.execMgr.MarkError(ctx, executionID, err.Error()); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("failed to mark error for the execution %d: %v", executionID, err)
func (c *controller) Stop(ctx context.Context, id int64) error {
// check whether the replication execution existed
_, err := c.GetExecution(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return err
return c.execMgr.Stop(ctx, id)
func (c *controller) ExecutionCount(ctx context.Context, query *q.Query) (int64, error) {
return c.execMgr.Count(ctx, c.buildExecutionQuery(query))
func (c *controller) ListExecutions(ctx context.Context, query *q.Query) ([]*Execution, error) {
execs, err := c.execMgr.List(ctx, c.buildExecutionQuery(query))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var executions []*Execution
for _, exec := range execs {
executions = append(executions, convertExecution(exec))
return executions, nil
func (c *controller) buildExecutionQuery(query *q.Query) *q.Query {
// as the following logic may change the content of the query, clone it first
query = q.MustClone(query)
query.Keywords["VendorType"] = job.ReplicationVendorType
// convert the query keyword "PolicyID" or "policy_id" to the "VendorID"
if value, exist := query.Keywords["PolicyID"]; exist {
query.Keywords["VendorID"] = value
delete(query.Keywords, "PolicyID")
if value, exist := query.Keywords["policy_id"]; exist {
query.Keywords["VendorID"] = value
delete(query.Keywords, "policy_id")
return query
func (c *controller) GetExecution(ctx context.Context, id int64) (*Execution, error) {
execs, err := c.execMgr.List(ctx, &q.Query{
Keywords: map[string]interface{}{
"ID": id,
"VendorType": job.ReplicationVendorType,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(execs) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New(nil).WithCode(errors.NotFoundCode).
WithMessage("replication execution %d not found", id)
return convertExecution(execs[0]), nil
func (c *controller) TaskCount(ctx context.Context, query *q.Query) (int64, error) {
query = q.MustClone(query)
query.Keywords["VendorType"] = job.ReplicationVendorType
return c.taskMgr.Count(ctx, query)
func (c *controller) ListTasks(ctx context.Context, query *q.Query) ([]*Task, error) {
query = q.MustClone(query)
query.Keywords["VendorType"] = job.ReplicationVendorType
tks, err := c.taskMgr.List(ctx, query)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var tasks []*Task
for _, tk := range tks {
tasks = append(tasks, convertTask(tk))
return tasks, nil
func (c *controller) GetTask(ctx context.Context, id int64) (*Task, error) {
tasks, err := c.taskMgr.List(ctx, &q.Query{
Keywords: map[string]interface{}{
"ID": id,
"VendorType": job.ReplicationVendorType,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(tasks) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New(nil).WithCode(errors.NotFoundCode).
WithMessage("replication task %d not found", id)
return convertTask(tasks[0]), nil
func (c *controller) GetTaskLog(ctx context.Context, id int64) ([]byte, error) {
// make sure the task specified by ID is replication task
_, err := c.GetTask(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return c.taskMgr.GetLog(ctx, id)
func convertExecution(exec *task.Execution) *Execution {
replicationExec := &Execution{
ID: exec.ID,
PolicyID: exec.VendorID,
Status: exec.Status,
StatusMessage: exec.StatusMessage,
Metrics: exec.Metrics,
Trigger: exec.Trigger,
StartTime: exec.StartTime,
EndTime: exec.EndTime,
if operator, ok := exec.ExtraAttrs["operator"].(string); ok {
replicationExec.Operator = operator
return replicationExec
func convertTask(task *task.Task) *Task {
return &Task{
ID: task.ID,
ExecutionID: task.ExecutionID,
Status: task.Status,
StatusMessage: task.StatusMessage,
RunCount: task.RunCount,
ResourceType: task.GetStringFromExtraAttrs("resource_type"),
SourceResource: task.GetStringFromExtraAttrs("source_resource"),
DestinationResource: task.GetStringFromExtraAttrs("destination_resource"),
Operation: task.GetStringFromExtraAttrs("operation"),
JobID: task.JobID,
CreationTime: task.CreationTime,
StartTime: task.StartTime,
UpdateTime: task.UpdateTime,
EndTime: task.EndTime,